Tag Archives: Injustice

POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: That Clarity Amidst Blood

That Clarity Amidst Blood The tides of change are rising From a tsunami of tears The salt of the earth Uniting with water The solution that is life That clarity amidst blood And where souls hit the street Awash with … Continue reading

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INAUGURAL Public Health Radio Show on WAKT, 106.1 FM Toledo — Just For The Health of It: Medicare For All and Toledo Democracy Day

After years in the waiting and making, I am proud to announce the inaugural show of my public health radio show, Just for the Health of It,  on WAKT, 106.1 FM Toledo (ToledoRadio.org). Just for the Health of It brings you new … Continue reading

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FUNNY POEM: Weight Fore It

In the dark Weight fore it There it is That singular smile Making light Of everything Taking a twinkle Over Awe the whirled As never Settling for number one Even as wading for it On and on As inevitable As … Continue reading

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Toledo Democracy Day Testimony: Focus on Racism, White Supremacy

Below is the testimony I delivered today before Toledo City Council, or rather the three council members who showed up.  The mayor also showed up for part of the testimony. Democracy Day Testimony March 5, 2018 Hi, my name is … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Heir Conditioning

As things went south South goes north Truly Global warning is real There is an arising From the fires in bellies And home fires burning In efface of doors closed Windows open Those crazy few Committed Those sober many Just … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: In Daze Not To Follow

The plantation had fallen Into this repair As fore many Present Work Over and above The well, known Used Too deep scars And familiar ditches dug Subject to an other privilege However bound Too knew found freedom And worldwide travails … Continue reading

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POEM: Of Coarseness

Don’t put won over me F every won Flunk sexism Flunk racism Flunk classism Flunk nationalism And sow on And sow on In effability Of coarse They say Vulgarity vulgarity Every ware I look In just US The capital of … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Buy Partisan Ship

If you knot for me You agin Me Oh my They would halve US Believe In a New York minute Weather 60 second ads Or master debating in public For ours To won party Or buy partisan ship That teeming … Continue reading

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POEM: Mad Happy

Well I never Happy to be mad Mad too be happy This might be crazy That maybe fitting Ante this and ante that Given fighting chance And unbelievable odds Of uncounted to won Beat up and up beat Pleased as … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Among Politicians For Sail

In the art of politics We are the wind Awe that madders To those who sea Among politicians for sail Transcending them to helm In their infernal riggings And whatever weigh As such politics Blows And how ever along winded … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Pick You’re Genocide

Pick You’re genocide Won side or the other Gun to head Ahead to gun Aliens pervade our atmosphere As whirled wore thee Restless natives no so slight Wear homieland security rules Redcoats and bluecoats Everyday cover ups Of fuzz overruling … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Incremental Change, Heads Up!

This free political poster posits that the conventional wisdom of incremental change can be lethal to paradigm shifts needed for humanity to evolve to the next level. Devotees of incremental change may view death by degrees as safer, or at least … Continue reading

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POEM: Flowing Inevitably Threw Us

Our hearts were broke A cache sow, well, spent In solvent In life Long Yearnings Teaming tsunamis of solidarity Of the largesse kind Poor Over us Torn as under A heavy wait Pre-seeding A compelling yield As if Some bank … Continue reading

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POEM: Until Hell Frees Us

Be very frayed Terrorism comes From know where Deep in the recesses Of kindergarten bullying Capital vocations And martial lawlessness Awe rapped up in won’s highest I deal Those unspeakable prophets In security Detained indefinitely Until hell frees us Ever … Continue reading

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POEM: The Yeast Of These

Wile there is much bred Daily preyed for Ample for awe concerned That seemingly still Fomenting swell times A mist repleting agin and agin In dubitable motifs Giving ascent to That for most ingredient A telling signature of homme The … Continue reading

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POEM: The Next Best President

Victory lies In the wanton To be a sitting president Existentially unable to take a stand As a wizard behind the bully pulpit Meaning only Curtains for US A commandeered In chief smitten Buy the status qouteth Juggling interest In … Continue reading

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POEM: Liberal Mined Violent

Some liberal mined violent Call up on pacifists To condemn a brand of violence To wit They object Ultimately subjected To accost Without benefit analysis Coming efface to efface With realty And a sorted loved wons Unwilling to accede where … Continue reading

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POEM: Joining That Mystical Union

Having Evolved Too keep Every last won Of this sophisticated specious Under opposable thumbs Like a perch In a stream of consciousness Executing my porpoise The best I can do A thwart on the phase of humanity This avowing That … Continue reading

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POEM: What If Everybody Did That?

Such sophistry Firmly on the bench But What if Everybody did that Judging propriety Smudging property An intolerable act My conscience He decreed Must fall Into line With Kant Where every reason Reduced to rant It’s the leash they can … Continue reading

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