Tag Archives: Power

POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: Woo Who

This poem reflects a bit on my skepticism of skepticism and my deep yearning to witness and participate in the long arc of love. Woo Who Their is Know subject Greater than You who Suspect Life as a Job Only … Continue reading

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POEM: An Eve with Netanyahu

As President Biden campaigns on a pro-democracy platform against the corrupt Donald Trump, he is tag teaming genocide in Gaza with his long-time friend, the corrupt Israeli PM Netanyahu, the “Bibi” brain and heart of the military onslaught and deadly … Continue reading

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POEM: Let Them Eat Bullets

Flour power, not bombs. Are we fed-up with forced mass starvation yet? Let Them Eat Bullets From ashes to ashes And dust to dust Famine sweeps Gaza And the prison guards feel threatened By the unherd Starving fore a tension … Continue reading

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POEM: Genocide Joe

Monday mourning. Last week President Joe Biden spoke of being hopeful about a ceasefire deal in Gaza. I must confess, I scheduled posting this last week, expecting the likely outcome of genocide unabated and genocide Joe abidin’ his time. I … Continue reading

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POEM: Get Over It

We are a far cry from Patrick Henry’s infamous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” which highlights one’s ultimate willingness to put all of your skin in the game. Today’s cry is more of a whine, “Give me … Continue reading

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POEM: God’s Preferential Option

I have learned that an open heart is a broken heart. A common reaction to pain, stress, or trauma is to close down as a defense mechanism. While the world has plenty of pain, stress, and trauma, a healthy response … Continue reading

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POEM: Re-Nouned

I am not one for titles and hierarchical living. Of coarse, labels serve some function in relating to one another. Still, I yearn for human relations where titles of status and power do not confound our basic humanity. Thus, this … Continue reading

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POEM: Catchy Zzzz’s

I see much of life as a struggle to maintain a vigorous consciousness and cultivate a vital, life-affirming conscience. I see the powers that be as offering a vain, numbing “contentment,” free of inconvenient or uncomfortable realities. Security becomes distancing … Continue reading

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Starving Palestinians — How Compassion Ate Gazans

President Biden’s posed compassion and the U.S.-Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is starving the civilian population. The generations-long military occupation, the 16-year blockade on Gaza, and the current months-long bombing campaign has created a crucible of death in Gaza. … Continue reading

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POEM: Take a Collective Breath

This poem is a rare combination of my life as a poet and a public health worker. This poem juxtaposes the personal option of some to choose organic food but the collective difficulty of choosing clean air. Some times we … Continue reading

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POEM: Rube Goldberg Rubes

This poem is a commentary on ingenuously using overly complicated machinations and demagoguery to achieve simple and base desires of greed and power. This sad state of affairs is empowered by a sufficient pool of fools, or rubes. The poem’s … Continue reading

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POEM: That Hire Power

Sometimes when I due things my weigh, it just leads me back to the eternal truth that things work out better when I employ awe. That Hire Power That hire power Put me on Notice Halve it my weigh A … Continue reading

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Compassion Dusted

U.S. President Joe Biden has billed an image of a compassionate man. With the demonization of Palestinians and the full-throated backing of genocide in Gaza, any image as a compassionate is bankrupt. Compassion Dusted Thinking it’s just Biden time For … Continue reading

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POEM: End the Israeli Occupation — Owed to the Palestinian People

The Israeli occupation must end. The latest in generations-long human rights violations and obstinate abrogation of international law must end. Cutting of water, food, electricity and fuel to an entire population, mostly civilians, of course, is a moral horror. No … Continue reading

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POEM: Sisyphus Shrugged

This poem is a parody of the libertarian bible, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, where rugged (read “ruthless”) individualism in service of economic wealth and power is lauded above all else. Sisyphus Shrugged Ann ran In the company of train wrecks … Continue reading

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POEM: Making Know Deference

This poem is about what may be the biggest con to which we are subject: that what you do doesn’t make any difference. I see this as a cynical project by those in power to entrench and secure a status … Continue reading

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POEM: Con Tending With Not Sees

While it may be musing to wonder what if there were no hypothetical questions, Nazi Germany has thrown up countless real-life scenarios to curdle your soul. The scenario referenced in this poem is taken from the movie, Nine Days, where … Continue reading

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POEM: Genuflecting On – Power

Have you ever wandered a bout a whirled where brutishness is rewarded and kindness forsaken? Genuflecting On: Power Demagogues and brutes Are marred to espouse Moral gravity A moral farce A raze to the bottom The principle of simpletons That … Continue reading

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POEM: Song of The Octopus

This poem is about having creative energies that are not honored and rewarded in our culture. Such creative energies may have difficulty finding channels to flow freely. This poem employs a magnificently mixed metaphor of an imagined Octopus’ Garden (Thank … Continue reading

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