Tag Archives: Defense

POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: God’s Preferential Option

I have learned that an open heart is a broken heart. A common reaction to pain, stress, or trauma is to close down as a defense mechanism. While the world has plenty of pain, stress, and trauma, a healthy response … Continue reading

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POEM: Who’s Your Itch Now?

On the recurring rashes of moral bankruptcy… Who’s Your Itch Now? There has been a rash Of moral bankruptcy And what do we fine? A society where immorality As a madder of fact Gets Rewarded And reworded Not so much … Continue reading

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POEM: Iraq and a Hard Place

This poem tells a story — a story of patriotic fervor in slaughtering America’s foes. This story was told to me by a retired Grumman engineer, a literal rocket scientist and career military-industrialist. His story was prefaced by a glorious … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Judge Kavanaugh covers Trump – I’ve got your back, that is, backside – “We should not burden a sitting President with civil suits, criminal investigations, or criminal prosecution.”

Prez Donald Trump is all about Donald Trump. The Don picks a perfect cabal member to cover his ass from the Supreme Court bench. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has demonstrated huge judicial deference to expansive executive power. In tribute to this … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: CIA Director Nominee Gina Haspel Tortuously Testifies At Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Political apologists for torture and war crimes are lining up to defend CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel, who was involved in black op torture and destruction of evidence about these operations — nothing to see here!?  In honor of this surreal … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Donald Trump Swamped With Taxing Situations, Declares MOST UNDRAINING EVER!

Donald Trump’s promise to “Drain the swamp” from Washington, DC, is perhaps his most surreal promise of all. Today, President Donald Trump is campaigning for Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been facing mounting credible evidence of his predatory sexual … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Who Would Jesus Masturbate In Front Of? American Evangelical Apologists for Sexual Predation Reach a New Low . . . And Keep Reaching

I am sickened by American evangelical so-called Christians serving as apologists for sexual predation.  There is a seriously dark evil engulfing Christians who profess conservative sexual morality and also serve as the first line of defense of sexual predators, whether … Continue reading

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POEM: Promedica My Ass — Owed To Branding

Logos used Too mean Know ledge Like that age owed ad vice Would you jump off a bridge If every won ails did As in sayin’ Bye your good will As money oozes from the non-prophet, health care (sic) system … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Trump Pulls Out As Partners Dumb Found

Trump Pulls Out As Partners Dumb Found Sow culpable Too due nothing President Trump pulls out What little hand He had in Mother Earth’s Safe guarding His oily and gassy mates Coal for everyone! It’s like Christmas!! And stocks sore … Continue reading

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POEM: Unforgettable

She was a spark Spanning but instant generations Clothed in stardust Naked to that place before birth and after death As thought of God Less of a dream More of a smile Merging within that space-time continuum On the face … Continue reading

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Friendly Rant: Voting FOR Jill Stein NOT Wielding “Privilege”

Oddly, with the presidential candidates from the two dominant and domineering political parties setting new records for low approval, voting for anyone else is met with bafflingly high contempt.  My friend, local activist, and Green Party Jill Stein supporter, Shannon Frye, … Continue reading

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IF you want a progressive presidential candidate that you can get excited about voting FOR, then Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate is worth serious consideration.  Jill Stein has selected her Green Party running mate, Vice President choice, Ajamu Baraka. … Continue reading

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EPIC POEM: As Night Watch Man

In the deep Of the knight Watch man Finding one self prone Where singular stars obscure As perpetual high noon Where time stops Straight up Where the sun don’t shine Like a broken time peace With patients in undated Wear … Continue reading

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POEM: Loving Your Enemas

The legal lists Were longing With who hurt And who not heard Attesting too How much they love They’re enemas Only wading For sue a side As eminent just us And inevitably knot Passing the smell test This is a … Continue reading

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POEM: Love Is Scored

He did Not necessarily Believe In evil Though he found it Much easier To commit Than endure And hear in lies Won lessen As love is scored This poem is a tribute to apologists for evil everywhere.  The lesser of … Continue reading

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POEM: A Royal Buzzkill

Bee The change That you wish In the whirled Too see O Mother Earth Undertaking Men o’ pause In-fertility rite As nature fecund wanes A roil buzzkill Soon with death teeming Wear is thy sting Extincting that human race Soully … Continue reading

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POEM: For Shadowing a Life

She had saved So much time and money Only leaving Too much too due A well honed busyness Yielding the best of the bust A treasured chest In hard times aplenty Never the less Predictably taking A rugged helm In … Continue reading

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POEM: Unemployed Stat

Unemployment hit a 5-year low Still, Bob remains 100% unemployed This short poem highlights the difference between statistics and people.  Statistics can estimate probabilities with some accuracy of how a large group of people may act, or be affected by … Continue reading

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POEM: A Ghastly Alchemy

For just Some Dam Weepin’s permit I protect and serve Up my enemies Like Cold Turkey Shoot Only to rifle But growing ode In a ghastly alchemy Silver bullets turning to lead Down the wrong path Instantly poisoned Hearts and … Continue reading

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