Tag Archives: Truth

POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: A Wake Sleepy Aheads

This poem goes out to all nonviolent activists, particularly those who struggle with whether they make a difference or not. This poem is also a tip of the hat to this great quote: “If you think you are too small … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: Redeeming Coup on Pharaohs

God has a sense of humor. Sometimes pompous, hypocritical religionists get their religion handed to them on a plate by the disenfranchised who have a gift of accessing truth in strange places, redeeming that worthless scrip of others. The lords … Continue reading

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POEM: Compassion Sidelined

A poem for our collective denial of our responsibility to prevent genocide. Free Palestine! No one is free until all are free. Compassion Sidelined An aye for an aye And a no for a know A tooth for a tooth … Continue reading

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POEM: Which Neighbor is a Keeper?

This poem is about racism and nativism, our propensity to dehumanize the other, to write other humans off, to find room aplenty to throw under the bus or imprison in won weigh or an other. Which Neighbor is a Keeper? … Continue reading

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POEM: Call Me Warren

In life, I have learned that going down rabbit holes in not voidable. I have learned to welcome them as portals to new worlds. Regarding the title, for those who may be overly-citified, a warren is an area where rabbits … Continue reading

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POEM: You Are Not a Loan

A poem for those who have crushing student loan debt… You Are Not a Loan Do the bankers still have a crush on you Even after having Taken you To school Bank rolling The best daze of your life Only … Continue reading

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POEM: Halve Truth

This poem is a parody of the infamous “You can’t handle the truth” military courtroom speech from the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men. You can view the original speech here. Many have killed and died in wars over half-truths … Continue reading

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POEM: What Counts?

Mysticism is at the heart of all true religion. Experiencing the mystic, the sublime, may involve wooing over generations, even eons. However, on some inexplicable occasions, mystic experiences fuel an incinerator that lays waste to all convention and worldviews. The … Continue reading

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POEM: The Hit and Myth Nature of Cautionary Tales

Indigenous peoples have a legendary way of introducing stories: “This story may not have happened, but that doesn’t mean that the story isn’t true.” This is a way of pointing out that mere facts are not the only material for … Continue reading

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POEM: That Hire Power

Sometimes when I due things my weigh, it just leads me back to the eternal truth that things work out better when I employ awe. That Hire Power That hire power Put me on Notice Halve it my weigh A … Continue reading

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POEM: Making Shit Up

Weather to tell the truth or not? Forecast for today: shit flying, and the gravity of this doubted. The largesse of falsehoods seem ingrate supply in daze like this. Grievance politics seems as worth wile as cache. This poem may … Continue reading

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POEM: A Fete for Awe Time

Whatever time we have is a gift, the greatest of which is the present. Now is the the time for gratitude. Now is the time for love. Now is the time to dance. A Fete for Awe Time Is it … Continue reading

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POEM: Repleting Lies

War is fertile territory for hyperbole, to put it kindly. More to the point, war is built on lies. Big lies. Little lies. Really big lies. Truth is the first casualty of war — most of the rest are civilians. … Continue reading

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POEM: I Adore

I Adore I stumble up On the hows of awe people Soully to learn I adore That witch awe of life Is hinged And I am holy framed The truth of which I cannot bolt I am udderly dumb founded … Continue reading

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POEM: Oh Israel, Unequivocally State Fallowed Script Her

I have always admired the Torah and Old Testament perpetual reminders of “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,” and the precept, “You shall not oppress … Continue reading

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POEM: In Hospitable Missive

This poem was inspired by Israel’s official denial of any responsibility in the missile attack on a Palestinian hospital which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of patients, health care workers, and refugees desperately seeking what was hoped to be … Continue reading

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POEM — Bought Ensouled: Owed To Corporate Personhood

Corporate personhood is a scam, edging out actual human persons. Many corporate souls are filed in bank vaults in Delaware, a safe house for corporate persons…and having official papers they feel free to take a dump on actual persons. Who … Continue reading

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POEM: Making Know Deference

This poem is about what may be the biggest con to which we are subject: that what you do doesn’t make any difference. I see this as a cynical project by those in power to entrench and secure a status … Continue reading

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