Tag Archives: Reality

POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: B Movie

Perhaps we shouldn’t be the B movie we don’t want to see in the world? B Movie They were rooting For a Hollywood ending They were a bit Surprised When this really came true Unfortunately It was an apocalyptic horror … Continue reading

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POEM: What is De-served?

In a grievance-filled whirled, there is often attention brought to rights violations, particularly when it is one’s own rights that are violated. Of course, rights are meaningless without responsibilities to secure those rights. This is where the chasm in securing … Continue reading

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POEM: Optimism — A Buy Product of Hope

There is a difference between optimism and hope. Optimism is about the inertia and trajectory of facts on the ground, while hope is a metaphysical reality that seeps into life of awe kinds amidst a dizzying array of means. Hope … Continue reading

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POEM: Life Keeps

I find comfort in the persistent reality that life keeps happening. As I keep learning to let go, I find that life flows more gently to whatever the next thing is that life offers up. I continue to be amazed … Continue reading

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POEM: A Queer World

This poem is about the queer reality that if there were not homophobia, I would not have been born, as my Dad is gay. Only the rejection of his sexual orientation and the societal “need” to enter a “heterosexual” marriage … Continue reading

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POEM: Rube Goldberg Rubes

This poem is a commentary on ingenuously using overly complicated machinations and demagoguery to achieve simple and base desires of greed and power. This sad state of affairs is empowered by a sufficient pool of fools, or rubes. The poem’s … Continue reading

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POEM: The Dumbest Thing I Ever Metaphor

This poem is a tribute to the dumbfounding reality that speaking about God is extremely dangerous, almost as dangerous as not speaking about God. I am perpetually drawn to contemplating ultimate concerns, which naturally outline one’s respective, or irrespective, views … Continue reading

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POEM: Making Shit Up

Weather to tell the truth or not? Forecast for today: shit flying, and the gravity of this doubted. The largesse of falsehoods seem ingrate supply in daze like this. Grievance politics seems as worth wile as cache. This poem may … Continue reading

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POEM: Destiny is as Character Duhs

Far too often it seems that cheaters and brutes win the day, and honest and kind folks get the short end of the stick. This poem is a meditation reminding myself that character, whether good or bad, and whether of … Continue reading

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POEM: In Hospitable Missive

This poem was inspired by Israel’s official denial of any responsibility in the missile attack on a Palestinian hospital which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of patients, health care workers, and refugees desperately seeking what was hoped to be … Continue reading

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POEM: Spoke in the We’ll

I yearn for an age where the human community and the body politic are led by a spirit of soulful imagination and creative passions rather than base impulses of material gain and vain status. May we join as planetary citizenry … Continue reading

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POEM: Retort #112

I suspect that if you don’t see someone as eccentric, perhaps living in a wondrous crucible brimming with contradictions, then you don’t really know someone. People, as inconvenient as they may be, are irreducibly wondrous creatures. I suspect that most … Continue reading

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POEM: The Lamb and The Lyin’

Violence often seems to be second nature, obvious or inescapable. Perhaps violence is inescapable because it begets itself, setting up new rounds of consequences where further violence begs further violence. Violence begetting itself may just be the manifestation of the … Continue reading

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POEM: Occam’s Razor (as told by Gödel)

Occam’s Razor is the problem-solving principle that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the smallest possible set of elements. This funny and tragic poem is a parody of the misuse of the principle of Occam’s Razor to over-simplify and round … Continue reading

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POEM: A Tao-ish Poem

I am not really a Taoist, but I am Tao-ish. This poem is for all of us whose search for freedom and justice pays close attention to the complimentary nature of reality, the yin and yang. Of course, that which … Continue reading

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POEM: Con Tending With Not Sees

While it may be musing to wonder what if there were no hypothetical questions, Nazi Germany has thrown up countless real-life scenarios to curdle your soul. The scenario referenced in this poem is taken from the movie, Nine Days, where … Continue reading

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POEM: Political I con

Here is some poetic justice for Donald Trump, aka The Don, an unworthy political icon. May we learn from his massive cautionary tail. Political I con From Fifth Avenue He shot Too star dumb All tolled Knot exactly a reality … Continue reading

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While I like sleep as much as the next person, probably more, I don’t really get why “woke” is so scary. Perhaps the unconscious should dictate our lives?!  I, for won (and all), pray that I am ever open to … Continue reading

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POEM: Blue Light Unspecial

This poem is a bout blue light from electronic devices that stimulate our brains, and not necessarily our souls. Blue light interferes with falling asleep.  Blue light is an evolutionary newcomer dominating our nervous system, in contrast to night skies … Continue reading

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