Tag Archives: Holy

POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: Redeeming Coup on Pharaohs

God has a sense of humor. Sometimes pompous, hypocritical religionists get their religion handed to them on a plate by the disenfranchised who have a gift of accessing truth in strange places, redeeming that worthless scrip of others. The lords … Continue reading

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POEM: Holy Enough

This a poem about not being perfect but being perfectly enough. Holy Enough It is hard to brake illusions Yet I smashed this one with ease The illusion of me being holy Evident to awe around me And especially sow … Continue reading

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POEM: Rube Goldberg Rubes

This poem is a commentary on ingenuously using overly complicated machinations and demagoguery to achieve simple and base desires of greed and power. This sad state of affairs is empowered by a sufficient pool of fools, or rubes. The poem’s … Continue reading

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POEM: Monstrous Hope

Hope is an awesome thing, not for the timid. If we don’t find hope, hope may just hunt us down and swallow us whole. Monstrous Hope Hope is some kind Of monster Who metes us awe With gaping jaw Where … Continue reading

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POEM: The Dumbest Thing I Ever Metaphor

This poem is a tribute to the dumbfounding reality that speaking about God is extremely dangerous, almost as dangerous as not speaking about God. I am perpetually drawn to contemplating ultimate concerns, which naturally outline one’s respective, or irrespective, views … Continue reading

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POEM: Attrition Verses

Much of the brutality in our world takes the form of a war of attrition, where “the more titanic of the two” calculates that they can outlast the damage to won an other. This raze to the bottom abodes well … Continue reading

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POEM: I Adore

I Adore I stumble up On the hows of awe people Soully to learn I adore That witch awe of life Is hinged And I am holy framed The truth of which I cannot bolt I am udderly dumb founded … Continue reading

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POEM: Draft Registration Civil Disobedience, aka, Holy Obedience

This poem is a poetic excerpt of my David and Goliath battle with the world’s most powerful superpower. Actually, Daniel in the lions’ den is more on mark. My refusal to register for the military draft back in the 1980’s … Continue reading

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POEM: Karma Cat -28,000 Poems

This poem toys with the notion of karma and reincarnation as a vehicle for moral evolution and sum sort of cosmic justice. This poem employs as a metaphor the relationship between a karmic cat living thousands of lives encountering uncounted … Continue reading

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POEM: Mine Your Own Busyness

Here is a poem about the sacred and profane journey toward presence of mind: Atop a mountain of undertakings He overlooked his guru Desperately wanting to be A little slower With deaf-defying pleas As the guru came fourth With quiet … Continue reading

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POEM: The N Times? An Ode Too AI

Here is a poem a bout AI, artificial intelligence. This is a poem with ATTITUDE!  Today’s news included this: Thousands of authors urge AI companies to stop using work without permission. With this poem, I throw down the gauntlet to … Continue reading

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POEM: A Roomy Poem

A Roomy Poem I found myself In a room larger than I’d ever been Witnessing untold luxuries Treasures seen by so few Jealously wandering and wondering Who so ever in habits Could ever holy know I really due Need To … Continue reading

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POEM — Wisdom Verses: Foolishness

Partnering with artificial intelligence, AI, may be check mate for humanity… Wisdom Verses: Foolishness In loo Of our search for actual intelligence Wee will Be dethroned Buy artificial intelligentsia Knot knowing jack A john rolled by its trick A carnival … Continue reading

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POEM: Abridge Too Far

A poem about censorship, raising its ugly head again in America: Abridge Too Far With some seriously grievous squares How do we turn This censor ship round With their blank novel arguments Cons truing Selective fictions Partisan death sentences And … Continue reading

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Feminist POEM: Me Too — Now A Brand Knew Whirled Of Daughters

They rise from along history Yet much more so from her story As tectonic plates ready to serve up Unseen Earthquakes From a thousand generations reserved in silence Now a brand knew Whirled of daughters A raze of sisters A … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Senator ROB Portman “The GRINCH” Putting The ROB in Christmas

This free political poster is inspired by the pathetic and horrific tax cuts for the rich that congressional Republicans are pushing like crack for the wealthy this Christmas season.  The Senate Republican bill even includes a repeal of the individual … Continue reading

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A Spiritual Autobiography

I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group.  While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading

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POEM: That Cursory Savor

Life As present Did not add up As if A zero Sum game The passed getting bigger The future getting smaller That good buy That eminent lessen As holy for gone As refuse As waive that fortune Having only Too … Continue reading

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