Tag Archives: Jesus

POEM: A Man of Promise

A poem of what is owed, what is the present, and what is yet to come… A Man of Promise “What is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy, and to walk … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: Dread Full Theology

This funny little poem illustrates just how far my mind goes to set up a pun. WARNING: this poem gets a little hairy. Dread Full Theology So, you think God is dead? I am not sure But I do know … Continue reading

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POEM: Karma Cat -28,000 Poems

This poem toys with the notion of karma and reincarnation as a vehicle for moral evolution and sum sort of cosmic justice. This poem employs as a metaphor the relationship between a karmic cat living thousands of lives encountering uncounted … Continue reading

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POEM: Loyalty Oafs

Loyalty Oafs Loyalty oafs Would halve you Believe In idol vanity Sowing their wiled oaths AWOL keeping us a part With litmus tests In a whirled of acid And base Brands that burn And scar us In too submission Not … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: God is Love (with asterisk)

God is love. Period. In case you were wondering what the fine print says: it’s the Sermon on the Mount (below). I wanted the primary meaning of this poster to address and challenge the notion that God’s love has a … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Health, News, Peace, Peace Signs, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

RAMBO JESUS CARTOON: Will of Rambo Jesus Revealed – Protect The Fodder-land

I’ve always been dumbstruck how Christians so easily justify violence, especially since there is so little in the Gospels that can be fodder for envisioning a violence-advocating Jesus.  Violence always strikes me as a deathly perilous game of “means” and … Continue reading

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RAMBO JESUS: Taking U.S. To School – Salvation is in Hand – This Time You’ll Pay For Your Own Sins

In surreal fashion, I await for the U.S. followers of The Prince of Peace to provide moral leadership in fighting the unrelenting epidemic of mass shootings carried out with military-style guns. Perhaps U.S. Christians are too busy making plans to … Continue reading

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Free Anti-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER -Trump – I’m willing to support killer gun laws; trust me, most killer ever

I expect that Prez Donald Trump will come out as a powerful supporter of the status quo regarding gun violence prevention laws, or more accurately, the lack of gun violence prevention laws. What can we expect: more and more prayers … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: TRUMP Promises to Bring Peace From Bethlehem to Jerusalem And Good Will Toward All Men (Women Not So Much) NATIVITY Scene with TASMANIAN Devil Trump.

Trump, in his Biblical knowing, is familiar with barnyard animals, and feels free to interpose himself in virtually any manger scene, particularly if it calls for the most big-league baby of all. Jesus Christ, what the hay!! President Donald Trump … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Jesus breaks silence on Senate candidate Roy Moore Just Saying NO Moore

What sexual predator would Jesus support to hold the keys of public trust?  It’s time to say “NO more!” In the current case of Senate candidate Roy Moore, it’s time to say “NO Moore!” American so-called Christians have been practicing … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Who Would Jesus Masturbate In Front Of? American Evangelical Apologists for Sexual Predation Reach a New Low . . . And Keep Reaching

I am sickened by American evangelical so-called Christians serving as apologists for sexual predation.  There is a seriously dark evil engulfing Christians who profess conservative sexual morality and also serve as the first line of defense of sexual predators, whether … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Trump’s Tax Plan Will Be A Huge Christmas Gift Because Everyone Knows That Tax Cuts For The Rich Is Practically The Incarnation of Jesus

Some things are very predictable, like a big turkey looming before Christmas.  And so it goes with the biggest turkey of all, Donald Trump.  In cahoots with congressional Republicans, more tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and wealthiest corporations are … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Senator Rob Portman as The High Priest Caiaphas, Starring In That Christian Damn Nation

This free poster takes Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) to church over his brutally un-Christian vacillation over the senate Republican health care bill.  This satirical poster is yet another installation in my “Parity or parody in democracy” series.  Wile Sen. Portman … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Buy Partisan Ship

If you knot for me You agin Me Oh my They would halve US Believe In a New York minute Weather 60 second ads Or master debating in public For ours To won party Or buy partisan ship That teeming … Continue reading

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POEM: Owed To Chet Chambers

His exacting integrity Was seeded only by generosity of heart He loved Awe of God’s children As well As he kin He planted seeds That others would harvest He worked side by side Under God’s reign And the radiance of … Continue reading

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POEM: Naught For Prophet Fun Razing

In the crucible Of the well-heeled And the, well, heeled He surrounded himself With corporate persons Naught for prophet organizations Possessed buy a cutting edge currency paper thin The filing and folding kind Their foundational hope Nay only hope To … Continue reading

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COMEDIAN JESUS: Pax Romana — You’re Killing Me!

This Comedian Jesus political cartoon highlights the shallow liberalism and false choices of Pax Romana, the metaphorical stand-in for Pax Americana, peace through so-called enlightened domination. This Comedian Jesus cartoon also ties the all-too-convenient collaboration of political and religious elites … Continue reading

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Comedian Jesus: Any TRUMP? NO, Go Fish, I’m Not Playing That Game

This Comedian Jesus cartoon combines the contemporary unwanted news cycle of Donald Trump with the timeless question of: Precisely what game are you playing? This Comedian Jesus cartoon is an inspired hybrid of a pun on “Trump,” and my poem, … Continue reading

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