Tag Archives: Religion

POEM: Clerical Counter

Religion stands in, the bind of wrapping vivifying experience. The spirit is reported to be as the wind, not knowing where it comes from and to where it goes. Still, when the spirit shows up, you will be rapt. Clerical … Continue reading

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POEM: Rat Race Religion

This poem is a meditation on the banality of evil that arises from good people doing nothing when it comes knocking at their doorstep. This accomplice-ment is aided by a blinding enmeshment in a rat race offering, justification for ignoring … Continue reading

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POEM: As The Whirled Goes Bye

When I look out into the world, I often get the image of chickens running around with their heads cut off. I see an addiction to “winning” that disconnects us from creation, others and ourselves, and in supreme irony, races … Continue reading

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POEM: Redeeming Coup on Pharaohs

God has a sense of humor. Sometimes pompous, hypocritical religionists get their religion handed to them on a plate by the disenfranchised who have a gift of accessing truth in strange places, redeeming that worthless scrip of others. The lords … Continue reading

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POEM: Doxxed

My religion is unorthodox, and those orthodox varieties of all sorts find me heretical. Doxxed He was doxxed From the right From the left Catching hell And heaven From both sides Paradoxxed Inscrutably sow In a dyslexic manor E pluribus … Continue reading

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POEM: Owed Time Religion

There very well may be a nexus between now and eternity, yet I find it helpful to consider now enough. Owed Time Religion Some in cyst That there religion Holds time in memorial Preaching the hear after Weather buy work … Continue reading

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POEM: Capital Punishment for Abortion?!

This is a poem I wrote a while back when a state legislature proposed capital punishment for abortion. Perhaps a low for the so-called “pro-life” forces. Hey alleged “pro-lifers,” I raze you, an end to capital punishment and an end … Continue reading

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POEM: What Counts?

Mysticism is at the heart of all true religion. Experiencing the mystic, the sublime, may involve wooing over generations, even eons. However, on some inexplicable occasions, mystic experiences fuel an incinerator that lays waste to all convention and worldviews. The … Continue reading

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POEM: The Dumbest Thing I Ever Metaphor

This poem is a tribute to the dumbfounding reality that speaking about God is extremely dangerous, almost as dangerous as not speaking about God. I am perpetually drawn to contemplating ultimate concerns, which naturally outline one’s respective, or irrespective, views … Continue reading

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POEM: Believe Ability

As you may know, I am a convicted felon, for refusing to register for the military draft, way back in the 1980’s when draft registration was reinstituted. I found such a mandate offensive to my conscience and world peace. I … Continue reading

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POEM: Hows of Worship

This poem is a tribute to the deinstitutionalization of religion into a more open space. Hows of Worship She asked What was my house of worship Who could say It is More Of a field And the pews are very … Continue reading

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POEM: Oh Israel, Unequivocally State Fallowed Script Her

I have always admired the Torah and Old Testament perpetual reminders of “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,” and the precept, “You shall not oppress … Continue reading

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POEM: Conversion Raiding

This poem contrasts two opposing world views, moral versus amoral, right versus might, serving God versus money, etc., etc. This poem presents the question of how won might convert the currency of one world view to the other. Of coarse, … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: BULLY TRUMP – Trump Toadies Celebrate Latest Victory – MOST Lunch Money Collected By Any President EVER – Trump and Toadies Spotted Increasingly Out To Lunch

Trump is a bully. Trump’s bullying may be his most signature style — MOST signature style EVER! Trump’s chronic bullying is particularly surreal in the context of alleged peacemaking. Even the notion of Trump being mentioned for a possible Nobel … Continue reading

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RAMBO JESUS CARTOON: Will of Rambo Jesus Revealed – Protect The Fodder-land

I’ve always been dumbstruck how Christians so easily justify violence, especially since there is so little in the Gospels that can be fodder for envisioning a violence-advocating Jesus.  Violence always strikes me as a deathly perilous game of “means” and … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: The Bus of Times, The Worst of Times

His political career Hung in the balance Throw a certain number under the bus Or see bus production drop precipitously This short poem recognizes a brutal utilitarianism in politics, which is present at most any level.  Using people as means … Continue reading

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POEM: Creator of Heaven Unearth

Oh God Awe might he Creator of heaven unearth Your sun trying to peer through What is mirrorly mist Between every human face Won and the same Unending cycles Set up for yielding What is seeing bye many As a … Continue reading

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HAPPINESS: Hedonic Happiness Versus Meaningful Happiness

I have long been interested in happiness and happiness research.  I recently stumbled across one of the most fascinating scientific articles of any kind that I have read in recent years: Some Key Differences Between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life. … Continue reading

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Human Rights are Universal and Inalienable, Interdependent and Indivisible, Equal and Nondiscriminatory

Human rights are inherent to all human beings. PERIOD. Human rights are universal and inalienable, meaning that such rights cannot be taken away based on what people do.  Human rights are interdependent and indivisible, meaning that they work together as a whole, … Continue reading

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