Tag Archives: Character

POEM: The Age of Know Surprise

This poem is a tribute to the kerfuffle of President and candidate Biden’s recent debate performance. If I were to pick an alter-ego other than “Top Pun,” on some days I might choose “Cassandra” the Greek mythological character fated to … Continue reading

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POEM: Giant Chain of Keys

This poem is a tribute to won of the keys of life, that is that the journey is more important than the destination. On a more earnest note, may integrity and honesty make a comfortable home in your character. On … Continue reading

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POEM: Destiny is as Character Duhs

Far too often it seems that cheaters and brutes win the day, and honest and kind folks get the short end of the stick. This poem is a meditation reminding myself that character, whether good or bad, and whether of … Continue reading

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POEM: The Hole In My Well — Being

This poem is a playful testament to the wellspring of nature, both of the natural world which makes our life possible and the human spirit which has the potential to uplift life and awe creation. Of course, there is an … Continue reading

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POEM: Fallen, For It

This poem is an ode to hubris, perhaps the greatest enemy to our collective lives. The largest hubris of all is leaning into hubris as a character asset. The Tower of Babel will fall, as well as every version of … Continue reading

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POEM: Political I con

Here is some poetic justice for Donald Trump, aka The Don, an unworthy political icon. May we learn from his massive cautionary tail. Political I con From Fifth Avenue He shot Too star dumb All tolled Knot exactly a reality … Continue reading

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Supreme Court Nominee POEM: Ostensible Merit, Garland

Ostensible Merit, Garland Senate Republicans bemoan We can’t Ford No delay We just Long to confirm As weave past attest Merit Garland This poem is my owed to Senate Republicans’ stellar hypocrisy, in this case regarding confirming Supreme Court nominees. … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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ANTI-TRUMP POSTER: Pornstar Stormy Daniels in Big Payoff and Nondisclosure Agreement for Short Sexual Encounter with Donald Trump

Alleged super deal-maker Donald Trump apparently has to pay for sex and pay for covering up that he paid for sex. A prurient public may be curious whether he pays by the minute or the inch, but whether his payoffs … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Senate Intelligence Committee Disbands After Finding None

Intelligence does not equal wisdom. The Senate Intelligence Committee uses the term “intelligence” in reference to the dozen or so official agencies that function as covert gatherers of information about potential enemies, which means virtually everyone on the planet, and … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Jesus breaks silence on Senate candidate Roy Moore Just Saying NO Moore

What sexual predator would Jesus support to hold the keys of public trust?  It’s time to say “NO more!” In the current case of Senate candidate Roy Moore, it’s time to say “NO Moore!” American so-called Christians have been practicing … Continue reading

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Anti Donald Trump POEM: Wear The Truth of Donald Trump Lies

For Mexico Donald Trump lies to the north and south For North Korea Donald Trump lies to the east and west For Venezuela Donald Trump lies to the north and south For Iran Donald Trump lies to the east and … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Fighting Exclusively

It was his thing Fighting exclusively Battles he could win His crowning I deal Never finding himself On-the-cide of losers Whirled why’d Naught ails But win Filling his sales Whatever He could bye A captain of destiny In habiting the … Continue reading

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HAPPINESS: Hedonic Happiness Versus Meaningful Happiness

I have long been interested in happiness and happiness research.  I recently stumbled across one of the most fascinating scientific articles of any kind that I have read in recent years: Some Key Differences Between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life. … Continue reading

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POEM: Reject

They took out a social contract On her In what might as well be Too her Too be As good As dead From their point of you Her response sow questionable If it’s awe the same Too you I’ll strike … Continue reading

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FREE Anti-Trump Poster: RUMP FENCE — Make America Grate Again

Here is yet another free Anti-Trump poster: RUMP FENCE — Make America Grate Again.  Donald Trump has chosen his president of vice, Michael Pence.  This set up yet another possible wordplay for this free poster, graffiti wordplay.  There is no … Continue reading

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POEM: The Curator

I am The curator Of your infinite beauty Privy to collections timeless And in real time Streaming glorious tributaries To the art of who you are This is a poem about the glorious privilege in close relationships of having unique … Continue reading

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POEM: Another Martyr Bides The Dust

Another martyr bides the dust And I was a stray Beside myself In the fog Of yet another mourning The missed over my heart Feeling only that ephemeral beaten The wait on my brain Fueled into thinking of the dread … Continue reading

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POEM: Nazi Murder Trials, 1963

Courting the truth Their stories were tolled Not simply for just us But for awe of them Beyond monumental To re-member A broken body politic This poem was inspired by the 2015 German movie, Labyrinth of Lies, about a young … Continue reading

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POEM: Life As A Breeze

Life peers to me As a gentle breeze With fragrant harmonies In the tenderest victories Know longer bought a bout by yielding hope Prospecting in rock Dead set, vane certainties Or coarse inclinations While a sole breath moves through me … Continue reading

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