Tag Archives: Beautiful

POEM: Outer and Inner Space

There is beauty know wear and every wear, awe at once. Outer and Inner Space I am in space Beautiful and mysterious A timeless see Beyond words I hear Only the breath of God And in the twinkle of an … Continue reading

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POEM: Nobodies

The powers that be school us in learned helplessness. The powers that be want to convince you that you are a nobody, in their scheme of things. Well, good people, I know plenty of “nobodies” who are awesome wrenches in … Continue reading

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POEM: Opportunity Accost [Number Two]

I am an idealist. I see huge swathes of unfulfilled potential. I am confronted with an endless stream of possibilities — how beautiful. I recognize that most of the everyday whirled is ensconced in navigating probabilities — how practical. Still, … Continue reading

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POEM: What Counts?

Mysticism is at the heart of all true religion. Experiencing the mystic, the sublime, may involve wooing over generations, even eons. However, on some inexplicable occasions, mystic experiences fuel an incinerator that lays waste to all convention and worldviews. The … Continue reading

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POEM: Self-fulfilling Prophets

This poem offers two visions of self-fulfilling prophets, one self-serving and destructive and the other building a humane community together. This poem is yet another version of my meditations on “means” and “ends.” Self-fulfilling Prophets Their whirled view Is punishing … Continue reading

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POEM: Over Shadowing Evolution

This poem is an invitation to live beyond mere Darwinism, survival of the fittest, which is typically viewed as competition and inevitable violence. I vote for cooperation and beautiful ambitions far exceeding won more f-ing generation. We do not live … Continue reading

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POEM: The Whole In My Soul

This poem is about living in the grievously beautiful realty that a truly open heart is a broken heart. I wrote this poem years ago, and now I have come to understand that my heart is broke in, as in … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: GOP Greedy Old Perverts Sexual Predator-in-Chief Donald Trump and Roy Moore

Dirty old men, predominantly dirty old white men, are running rampant throughout our culture and politics. A long overdue push back is underway as many powerful sexual predators are finally being held to some account.  The cutting edge of this … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Sen ROB Portman and The DON Dreaming of a Green Christmas with Tax Cuts for Rich

The Republican tax scam, noted for its practically psychotic connection to reality, came closer to crashing into reality as Senate Republicans passed their tax bill, huge tax bill, in the middle of the night.  Senators had four hours to try … Continue reading

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A Spiritual Autobiography

I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group.  While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Unite In The Write

Poets of the world unite Delivering a bill of writes To the regressive elite And overcompensating narcissists May the love of word in deed Translate into a raging river of love Pounding against that professed shore thing Strait from the … Continue reading

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POEM: Colloquial He

1. He lived 2. In a particular time 3. In a particular place And one Of his many editors Proferred the generic claim Putting fourth That he rote Colloquially And to this brand of righting He gave his highest, a … Continue reading

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POEM: Namaste

Who dares ax Why I am Sow meta for As the spear it in me Razes up Too meat the spirit in you This poem is an ode to my favorite version of the greeting “namaste:” may the spirit in … Continue reading

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Toledo LOVE Fest: Anti-Trump Rally

As Donald Trump brought to Toledo his caravan of hate, bigotry and xenophobia, Toledoans met him with a LOVE fest, declaring resoundingly that his fear mongering is not welcome in Toledo.  Here is my favorite picture from the rally: Earlier, … Continue reading

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POEM: Nobodies Prefect

Anarchists know Nobodies Prefect In a dyslexic god eat god whirled As upside Down With community As right side Up With lords of all sorts Anarchists no Aiming too pleas The raven us Nevermore All the wile Poor in the … Continue reading

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POEM: Owed To That Angelic Rainbow

Red of blood spilled From beautiful hearts Red of hatred Bearing queer fruit With sure fire weapons Crying Out Too much red in that angelic rainbow Never again! With only won possible Out Come In flaming community Solidarity pain the … Continue reading

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POEM: An Aesthetic Hope

In anesthetizing hope A certain author Did what he thought was write Sow cerebrally saying Hope is not a feeling Rather hope is an action To wit I despond This brakes down positively Why I get The extinct feeling of … Continue reading

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POEM: Chains of Command

A juggernaut of freedom He proudly served As the weakest link In the chain of command And above Awe Due no harm This poem juxtaposes the contrasting notions of freedom achieved through tight, even militaristic, ventures versus embodying freedom through default … Continue reading

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POEM: Another Martyr Bides The Dust

Another martyr bides the dust And I was a stray Beside myself In the fog Of yet another mourning The missed over my heart Feeling only that ephemeral beaten The wait on my brain Fueled into thinking of the dread … Continue reading

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POEM: Slow Mo’ Bettor Blues

Is it awe A gambol Sometimes you git Their faster In slow motion More rarefied Then a tortoise and its hair Relegated to children Of God Knowing nothing In the phase of fabled Head weigh Breeding like Rabbits Countering undeniable … Continue reading

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