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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Success
POEM: A Strange Gift From Smother Earth
I awoke Too the rumble Of a river of cars Getting the goods Being trucked over and over As fuming motorists And fuelish consumers Whirled wide Tank up With great import As their gauges reach emptily A diction Beyond words … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Crude, Economic, Economy, Environment, Environmental, Gift, Humanity, Insanity, Justice, Life, Lifestyle, Military, Mind, Moral, Mother Earth, Nature, Poems, Poet, Poetic Justice, Poetry, Pollution, Silence, Success, Suicide, Sustainable
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POEM: For Shadowing a Life
She had saved So much time and money Only leaving Too much too due A well honed busyness Yielding the best of the bust A treasured chest In hard times aplenty Never the less Predictably taking A rugged helm In … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abyss, America, Busyness, Choices, Cynical, Death, Defense, Denial, Evil, Family, Fear, Freedom, Gandhi, Harmony, Hate, Human Nature, Humanist, Humanity, Image, Ironic, Jesus, Job, Labor, Life, Logic, Love, Money, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Possessions, Present, Proverb, State, Success, Time, Transcendent, Trust, Universe, Vocation, Wealth, Work
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POEM: Know Knead to Brink
I live at the fringes At the boundary of what is and what could be Sow playful a lure At the threshold of what might not be and what should be Seriously brewed At the edge of the abyss I … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abyss, Anxiety, Awe, Beautiful, Change, Chaos, Community, Control, Courage, Creation, Enemies, Experience, Facts, Fear, Gandhi, God, Grace, Gratitude, Harmony, Heart, Hypocrisy, Integrity, Life, Love, Meaning, Moral, Nature, Nihilism, Poems, Poetry, Power, Present, Punishment, Reality, Rules, Sociopathy, Subjectivity, Success, Transcendent
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POEM: Wage Slave Be Free
I am not a wage slave I am free And worth every penny This week, I celebrated 10 years free from wage slavery! My ensuing poverty has been a small price to pay for this freedom. I am the richest … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Change, Climate Change, Diminishing Returns, Economic, Employment, Environment, Experience, Freedom, Happiness, History, Income, Job, Jobs, Labor, Life, Lifestyle, Living Simply, Money, Poems, Poetry, Poverty, Power, Productivity, Rich, Short Poems, Slavery, Success, Sustainable, Western Civilization, Work
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POEM: Model Citizen
Rowan was a model citizen One-eighth scale Painstakingly posed With animating make up Almost lifelike This short poem, “Model Citizen,” is a reflection on the life-like which should only be mistaken for life at one’s own peril — or, in … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Business, Change, Citizens, Citizenship, Cliche, Common Good, Community, Consumption, Culture, Death, Democracy, Economy, Elite, Evil, Gandhi, Illusions, Life, Market, Modern, Nature, Play, Plutocracy, Poems, Poetry, Political, Poor, Power, Powers that be, Progress, Proprietary, Reality, Religious, Resistance, Rich, Risk, Short Poems, Society, Status, Status Quo, Success, Sustainable, Western Civilization
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POEM: Evolution of a Writer
Evolution of a Writer You have evolved into quite a writer Could you write something for my company? He solicited Presumably thinking I was still into monkey business Not even grasping I was clearly out of my tree This poem … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Business, Commercial, Compromise, Creativity, Darwin, Depression, Evolution, Experience, Facts, Freedom, Future, Humanity, Inspiration, Ironic, Job, Joy, Life, Logic, Market, Materialist, Meaning, Money, Nature, Passion, Philosophy, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Power, Present, Questions, Reality, Science, Scientific Reductionism, Sex, Simplicity, Society, Spiritual, Spirituality, Subjectivity, Success, Transcendent, Truth, Vocation, Work, Worldview
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POEM: The Game of Life
One day I realized The game of life And going back In the box Only to find The rules had been lost Long a go And still The game goes on This short poem plays with the notion that life … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Ancient, Attitude, Authority, Awe, Buddhism, Change, Character, China, Consciousness, Courage, Creativity, Evil, Experience, Failure, Faith, Foolish, Freedom, God, Greed, Hate, Hope, Humor, Hypocrisy, Idealism, Insanity, Institutionalize, Irreverence, Joy, Life, Love, Militarism, Mind, Modern, Obedience, Pacifism, Play, Playfulness, Political, President, Psychology, Questioning, Rage, Reality, Religion, Religious, Respect, Reverence, Rhetoric, Rich, Rules, Sacred, Sincerity, Spiritual, Spirituality, Status, Success, Truth, Universe, Utopia, Violence, War, Willingness, Wisdom, Zen
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POEM: Impartiality
Judge Stamper was renown For his impartiality Still thinking Nothing of Preferring Stepping on others Rather than being stepped upon A justice so becoming A courting to a void Deputizing peons Siding with minute ordnances Backed up by deferential canons … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Crime, Criminal Justice System, Evil, Experience, Generosity, Impersonal, Injustice, Justice, Legalism, Modern, Nazi, Objectivity, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Prison, Punishment, Reality, Responsibility, Rich, Rules, Society, State, Success, Truth, War, War Crimes, Western Civilization
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POEM: Compassion Hoard
I may not have bread And I can afford justice My feet may be bare And still I have wings unseen A fly on the wall Reflecting on wear thou art I cons A mass Pining for eternity I see … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Awe, Christian, Compassion, Control, Dream, Dreams, Experience, Faith, Fear, Food, Future, Generosity, God, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Injustice, Ironic, Irony, Journey, Joy, Justice, Love, Meaning, Mercy, Mind, Mystery, Passion, Patience, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Poor, Power, Present, Prison, Religion, Religious, Rich, Sacred, Silence, Songs, Status, Success, Time, Wealth
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POEM: Different Game
Sorry, I don’t have any bargaining chips I’m playing a different game Most of the rules that we live by are not part of our everyday consciousness. Our working assumptions become just part of the background. Much of Western civilization … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Capitalism, Compassion, Consciousness, Experience, Heart, Humor, Ironic, Joy, Life, Loss, Monetize, Play, Poems, Poetry, Rules, Short Poems, Success, Values, Western Civilization
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POEM: Success Can Be Trying
She was not a success Nor was she even a failure For failure has a prerequisite Trying Not reaching The successful cobble The stones of failure So becoming The rode integral Too success Finding that success can be trying The … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Balance, Creativity, Diminishing Returns, Experience, Failure, Lazy, Learning, Liberal, Life, Market, Patience, Perspective, Play, Poems, Poetry, Short Poems, Success, Time, Virtue, Western Civilization, Wisdom, Work
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POEM: Efficiency Expert
The efficiency expert asked me How many poems can I write Per hour Well, if I only Had but one hour I would guess a singular poem Western civilization seems obsessed with efficiency. Of course, high efficiency is no guarantee … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Blessed, Courage, Dream, Efficiency, God, Hope, Humor, Integrity, Joke, Joy, Life, Love, Mind, Modern, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Scientific Reductionism, Short Poems, Success, Thoreau, Time, Trust, Western Civilization
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, Ancient, Art, Authorities, Authority, Awareness, Bible, Blessed, Blessing, budgets, Capitalism, Change, Character, Children, Christian, Church, Civil Rights, Classism, Common Good, Community, Compassion, Competition, Conscience, Consumerism, Control, Conundrum, Conventional Wisdom, Creation, Creativity, Death, Defense, Denial, Domestic Violence, Domination, Dream, Economic, Egalitarian, Enemies, Equality, Evil, Facts, Failure, Faith, Family, Fear, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Future, Gender, Gift, God, government, Grace, Greed, Harmony, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Hell, History, Holy, Hope, Hospitality, Human Rights, Humanity, Humility, Idolatry, Image, Immorality, Impersonal, Incarnation, Inequality, Injustice, Intimacy, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Journey, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Labor, Law, leadership, Life, Logic, Loss, Love, Market, Materialism, Meaning, Mercy, Militarism, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, Moral, Morality, Nationalism, Nature, Nonviolence, Patience, Patriarchy, Patriotism, Perspective, Philosophy, Piety, Political, Politics, Poor, Possessions, Power, Powers that be, Prayer, Present, Prison, Privilege, Prophet, Questioning, Questions, Racism, Radical, Rage, Reality, Reconciliation, Relationships, Religious, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Science, Security, Sexism, Society, Solidarity, Songs, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Stewardship, Success, Suffering, Temptation, Theology, Time, Toledo, Truth, Unity, Unjust Laws, Values, Violence, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Wisdom, Work, Worship
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Occupy Wall Street Buttons
I am finally uploaded a new batch of Occupy Wall Street designs. This batch of 125 political designs is mostly Occupy Wall Street designs, but there are also a large series of “stop socialism” designs, a large series of Fox … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News
Tagged Advertising, African American, America, Anarchism, Big Brother, Business, Buttons-Pins, Capitalism, Change, Chaos, Class Warfare, Community, Compassion, Congress, Constitution, Consumption, cool design, Corporate Personhood, Corruption, Crime, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Democracy, Democrat, Dream, Dreams, Economy, Education, Elections, Environmental, Evolution, Facts, First Amendment, Food, Fox News, Free Speech, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Funny, Future, Gandhi, God, GOP, government, Greed, Heart, Hell, Human Race, Illegal, Jesus, Jobs, Liberal, Life, Love, Medicare, Military, Mind, Money, National, Normal, Nuclear Power, Occupy Wall Street, Parodies, Police, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Postal Service, Poverty, Power, Protesters, Questions, Reality, Religion, Republican, Responsibility, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Security, Silence, Slavery, Social Security, Socialism, State, Success, taxes, Tea Party, Time, Titanic, Top Pun, Trust, Truth, Vegetarianism, Violence, Wall Street, Wall Street Bull, War, Welfare, Work, Xenophobia
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Julia Bates Retirement Party, Mock Award
Today a few dozen people descended upon the Lucas County Courthouse in downtown Toledo, Ohio, to wish Lucas County Persecutor Julia Bates a happy retirement and demand justice for Danny Brown. Occupy Toledo had a cake, party hats, noisemakers, and … Continue reading
Posted in News, Political Action
Tagged Creativity, Crime, Danny Brown, Direct Democracy, Events, Farce, Funny, Injustice, Justice, Law, Meaning, Mock, Money, Moral, Murder, National, Occupy Toledo, Patience, Police, Political, Present, President, Prison, Protesters, Protests, Success, Toledo, Trust
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Will Work for Change
Will Work for Change-POLITICAL BUTTON Will Work for Change-POLITICAL BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, key chains, magnets, posters, and sticker sheets can be accessed … Continue reading →