Tag Archives: President

POEM: The Age of Know Surprise

This poem is a tribute to the kerfuffle of President and candidate Biden’s recent debate performance. If I were to pick an alter-ego other than “Top Pun,” on some days I might choose “Cassandra” the Greek mythological character fated to … Continue reading

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POEM: An Eve with Netanyahu

As President Biden campaigns on a pro-democracy platform against the corrupt Donald Trump, he is tag teaming genocide in Gaza with his long-time friend, the corrupt Israeli PM Netanyahu, the “Bibi” brain and heart of the military onslaught and deadly … Continue reading

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POEM: Let Them Eat Bullets

Flour power, not bombs. Are we fed-up with forced mass starvation yet? Let Them Eat Bullets From ashes to ashes And dust to dust Famine sweeps Gaza And the prison guards feel threatened By the unherd Starving fore a tension … Continue reading

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POEM: Genocide Joe

Monday mourning. Last week President Joe Biden spoke of being hopeful about a ceasefire deal in Gaza. I must confess, I scheduled posting this last week, expecting the likely outcome of genocide unabated and genocide Joe abidin’ his time. I … Continue reading

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POEM: Re-Nouned

I am not one for titles and hierarchical living. Of coarse, labels serve some function in relating to one another. Still, I yearn for human relations where titles of status and power do not confound our basic humanity. Thus, this … Continue reading

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POEM: A Mazing Grays — Owed to Racist Color Blindness

During the Republican primary election, we are in the racist shit, more than usual. In Republic can due fashion, in a run away of endemic white supremacy, we hear of our civil war as only peripherally related to slavery, and … Continue reading

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Starving Palestinians — How Compassion Ate Gazans

President Biden’s posed compassion and the U.S.-Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is starving the civilian population. The generations-long military occupation, the 16-year blockade on Gaza, and the current months-long bombing campaign has created a crucible of death in Gaza. … Continue reading

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Compassion Dusted

U.S. President Joe Biden has billed an image of a compassionate man. With the demonization of Palestinians and the full-throated backing of genocide in Gaza, any image as a compassionate is bankrupt. Compassion Dusted Thinking it’s just Biden time For … Continue reading

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POEM: End the Israeli Occupation — Owed to the Palestinian People

The Israeli occupation must end. The latest in generations-long human rights violations and obstinate abrogation of international law must end. Cutting of water, food, electricity and fuel to an entire population, mostly civilians, of course, is a moral horror. No … Continue reading

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UNIMPEACHABLE POEM: When Conspiracy Makes a Perfect Call

When Conspiracy Makes a Perfect Call The Democrats made me Due it In the end only Tempted bribery In awe I did In competence My soul motive Buy partisan ship A condemn nation urned As just US done With all … Continue reading

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An Apparently Unimpeachable POEM: If Only It Were Just Bazaar

If Only It Were Just Bazaar He ran The whirled Like a carny King Con A sideshow gone viral Kicked off the island No longer in realty Passing bills ‘n washing ton In the house of white he Longs for … Continue reading

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Benefits of Immunizations – Just for the Health of It radio show

Below is the script for my public health radio show on immunizations.  You can listen to the half-hour immunization show here.  You can listen to the most current and all previous shows at the archive for Just for the Health of … Continue reading

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INAUGURAL Public Health Radio Show on WAKT, 106.1 FM Toledo — Just For The Health of It: Medicare For All and Toledo Democracy Day

After years in the waiting and making, I am proud to announce the inaugural show of my public health radio show, Just for the Health of It,  on WAKT, 106.1 FM Toledo (ToledoRadio.org). Just for the Health of It brings you new … Continue reading

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Hate Speech POEM: Anti-Semanticism

What can you say There is know such thing as hate speech Weather talking trash A bout blacks, Jews, the disabled, immigrants, queers, or women pissed You no who Just rallying The troops The base The most base ever! That … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: HISTORY – Rinse Repeat – Negro Man, I AM A MAN, Immigrant Children, I AM A CHILD

As is often repeated in history, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” And we are neck deep in shampoo, as we rinse history and repeat it. The iconic image of a black man holding … Continue reading

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FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” is silent

Confused about the daily antics of Donald Trump and his regime of toadies? Perhaps this will clear it up. I give you this FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — “It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Judge Kavanaugh covers Trump – I’ve got your back, that is, backside – “We should not burden a sitting President with civil suits, criminal investigations, or criminal prosecution.”

Prez Donald Trump is all about Donald Trump. The Don picks a perfect cabal member to cover his ass from the Supreme Court bench. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has demonstrated huge judicial deference to expansive executive power. In tribute to this … Continue reading

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FREE Environmental POSTER: EPA Under NEW Mismanagement – Scott Pruitt Swamp Monster OUT Andrew Wheeler Coal Lobbyist IN

As EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, resigns under a snowballing avalanche of ethics violations, the Trump regime doesn’t have to reach far into its deep bench of political hacks to find another swamp monster to clog up democracy, evidence-based policies respecting … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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Activist POEM: Yet Another Trump Tuesday at Sen. Portman’s Office

Yet Another Trump Tuesday at Sen. Portman’s Office Empower verses In power What is won to think? Lying in wait Miring our advocacy Swamped with democracy When and how to mete US We go through the drill Lairs of representation … Continue reading

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