Tag Archives: God

POEM: Outer and Inner Space

There is beauty know wear and every wear, awe at once. Outer and Inner Space I am in space Beautiful and mysterious A timeless see Beyond words I hear Only the breath of God And in the twinkle of an … Continue reading

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POEM: A Wake Sleepy Aheads

This poem goes out to all nonviolent activists, particularly those who struggle with whether they make a difference or not. This poem is also a tip of the hat to this great quote: “If you think you are too small … Continue reading

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POEM: Clerical Counter

Religion stands in, the bind of wrapping vivifying experience. The spirit is reported to be as the wind, not knowing where it comes from and to where it goes. Still, when the spirit shows up, you will be rapt. Clerical … Continue reading

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POEM: Knot Quiet Myself

I find that silence speaks volumes. My greatest thoughts are humbled in silence’s presents. Listening is the better part of communication. Knot Quiet Myself Lying there I broke The silence The emptiness With thoughts a loud Notions of God Laid … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: Job One

For a job I be looking… Job One My job Is to see you As God sees you Nothing more Nothing less

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POEM: Rat Race Religion

This poem is a meditation on the banality of evil that arises from good people doing nothing when it comes knocking at their doorstep. This accomplice-ment is aided by a blinding enmeshment in a rat race offering, justification for ignoring … Continue reading

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POEM: Redeeming Coup on Pharaohs

God has a sense of humor. Sometimes pompous, hypocritical religionists get their religion handed to them on a plate by the disenfranchised who have a gift of accessing truth in strange places, redeeming that worthless scrip of others. The lords … Continue reading

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POEM: Following A Higher Doody

Unfortunately, Christianity is too oft weaponized against our very own siblings of God. Following A Higher Doody Their those Christians Who go to church They’re those Christians Who go Too church

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POEM: God’s Preferential Option

I have learned that an open heart is a broken heart. A common reaction to pain, stress, or trauma is to close down as a defense mechanism. While the world has plenty of pain, stress, and trauma, a healthy response … Continue reading

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POEM: As Humanity Reseeds

Here is an apocalyptic valentine, a final kiss planted. As Humanity Reseeds That final mourning We greet With a kiss A poetic rejoinder Transcendent graffiti Write on the apocalypse In a whirled that had Drunk The Kool-Aid® Even at that … Continue reading

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POEM: Dogged Reasoning

This a poem highlighting the barren view of life that rugged reasoning can impose on the awesome experience of consciousness. Life is much more than sterile propagation of the specious. Dogged Reasoning He wood Knot know Consciousness If he Saw … Continue reading

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POEM: Seeking Haven — Deed On A Rival

Here is a poem about our nation’s recalcitrance in welcoming immigrants and refugees. Wile we use cramped legalisms to incarcerate our hearts, many speak openly in racist and violent terms. I strongly suspect that we would do better as a … Continue reading

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POEM: The Run Down on Lifting Up

This poem is a call to avoid running down those who seek to lift up. The poem has a tip of the hat to Dorothy Day and her infamous quote, “Don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be … Continue reading

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POEM: From God Slips To My Years

Here is yet another poem about the experience of writing poems, or transcribing them from a muse. From God Slips To My Years In what manor May we discuss the whether A poet or a stenographer In plaque-able quest in … Continue reading

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POEM: Yours to Deicide

Wile it doesn’t make cents for some, I see humanity is one. I strongly suspect that there is only one side. Thus, in a religious sense, any won that kills other children of God is ungodly. In some sense, killing … Continue reading

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POEM: God Thirst

This is a poet’s poem about the ineffable muse and singing her prays. God Thirst He was drunk In poetry An outspoken unspoken word artist And still Imbibe Hymn As well

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POEM: A Queer World

This poem is about the queer reality that if there were not homophobia, I would not have been born, as my Dad is gay. Only the rejection of his sexual orientation and the societal “need” to enter a “heterosexual” marriage … Continue reading

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POEM: Still Quiet Powerful

This poem captures a funny perspective that I have on atheists. I definitely feel for people with agnostic perspectives; though I see it as a bit indecisive. On the other hand, I see atheists as carrying their certainty a bit … Continue reading

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POEM: True Story

Perhaps the best Dad joke ever told. True Story Won time In Bible study We were discussing the whether A human can see the face of God And live The reverend said know Buuuuttt Being made In His image According … Continue reading

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