Tag Archives: Awe

POEM: Outer and Inner Space

There is beauty know wear and every wear, awe at once. Outer and Inner Space I am in space Beautiful and mysterious A timeless see Beyond words I hear Only the breath of God And in the twinkle of an … Continue reading

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POEM: Living Bye The Sword

This poem is won version of the hippie oath: There is no peace, peace is the way – A. J. Muste. Of course, as Buddha said: If you want to live, don’t follow me.” [slight paraphrase] Living Bye The Sword … Continue reading

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POEM: Breaking Up is Hard Too Due

The U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza continues. Mean wile, the Democrats are far more concerned about Biden’s debatable performance on stage. This is perhaps everything we need to know about their so-called defense of democracy, international law, and the purportedly sacrosanct … Continue reading

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POEM: A Wake Sleepy Aheads

This poem goes out to all nonviolent activists, particularly those who struggle with whether they make a difference or not. This poem is also a tip of the hat to this great quote: “If you think you are too small … Continue reading

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POEM: A Day of Longing No More

A solstice poem… A Day of Longing No More The longest day of the year And nothing too due He was well Grounded Sent to his roam Bye know won On the level Of ants Who never cry “uncle” With … Continue reading

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POEM: Woo Who

This poem reflects a bit on my skepticism of skepticism and my deep yearning to witness and participate in the long arc of love. Woo Who Their is Know subject Greater than You who Suspect Life as a Job Only … Continue reading

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POEM: The Universe Winks

Have you ever had the universe wink at you? The Universe Winks A thousand millennia ago Before you were A twinkle in your parents’ eyes A son of another galaxy Shone brightly In that precise direction Of whom you would … Continue reading

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POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: What is De-served?

In a grievance-filled whirled, there is often attention brought to rights violations, particularly when it is one’s own rights that are violated. Of course, rights are meaningless without responsibilities to secure those rights. This is where the chasm in securing … Continue reading

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POEM: Baby-ize

We awe start as twinkles in someone’s eye’s. Reflecting on this may help us recognize our common origins and shared destinies. Baby-ize She looked at me Without pretension In two me That soul window As easily won As lost From … Continue reading

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POEM: A Walker, Please

My Dad got out of the hospital yesterday, after falling on his butt and crushing a vertebrae and a disc last week. After a successful surgery to stabilize his back and reduce the pain, he was transferred to the assisted … Continue reading

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POEM: It’s Awe Poetry

This is a poet’s poem, particularly for those poets who employ free verse, which might not be recognized as poetry. Personally, I can guarantee that my free verse is worth every penny. It’s Awe Poetry He said “I don’t see … Continue reading

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POEM: As The Whirled Goes Bye

When I look out into the world, I often get the image of chickens running around with their heads cut off. I see an addiction to “winning” that disconnects us from creation, others and ourselves, and in supreme irony, races … Continue reading

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POEM: This Poet’s Prayer

This poem reflects my basic spirituality of ever moving toward One’s vision of the good, even as my view is a dim reflection. The One thing that I can judge my progress on is my commitment to this path yearning … Continue reading

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POEM: Gypsy Mother E

Mother Earth has treated us well. Let’s treat her as our one and only. Gypsy Mother E We had A Gypsy mother Who lived As 93 million miles from the light of her life Who loved Her wayward children More … Continue reading

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POEM: Optimism — A Buy Product of Hope

There is a difference between optimism and hope. Optimism is about the inertia and trajectory of facts on the ground, while hope is a metaphysical reality that seeps into life of awe kinds amidst a dizzying array of means. Hope … Continue reading

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POEM: An Eve with Netanyahu

As President Biden campaigns on a pro-democracy platform against the corrupt Donald Trump, he is tag teaming genocide in Gaza with his long-time friend, the corrupt Israeli PM Netanyahu, the “Bibi” brain and heart of the military onslaught and deadly … Continue reading

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POEM: Winning’s Everything

We live in an era where everything is divided . . . into winning and losing, souled to the highest bitter. The “losers” of this world will rise up, the great unwatched — the revolution will not be televised. Winning’s … Continue reading

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Stick, A Fork in It

This poem is about the tendency toward escalation and overkilling built into lethal conflicts such as war or genocide. When we feel threatened and have the capacity to inflict massive death, we come to a fork in the road, which … Continue reading

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POEM: Reckon Knot

This world is a mournful place. I hope I bring to this life more laughing than crying. Reckon Knot I laugh I cry I laugh To keep from crying Still I cry As I am Awe ready Moved to laugh … Continue reading

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