Tag Archives: Evil

POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: Rat Race Religion

This poem is a meditation on the banality of evil that arises from good people doing nothing when it comes knocking at their doorstep. This accomplice-ment is aided by a blinding enmeshment in a rat race offering, justification for ignoring … Continue reading

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POEM: Get Over It

We are a far cry from Patrick Henry’s infamous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” which highlights one’s ultimate willingness to put all of your skin in the game. Today’s cry is more of a whine, “Give me … Continue reading

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POEM: Dis Quieting Genocide

Talking about US complicit in genocide may be uncomfortable, even a bit traumatic. Still, such discussions have miniscule chances of approximating the horrors of genocide itself. Dis Quieting Genocide It was a bad day for propriety A revolting day for … Continue reading

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POEM: Blessed Be Our Creator (Not There’s)

In times of war or national revenge, demonization of one’s foes is standard operating procedure, necessary for justifying mass killing and destruction of civilian infrastructure, let alone civilians. This hole affair is all the more disgusting when it is dressed … Continue reading

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POEM: Con Tending With Not Sees

While it may be musing to wonder what if there were no hypothetical questions, Nazi Germany has thrown up countless real-life scenarios to curdle your soul. The scenario referenced in this poem is taken from the movie, Nine Days, where … Continue reading

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POEM: The Devil Made Me – Due It

Here is a poem about one of my longstanding pet peeves, the moral laziness of “necessary” evil. Evil happens. Evil is unavoidable. Still, if evil is an ethical choice made by moral agents, it cannot be necessary. None the less, … Continue reading

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POEM: Passing On Death

The massacre of 11 congregants at Tree of Life synagogue was the worst anti-Semitic hate crime in modern America. Today, a jury decided that the convicted Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooter is eligible for the death penalty.  The trial will now … Continue reading

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POEM: Iraq and a Hard Place

This poem tells a story — a story of patriotic fervor in slaughtering America’s foes. This story was told to me by a retired Grumman engineer, a literal rocket scientist and career military-industrialist. His story was prefaced by a glorious … Continue reading

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POEM: What Gives? Owed to Mutually Assured Destruction

This poem was inspired by a recent conversation with an apologist for the Cold War doctrine of mutually assured destruction, infamously known as MAD. I am not a fan of so-called “necessary evil”; if evil is necessary, then it is … Continue reading

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POEM: Loyalty Oafs

Loyalty Oafs Loyalty oafs Would halve you Believe In idol vanity Sowing their wiled oaths AWOL keeping us a part With litmus tests In a whirled of acid And base Brands that burn And scar us In too submission Not … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: God is Love (with asterisk)

God is love. Period. In case you were wondering what the fine print says: it’s the Sermon on the Mount (below). I wanted the primary meaning of this poster to address and challenge the notion that God’s love has a … Continue reading

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POEM: A Dubiously Fresh Pickle

They effaced a moral dilemma Support human rights Or economic favor A dubiously fresh pickle In a blue moon That hoary question Of prophets verses Profits And what they seed Their lukewarm revelation Hallowing out What we may no Knot … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Health, News, Peace, Peace Signs, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Free Anti-Trump Poster: Tweet at MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Military Parade – “MISHUN ACCOMPLICED!! Plans layed for World War 3. Expect BIGGEST WIN EVER!!! Can’t start celebating early enough. Will see which enema gets my furry first.”

Prez Donald Trump wanting a military parade is perhaps one of the clearest signals of his shallow, narcissistic, authoritarian bullying. He may start World War 3 in a vain attempt to assuage his dark insecurities. The Don pushes the surreal … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Jesus breaks silence on Senate candidate Roy Moore Just Saying NO Moore

What sexual predator would Jesus support to hold the keys of public trust?  It’s time to say “NO more!” In the current case of Senate candidate Roy Moore, it’s time to say “NO Moore!” American so-called Christians have been practicing … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Republican Leaders Gather To Celebrate Their Tax Scam

The coalition of deplorables known as the Republican leadership are celebrating the careening success of their ill-considered, hypocritical, and mean-spirited tax scam.  Now, perhaps the only hope for sane Americans is that GOP leaders will stumble over themselves in their … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Who Would Jesus Masturbate In Front Of? American Evangelical Apologists for Sexual Predation Reach a New Low . . . And Keep Reaching

I am sickened by American evangelical so-called Christians serving as apologists for sexual predation.  There is a seriously dark evil engulfing Christians who profess conservative sexual morality and also serve as the first line of defense of sexual predators, whether … Continue reading

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POEM: Devil’s Advocate

He was invited too serve As devil’s advocate But he prudently recognized That the job was utterly filled Declining the precipitous prize And elevated gratuitousness At one point or another, we are each tempted to take up, the downside of an … Continue reading

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POEM: Hell In A Handbasket

I would rather live… In a trailer That proverbial mobile homme Seeing stars when roofs are razed And nothing but realty at my back As awe of creation is present As I am Looked down upon Wading patiently fore that … Continue reading

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