Tag Archives: Ancient

POEM: On Sand They Billed

“Building on a foundation of sand” is an ancient cautionary metaphor that our modern, so-called civilization often seems to run over roughshod. Literally jumping from one unsustainable practice to the next unsustainable practice often seems like a fair characterization of … Continue reading

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POEM: Drowning in Technological Solutions — Owed to Novelty and Debt

I strongly suspect that our impulse to seek technological solutions to virtually every human problem in lieu of applying ancient wisdom acquired through millennia of human experience will be our undoing. This is worsened by our apparent addiction to manufactured … Continue reading

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POEM: Destiny is as Character Duhs

Far too often it seems that cheaters and brutes win the day, and honest and kind folks get the short end of the stick. This poem is a meditation reminding myself that character, whether good or bad, and whether of … Continue reading

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POEM: Iraq and a Hard Place

This poem tells a story — a story of patriotic fervor in slaughtering America’s foes. This story was told to me by a retired Grumman engineer, a literal rocket scientist and career military-industrialist. His story was prefaced by a glorious … Continue reading

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POEM: Trash Talk

God is culpable Of more than you can Imagine Your momma Fodder unknown Know Job A dyslexic dog Dissembling I’m OK, you’re KO Unsporting A boxer of tiny portions And don’t get me Going On That big, ugly, unmentionable cistern … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Elections Bought and Souled

What due You Know choice candidates Fenced by kleptocrats And undebatable Republicrats Their exclusive promise A system fixed Throwing political parties Incorporations wee trust In-firm ideologies The body politic Under the whether Or worse yet Riddled with ballots Everlustingly powered … Continue reading

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POEM: Never Agin

They lived in an ethic Spacious enough To ford seven generations Rooted in time immemorial And in awe of the presents Their will yielding To a vision enduring beyond death True sojourners of life Not a cataclysm of transients Who … Continue reading

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POEM: Beauty Us Aging

There is a beauty In aging A reservoir Of singular moments And glistening years In ignorance passed Belying youth In wrinkled knows At untaut skin In the game Wear even The future rests Just In time As quiet A scene … Continue reading

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POEM: Corn Fed Politicians

We are surrounded By corn fed politicians Who don’t eat corn But slaughter the herd Fed only corn In a round a bout weigh In realty And capitol punishment Their hire power Contracts executioners To deal with every unwieldy beef … Continue reading

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POEM: That Wholly Lessen

Kneeling before Mother Earth Shattering Knews Buy sum mirror mortals That scant except abundance Farced too Under stand That wholly lessen Taut As awe for one And won for all And what too due To be apprehended Those borne too … Continue reading

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POEM: Silver Bullets

Beware of cellars of silver bullets Proffering too for won buys As wear wolves clothing In the face Of murder-suicide Know if, and, or butt Totally transmogrifying In a fool moon rising A dark knight A bastard sun Offering kool … Continue reading

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Owed to Knot Rhyming

The ability to rhyme Is not my paradigm I brandish cacophonies To unleash new homeys Word And soul full plurality Welcoming that which can knot Be beat My poetry is offbeat.  That is not to say that it doesn’t have … Continue reading

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POEM: Albatross Necklace Futures

I stared at the world I could have built Had I Grasped more Farce fully A stock pile Awe but reaching Heaven Falling short Of mature stature Leaving behind Child’s play The ripe now And not trading in Futures Of … Continue reading

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POEM: The Game of Life

One day I realized The game of life And going back In the box Only to find The rules had been lost Long a go And still The game goes on This short poem plays with the notion that life … Continue reading

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POEM: We Won’t Be Food Again

I would rather Be Job Less than Renounce A living wager And know place to lie My head My heart Made homeless In loo of A fast fooled nation For going The beast Wee Can due Hitched to number one … Continue reading

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POEM: Jumping From The Ledger

Rejoin the rat race And all that chasten Daring to make A rodent in the machine Which is all the rage The bounty on your ahead A golden hamster wheel Retard after 50 years Left dumb Lips pursed For so … Continue reading

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POEM: Balms Around Every Corner

Truth lives at peace with facts Facts war with truth As an orderly Gone astray In an awe in compassing hospitality Scurrying from one stat to the next Drunk on 100% proof And in all probability Will perpetually pass attest … Continue reading

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POEM: Not Right in the Head

I am just Not right In the head Just left Of center Heart beats For know reason To love The mathematician, physicist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, said, “The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.”  For most of … Continue reading

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POEM: Chapter 58 – Isaiah

Chapter 58 – Isaiah Isaiah was a man A kind of a man More generous than his wealth Untouchable by another’s profits With a frugality beyond any poverty He was a gentle man With a purposefulness typically beyond words Speaking … Continue reading

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POEM: A Lousy Take on Lao-Tse

A Lousy Take on Lao-Tse (Tao Te Ching 38) When Tao is lost There is virtue When virtue is lost There is morality When morality is lost There is propriety Yet oddly Even when Awe is lost Tao remains The … Continue reading

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