Tag Archives: Chaos

POEM: US Verses Wee

We live in a world with far too much “US versus THEM.” Partisanship and division reign chaos. Tribalism breeds violence. This poem wakes to a different dream… US Verses Wee Won quiet mourning I awoke There was no US Every … Continue reading

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POEM: Unentitled Number Two

This poem peered early this morning. The muse strikes again! This poem is a poet’s poem, and a tip of the hat to one of my favorite poets, Rumi. Who is that says you can’t feel the sublime standing in … Continue reading

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POEM: Having a Ball

This short poem is a sporty ode to love outdoing chaos with an awesome attunement to sublime harmony and joy and by artfully wielding a juggernaut of creativity. Love is an eternally open invitation. Please feel free to RSVP and … Continue reading

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POEM: Walking the Second Thousand Miles

This poem is yet another ode to my love affair with Mother Earth and the endurance and multi-generational commitment needed to forestall catastrophic climate chaos. Walking the Second Thousand Miles Hiking out of a desert Of environmental neglect With rising … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: HISTORY – Rinse Repeat – Negro Man, I AM A MAN, Immigrant Children, I AM A CHILD

As is often repeated in history, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” And we are neck deep in shampoo, as we rinse history and repeat it. The iconic image of a black man holding … Continue reading

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FREE Anti-TRUMP POSTER: Prez Donald Trump Deals With KAOS – The Russians have created KAOS, and it is time to GET SMART So, I’d like to introduce my new National Security Advisor and CIA Director

The Chaos-Monger-in-Chief Donald Trump knows chaos. As he declares that the Russians have successfully sown chaos in America, he advises that America GET SMART, like really smart. This free political satire poster relies on the pop culture reference of the … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: TRUMP PROBE CONTINUES – I’m calling for a probe into every woman in America and I will lead the way – BELIEVE ME NOT WOMEN

Donald Trump’s signature psychological projection and political tactic of “No, not me, you!” is central to his chaos-mongering and perpetual distraction. The fragile ego of his big league narcissism effortlessly presumes that any criticism of him is only due to … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Trump U Verses Screw U

O pose The establishment Of his style Outside is in Down with up As drive in reveres “I love sow and sow more than anyone” And awe That is Con men Selling Brooklyn bridges To no where That is good … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: In Daze Not To Follow

The plantation had fallen Into this repair As fore many Present Work Over and above The well, known Used Too deep scars And familiar ditches dug Subject to an other privilege However bound Too knew found freedom And worldwide travails … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Incremental Change, Heads Up!

This free political poster posits that the conventional wisdom of incremental change can be lethal to paradigm shifts needed for humanity to evolve to the next level. Devotees of incremental change may view death by degrees as safer, or at least … Continue reading

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POEM: Awe Due Consideration

What is good A bout religion At best There is little to say Giving a fare hearing More about listening Too small Still voices Respecting only what due Saving A few choice words For those empower Occupying humanity Only in … Continue reading

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POEM: When Butterflies Aren’t Free

The butterfly has landed A monarch of unspoiled nature As we’d taken over Urban land escapes Of green carpet bombing Convinced that lawn enforcement Must be On our side Sow naturally lying In trails Of never ending growth A cancer … Continue reading

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POEM: Know Vacancy — Owed To Co-Dependency

Are you so-so special More than a little off Renting that hallowed space Inn one’s head To fiend and faux like For what Mounts to ears A-pathetic brood Checking in weigh too often Getting your pique of the litter Wondering … Continue reading

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POEM: The Death of Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier

He was a Baby with a capital B A ruler by which so many would be judged He was unjust A child of 20 A President for life A President for death As so many capriciously dyin’ with a king … Continue reading

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POEM: Less Taken Now

It was an eve to remember The surf was swell Giving rise to him Way above his peers He cried out mightily “I’m on top of the world!” Just moments later Crashing onto the rocks Baring him No ill will … Continue reading

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POEM: Know Knead to Brink

I live at the fringes At the boundary of what is and what could be Sow playful a lure At the threshold of what might not be and what should be Seriously brewed At the edge of the abyss I … Continue reading

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3D POEM: My Twisted Uni-verse (on a Mobius Strip)

This 3D POEM, My Twisted Uni-verse, may very well be the first poem ever written to be read on a Mobius Strip, made from a plain strip of paper with a half twist and joined at the ends, forming a … Continue reading

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POEM: Same Old Hope

He said, “Wow, you’re the same old hopeful person.” I said “Yes, and somewhat dyslexic. I’m a Samo Hopien” This short poem doubles as a bad joke.  Appropriately so, my dyslexia is in tandem with the double vision of punning.  … Continue reading

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POEM: A Lousy Take on Lao-Tse

A Lousy Take on Lao-Tse (Tao Te Ching 38) When Tao is lost There is virtue When virtue is lost There is morality When morality is lost There is propriety Yet oddly Even when Awe is lost Tao remains The … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street Buttons

I am finally uploaded a new batch of Occupy Wall Street designs.  This batch of 125 political designs is mostly Occupy Wall Street designs, but there are also a large series of “stop socialism” designs, a large series of Fox … Continue reading

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