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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Future
POEM: The Age of Know Surprise
This poem is a tribute to the kerfuffle of President and candidate Biden’s recent debate performance. If I were to pick an alter-ego other than “Top Pun,” on some days I might choose “Cassandra” the Greek mythological character fated to … Continue reading
POEM: On Sand They Billed
“Building on a foundation of sand” is an ancient cautionary metaphor that our modern, so-called civilization often seems to run over roughshod. Literally jumping from one unsustainable practice to the next unsustainable practice often seems like a fair characterization of … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Ancient, Capitalism, Future, Logic, Modern
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POEM: The Weigh of Our Great Grandchildren
This poem employs the metaphor of using irresponsible and unsustainable credit that must be paid by future generations. Externalizing the true costs from the present sticker price of our way of life by ignoring environmental costs incurred by fossil fuels … Continue reading
POEM: The Weigh Forward
This poem is about moving forward into the future, looking up, not looking down, living holistically, not partial to tribalism. The Weigh Forward Awe ways ahead Sum times behind Never beneath As earth is before me I may know What … Continue reading
POEM: Semi-Quiet Neighborhood — Ode to I-75
I often wake up to the sound of traffic on I-75 about a half mile from my house. I yearn for quiet in my life. I mourn the impossibility of true quiet in the city. I also no that addiction … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Busyness, Crude, Culture, drone, Future, Life, Ode, Pollution, Security, Silence
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POEM: Attrition Verses
Much of the brutality in our world takes the form of a war of attrition, where “the more titanic of the two” calculates that they can outlast the damage to won an other. This raze to the bottom abodes well … Continue reading
POEM: The Lamb and The Lyin’
Violence often seems to be second nature, obvious or inescapable. Perhaps violence is inescapable because it begets itself, setting up new rounds of consequences where further violence begs further violence. Violence begetting itself may just be the manifestation of the … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Change, Future, Nature, Nonviolence, Poor, Reality, Sacred, Success, Violence, War
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POEM: Toying With An Explosive Future — Owed to Cluster Bombs
The U.S. is pondering it’s grave commitment to banning the use of cluster bombs — between wars that is. Weather or knot to endow Ukraine with such weapons of war, that is, the madder of contention. In case you didn’t … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Children, cluster bombs, Future, Kids, War
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POEM: Don’t Buy Colorblind Just U.S.
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court banned using race as a consideration in college admissions. I’d like to take them to school with this poem: Don’t Buy Colorblind Just U.S. The people have been herd It has been dictated In black … Continue reading
POEM: The Child Got Their Shot
A poem that came from know wear… The Child Got Their Shot The child got their shot Not at earnest learning Or playful preoccupation Not at hard work rewarded Or hopes fully fed The child got their shot A bullet … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged Dreams, Failure, Future, leadership, Learning, Life, Soul, Temptation, Titanic, Work
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POEM: That Saddest Factory Job
He wanted A sweet life But he woke Too fine himself In a jam Too preserve That weigh of life Bearing deferred dreams His soul apprehension A future in trapped Just wanting A good deal bettor Then merely make it … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Alienation, Dreams, Future, Job, Jobs, Life, Modern, Poems, Poetry, Present, Productivity, Soul, Time, Vocation, Work
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Feminist POEM: Me Too — Now A Brand Knew Whirled Of Daughters
They rise from along history Yet much more so from her story As tectonic plates ready to serve up Unseen Earthquakes From a thousand generations reserved in silence Now a brand knew Whirled of daughters A raze of sisters A … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION
I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Health, News, Peace, Peace Signs, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, and Public Service, Balance, Blessing, Business, Change, Character, Charity, Children, Choices, Citizens, Citizenship, Civil Disobedience, Coercion, Community, Compulsion, Congress, Conscience, Conscientious Objection, Conscription, Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Control, Cowardice, Creation, Crime, Culture, Democracy, Draft Registration, Education, Elite, Employment, Enemies, Evil, Experience, Failure, Faith, Family, Farce, Fear, Female, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Future, Gandhi, God, government, Grace, Haiti, Heart, History, Holy, Honesty, Hope, Hospitality, Human Rights, Humanity, Ideals, Idolatry, Inspiration, Ironic, Jesus, Job, Justice, Labor, Law, Life, Love, Meaning, Media, Mennonite, Mercy, Military, Modern, Moral, Murder, Muslims, National, National Commission on Military, National Security, Nature, Necessary Evil, Noncombatants, Obedience, Patience, Peacemakers, People of The Book, Perspective, Political, Politics, Poor, Power, Present, President, Prison, Public Health, Questions, Radical, Reality, Refugees, Religion, Religious, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Rhetoric, Risk, Rules, Russia, Sacred, Security, Selective Service System, skin in the game, Social Justice, State, Status, Suffering, Supreme Court, Surreal, Terrorism, Time, Toledo, Truth, Values, Violence, War, Women, Work, Worship
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Donald Trump Swamped With Taxing Situations, Declares MOST UNDRAINING EVER!
Donald Trump’s promise to “Drain the swamp” from Washington, DC, is perhaps his most surreal promise of all. Today, President Donald Trump is campaigning for Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been facing mounting credible evidence of his predatory sexual … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Competition, Congress, Corruption, Debt, Defense, Democracy, Donald Trump, Economic, Economy, Egalitarian, Elite, Enemies, Environment, Environmental, Experience, Faith, Family, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Funny, Future, Genius, History, Housing, Hypocrisy, Image, Income, Inequality, Institutions, Intellectual Property, Irony, Jobs, Justice, Labor, Law, libertarian, Mind, Partisan, Perspective, Political, Politics, Power, President, Progress, Republican, Risk, Roy Moore, Rules, State, Surreal, Time, Trust, Truth, Values, Voters, Wealth, Work
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Sen. Rob Portman cannot tell a lie, so he will not be talking about unfunded tax cuts for the rich
Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) is well practiced at not speaking in truly public forums about his public policies and rationale. This lack of public accountability as an elected public official is a symptom of an ailing and dysfunctional democracy. This … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, Change, Congress, Consumption, Debt, Deficit, Democracy, Donald Trump, Economic, Economy, Entitlement, Family, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Future, government, Income, Medicaid, Medicare, Money, National, Parity or Parody, Partisan, Political, Poor, President, Republican, Rich, Security, Sen. Rob Portman, Social Security, taxes, Time
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FREE POSTER: GOP Greedy Old Perverts Sexual Predator-in-Chief Donald Trump and Roy Moore
Dirty old men, predominantly dirty old white men, are running rampant throughout our culture and politics. A long overdue push back is underway as many powerful sexual predators are finally being held to some account. The cutting edge of this … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Gay, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Authoritarian, Beautiful, Children, Christian, Community, Conservative, Conspiracy, Crime, Culture, Democrat, Donald Trump, Enemies, Fascism, free poster, Free Posters, Future, God, GOP, Hypermasculinity, Hypocrisy, Illegal, Justice, Kids, Lawyer, Lifestyle, Martyrdom, Military, Minorities, Moral, Muslim, National, Nationalism, Nature, Nazi, Normal, Patriarchy, Political, Politics, Power, Present, President, Reactionary, Redemption, Religious, Republican, Revolution, Rhetoric, Right-Wing, Roy Moore, Sex, sexual assault, Socialism, State, Success, Supreme Court, Time
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Sen ROB Portman and The DON Dreaming of a Green Christmas with Tax Cuts for Rich
The Republican tax scam, noted for its practically psychotic connection to reality, came closer to crashing into reality as Senate Republicans passed their tax bill, huge tax bill, in the middle of the night. Senators had four hours to try … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Beautiful, Betsy DeVos, Children, Christmas, Citizens, Congress, Crazy, Culture, Debt, Deficit, Depression, Donald Trump, Economic, Education, Family, Fear, free poster, Free Posters, Future, History, Income, Jobs, Kids, Medicaid, Medicare, Minority, Mother Jones, National, Obama, Parity or Parody, Political, Present, President, Reality, Republican, Rich, Security, Sen. Rob Portman, Social Security, taxes, Time, Trust, Voting, War, Work
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POEM: That Cursory Savor
Life As present Did not add up As if A zero Sum game The passed getting bigger The future getting smaller That good buy That eminent lessen As holy for gone As refuse As waive that fortune Having only Too … Continue reading