POEM: What Can Save US?

Making anti-fascism great again is a life well spent.

What Can Save US?

What can save US
In the dawn of mourning
At high noon
Or the mettle of the night
Hanging on for deer life
In the king’s forced
Retreating into cavemen manor
A fool frontal assault
To gather behind
The genus of general strike
And the uniting of thousands of others
As sound judgments
What might you due
To show the weigh
Perhaps awe of the above
Is the hole greater than
Sum of each
Whatever that might be
You embrace
It’s awe attest
As you
Sow affirm till the end
How ever
Long the weigh
Saving nothing
Well spent

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POEM: Sow Over it

When experiencing brutally disruptive forces, even violently traumatic forces, it can seem nearly impossible to sow creative, life-building seeds needed to grow a better future. I suspect that one of the reasons why violence “works” is that it is a powerful invitation to its victims to contract their vision, typically leaning into terms and perspectives desired and defined by perpetrators, rather than expanding won’s vision beyond violence. May we transcend the shit thrown at us.

Sow Over it

The shit hit the fan
Wince again
Only what life
Time flies
The scion of lies
A tract to crapping out
Wresting in cruel fete
As see of it
That small voice
From heavin’ above
Bids us here
Take a look see
Fertile eyes
Sow over it

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POEM: As Rorschach Attest

The current political shit-show seems to be a Rorschach test for every right-winger and white-wringer to project their darkest ambitions.

As Rorschach Attest

Does this ass make our country look big?
Shit to the limit
Closely abutting throttling
To what end
A banned width
Crowding out others
Of each and every kind
By sum fecund distraction
Not with standing
Butt by living by breadth alone
A grave shallowness
Immune to depth charges
And with awe the sucking up
No oxygen
To be had
As ape X-predator
Extincting to high heaven
Weather T-rex or T-rump
The only won that madders
Is but a stain
Under wear
As Rorschach attest
Ample means
For our foulest projections

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POEM: In the Twinkle of an I

I love that sparkle in your eye, awe the time.

In the Twinkle of an I

That far away
Sow near
At that starry
Look into my I’s
Picking up
Glitter everywhere
Weather barely a flash
Blinding flare
Or soully a spark
For awe that wood be
As life goes bye
Scintillate into the night
Glow in peace
With rare blinking
Awe ways twinkling

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POEM: Barn Dominion – Owed to Luke 12:16-21

A while back, I heard for the first time the term, “barndominium,” as a barn or storage facility on the first floor and housing on the second floor. Also, the term refers to the housing as “extra” housing, not a primary residence. In the case I heard, it was for boat storage and extra housing for when the kids or other guests visited. Of coarse, such an outhouse is subject to a commensurate amount of bullshit. There is a saying, “Eat, drink, and be merry,” which sometimes appends something to the effect of life being short. The popular wisdom in this usually connotes, “Enjoy life, it’s short.” The original aphorism is from the Bible, and its admonition has the exact opposite meaning: Don’t be seduced by worldly wealth for one’s own purpose when the world offers rich opportunities to do God’s work in an often unjust and merciless world. This poem is my take on this original scripture and meaning.

Barn Dominion – Owed to Luke 12:16-21

And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:16-21 (NIV)

He thought too himself
I have
So so much
What am I
Too due
For me and mine
And how sow
Billed a barn
I’ing the prize
Cache for owed age
A tenuous spell
As money pact
A dicey bargain
With grave ends
Take life
Eat, drink, and be merry
Tabling banquets
That fit
Fore heaven
The juice of strange fruits
Preparing rapturous receptions
With fooled for the gods
Fleeced by unshared fetes
As wolves in sheep’s clothing
Their soul refrain
Their see’d
Look at
Jōb creators
Meting their maker
The lease of these
And awe that was ever axed
Turned out
To be a lode of crop
As foolish as conceivable accede
Temped by a bettor weigh
As faith lies
To what
Could have
Sow, sow much

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POEM: Life Pros

Life begins at dreams. May we join together and guard each other’s dreams as life itself.

Life Pros

They congregated awe of their dreams
Into a majestic mass
Vowing to guard
Each other’s
Their sacred mission
To never abort
That awe embracing berth of life
Getting together
Creating as one
Living with all kinds

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Elon MUSK – The Stench of Wealth – Not Just, For Men

Elon Musk does not pass the smell test. Here is won a bout dullards and scents:

“Elon MUSK – The Stench of Wealth – Not Just, For Men”

Elon MUSK - The Stench of Wealth - Not Just, For Men

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POEM: A Warming to Others

Don’t let the haters get you down…

A Warming to Others

To be
Sow easily pleased
Round every corner
Each smile stone
In life
Quiet a few
Taking your presents
As a warming
To others
In couraging
Cheers to awe

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POEM: Reigning Cats and Dogs

God raining good things on the unjust has more to do about abundant mercy than justice somehow thwarted. God’s mercy does not get in the way of justice. Please feel free to act justly, even sow.

Reigning Cats and Dogs

The sky cries
On the unjust
And just
Cats and dogs
And every mortal kind
Awe that is mist
And varily
Precipitating hail
As coldly borne
In some spitting image
Weather cleansing shower
Or dam flood
Down poor
Or life flush
On balance
Know madder how dry
In the foolness of time
Our cherry-picking nature demands
You going
Too due

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POEM: Getting It

Don’t be a tool.

Getting It

For every problem
There is a tool
Devil made™
His pitch
When you get
To the fork
In the road
Take it

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POEM: O Pose, Such Ruling Class

There will be peasant days to come.

O Pose, Such Ruling Class

I have been tolled
That resistance is feudal
By the pauper authorities
Vested in me
I resist
Measured up
Bye rulers of all stripes
How ever be little
Or souled short
I with stand
In a land of equals
Peering into the future

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POEM: All Consuming Tax

This poem suggests that tariffs may be wreckless, as a consumption tax, as they may help save the planet from US over consumption.

All Consuming Tax

Breaking news:
The levies are being billed
By the fodder of awe walls
The duty of all Americans
As axed for buy an election
To raze prices
And as so many no
Everything is big in taxes
Won policy to rule them all
Striking working people
And the rich simply spared
Yet, undercover of knight
Such in firmness
And dis-ease
Deeply stated
As socialists drug
Succors and loosers
How ever klan-destine-ly
Dropping balms
On a dying world
US suffering from consumption
TB or not TB
Such an existential question
On efface if it wrecked-ify
Our awe consuming culture
Surreptitiously saving
Our plan it

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POEM: A Penthouse Look Out

I have long sought to live a life close to the ground. I am mystified why so many ambitions take so many way over their head, and this is typically called success, or at least successful ambition. My advice: if you see a penthouse, look out.

A Penthouse Look Out

They strove to rise
So far
Way over their head
A penthouse
Look out
A top
Having bought it
That spin
Seeming smiles high
I, for won
Prefer my feet
On the ground

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POEM: Mote of Sand

It’s awe there, write in front of you.

Mote of Sand

“To see a world in a grain of sand” – William Blake

I seed
The hole world
In a mote of sand
In a stellar case
Of reveres engineering
Dammed well intuit
Every present cascades
For awe those pour in spirit
Insighting won’s riot mind
Every perspective just a positioned
With each and every inner relationship
Everything pain homage to everything ails
And still
Drunk on beauty
Such a lure
In is capable
As out her loveliness
That you verse
Subject to awe
That is possible
And immanent
And however mine
Possessed by awe

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POEM: Whacky Wisdom

One of my favorite sayings in response to absurd, specious logic is: “Just because you can learn something from being whacked in the face with a two-by-four doesn’t mean that you should whack someone in the face with a two-by-four.” This is often in response to the myriad of ways the world adopts punishment as a way to control people, as if this is some highly evolved living. This is particularly relevant when such punishing measures are taken with a veneer of rehabilitating or “fixing” others when wisdom gained in punishing times is typically despite the punishment, not because of it. My view is that life is punishing enough; we don’t need to add more. This poem is an ode to such punishing logic.

Whacky Wisdom

The man witnessed
Someone hit in the face
By a two-by-four
Who learned an epic lessen
Despite the lop-sided payin’
And what did the man take away
From this con sequence
And vane contusion
Some whacky wisdom
That hitting someone in the face
With a two-by-four
Such an inciteful rule
Is some kind
Of judicious notion

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POEM: On Call

It’s not unusual for me to write poems in the middle of the night or very early in the morning, and then go back to bed. Plus, I have never been a morning person. So, when I roll out of bed may strike some people as a bit late. This poem is an ode to finishing my days work before I even get out of bed for the day.

On Call

How do you roll
In the mettle of the mourning
From bunk to what is called
Work, work, work
A greed
Sow late in the day
Awe ready
Having ridden
More than won poem
Fore the sun even daring
To show its face
And if that doesn’t make cents
You can stick it
Wear the sun don’t shine

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POEM: Jesus Sends His Disregards

Our posedly “Christian” nation pays far more attention to profits than prophets.

Jesus Sends His Disregards

The hungry
The homeless
The sick
The stranger in our land
The prisoner
I met Jesus
He sends his disregards
You have
Done with these

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POEM: The Hermit

Some solitary people discover that being, invisible to others, can be a superpower.

The Hermit

The hermit lives
In awe kinds
Of whether
Full of grays alone
Clear to the heavens
Son of the fodder
Of vague rumors and unseemly gossip
Maps without legends
And then some
Many wonderings
Of weather living
In a backwoods shack
In a small house on the edge of town
In a grungy apartment in the city
In a cave atop a mountain
Awe the same
And yet holy deferent

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POEMS: Walls Crack Me Up

Water is  life. Water typically flows freely, but when polar-ized conditions set in, water can crack even the most Sisyphean stone eventually to dust.

Walls Crack Me Up

The wall face
Gives weigh to cracks
From which water flows
The mortar of life
From which mountains return to
That vast see
From which awe
Dust arise

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POEM: The Dark Aside

The dark psyche of America has risen its ugly ahead. May we awe be living in disinfecting sunshine.

The Dark Aside

Welcome to the dark aside
Shrouding starry infernos by night
And anything of substance casting
Shadow by day
And peerless timing
At high noon
Where the shadow
Is at the bottom of our soles
Its revealing feat
Weather epic or mundane
Too tend to the deference between
Cool respite or infernal shadiness
The beguiling plays of obscure figuring
Teeming with inclinations
Known by many angles
Meting the worst of awe
I’m morality
Casting aside
Awe others

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