Tag Archives: Violence

POEM: Father Violence

In the wake of the Trump assassination tempt, a time to examine whatever flavor of violence we might, find attractive. Father Violence Search your heart America I am your father Slamming shots Wile preying for won’s enemies Something something is … Continue reading

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POEM: US Verses Wee

We live in a world with far too much “US versus THEM.” Partisanship and division reign chaos. Tribalism breeds violence. This poem wakes to a different dream… US Verses Wee Won quiet mourning I awoke There was no US Every … Continue reading

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POEM: An Eve with Netanyahu

As President Biden campaigns on a pro-democracy platform against the corrupt Donald Trump, he is tag teaming genocide in Gaza with his long-time friend, the corrupt Israeli PM Netanyahu, the “Bibi” brain and heart of the military onslaught and deadly … Continue reading

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POEM: Compassion Sidelined

A poem for our collective denial of our responsibility to prevent genocide. Free Palestine! No one is free until all are free. Compassion Sidelined An aye for an aye And a no for a know A tooth for a tooth … Continue reading

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POEM: Get Over It

We are a far cry from Patrick Henry’s infamous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” which highlights one’s ultimate willingness to put all of your skin in the game. Today’s cry is more of a whine, “Give me … Continue reading

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Stick, A Fork in It

This poem is about the tendency toward escalation and overkilling built into lethal conflicts such as war or genocide. When we feel threatened and have the capacity to inflict massive death, we come to a fork in the road, which … Continue reading

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POEM: Bombing

Humanity is bombing. Let’s end the violence. Bombing Bombs a way Bombs aweigh Bombs a weigh Bombs away

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POEM: Screw the All Gore Rhythm

One of my monikers in life is “screw the algorithm,” in rebellion to the lifeless calculations that often subtract from humanity and divide humanity. This poem is such a rebel cry. Screw the All Gore Rhythm The death machine is … Continue reading

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Compassion Dusted

U.S. President Joe Biden has billed an image of a compassionate man. With the demonization of Palestinians and the full-throated backing of genocide in Gaza, any image as a compassionate is bankrupt. Compassion Dusted Thinking it’s just Biden time For … Continue reading

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POEM: Alarm Going Off

I see one of the pervasive everyday forms of violence in capitalism is having to wake up to alarm “normally.” I have no problem being woke, just not by alarms. I believe that luxuriating in the natural process of waking … Continue reading

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POEM: The Lamb and The Lyin’

Violence often seems to be second nature, obvious or inescapable. Perhaps violence is inescapable because it begets itself, setting up new rounds of consequences where further violence begs further violence. Violence begetting itself may just be the manifestation of the … Continue reading

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POEM: Over Shadowing Evolution

This poem is an invitation to live beyond mere Darwinism, survival of the fittest, which is typically viewed as competition and inevitable violence. I vote for cooperation and beautiful ambitions far exceeding won more f-ing generation. We do not live … Continue reading

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Free ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER: School Secretary Betsy DeVos Ponders Buying Gun Magazines to Support Her School

The latest shenanigans of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is to suggest spending precious federal education funds on buying guns for schools. Parently, she doesn’t understand that using violence to solve problems is anathema to basic principles of teaching children. … Continue reading

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FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” is silent

Confused about the daily antics of Donald Trump and his regime of toadies? Perhaps this will clear it up. I give you this FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — “It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: BULLY TRUMP – Trump Toadies Celebrate Latest Victory – MOST Lunch Money Collected By Any President EVER – Trump and Toadies Spotted Increasingly Out To Lunch

Trump is a bully. Trump’s bullying may be his most signature style — MOST signature style EVER! Trump’s chronic bullying is particularly surreal in the context of alleged peacemaking. Even the notion of Trump being mentioned for a possible Nobel … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Republican Leaders Gather To Deal With Gun Violence by Banning Ritalin, Banning Abortion, And Declaring Another Generation of Silence

In the face of a continuing gun violence epidemic and yet another school shooting, Republican so-called leaders are talking about everything but guns. Perhaps guns don’t kill people, Republicans do. The new president of the NRA, Ollie North, blamed gun … Continue reading

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RAMBO JESUS CARTOON: Will of Rambo Jesus Revealed – Protect The Fodder-land

I’ve always been dumbstruck how Christians so easily justify violence, especially since there is so little in the Gospels that can be fodder for envisioning a violence-advocating Jesus.  Violence always strikes me as a deathly perilous game of “means” and … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Oliver North – Law-Abiding Felon New President of NRA

Felon Oliver North is the new president of the NRA. Wow, if he were a good guy with a gun, he would be feloniously good! I guess it was inevitable that a gunrunner would become the president of the NRA. … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: US Attorney General Jeff Sessions Putting The Zero In Tolerance

The racist and zero tolerant U.S. Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is now gearing up to prosecute, imprison, and separate children from their mothers, any refugee seeking asylum from criminal violence in their own country. Perhaps Mr. Sessions, at home … Continue reading

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