Tag Archives: Proprietary

POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: Promedica My Ass — Owed To Branding

Logos used Too mean Know ledge Like that age owed ad vice Would you jump off a bridge If every won ails did As in sayin’ Bye your good will As money oozes from the non-prophet, health care (sic) system … Continue reading

Posted in About Top Pun, Funny Poems, Health, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

POEM: Shown Up

The last time He punched A time clock It was time to stop A feudal gesture Accept that It got him fired Up to his passions Eyes wide open After halving it awe And feeling dread In the mirror mourning … Continue reading

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POEM: Model Citizen

Rowan was a model citizen One-eighth scale Painstakingly posed With animating make up Almost lifelike This short poem, “Model Citizen,” is a reflection on the life-like which should only be mistaken for life at one’s own peril — or, in … Continue reading

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POEM: Pseudoscience

After a cursory perusal Of your uncorroborated facts In your unverified application We are pleased to accept The donation of your brain To pseudoscience The great thing about donating your brain to pseudoscience is that such brains are largely unused.  … Continue reading

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POEM: Jumping From The Ledger

Rejoin the rat race And all that chasten Daring to make A rodent in the machine Which is all the rage The bounty on your ahead A golden hamster wheel Retard after 50 years Left dumb Lips pursed For so … Continue reading

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Feeling Clean and Safe in Downtown Toledo

Last Friday, while making a sweep of sign posting for Occupy Toledo, I had an encounter with the Clean and Safe Patrol.  Apparently, the Clean and Safe Patrol is an arm of the Downtown Toledo Improvement District, Inc., a 38 … Continue reading

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