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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Ballot
Friendly Rant: Voting FOR Jill Stein NOT Wielding “Privilege”
Oddly, with the presidential candidates from the two dominant and domineering political parties setting new records for low approval, voting for anyone else is met with bafflingly high contempt. My friend, local activist, and Green Party Jill Stein supporter, Shannon Frye, … Continue reading
Posted in Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Argument, Ballot, Children, Classism, Compassion, Crime, Culture, Defense, Democracy, Environmental, Equality, facebook, Family, Fear, Feminism, Feminist, Food, Freedom, Future, Gender, Green Party, Hell, Hillary Clinton, History, Identity, Incarnation, Inequality, Jill Stein, Justice, Labor, Life, Logic, Medicaid, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, Moral, Neoliberalism, Oppression, Police, Political, Power, President, Prison, Privilege, Queer, Racism, Rage, Religious, Revolution, Security, Sex, Sexism, Sexuality, Silence, Slavery, Social Justice, Social Security, State, Time, Truth, Violence, Voting, War, Women, Work
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Anti-Trump AND Anti-Hillary: What’s a Voter To Do?
Anti-Trump AND anti-Hillary: What’s a voter to do? This seems to be an endemic quandary in the current presidential campaign. I have my own views, which I have blogged, ranted and wrote poems about. My views are considered too radical … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, anti-Trump, Apathy, Argument, Ballot, Change, Choices, Crazy, Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Ethical, Evil, Hillary Clinton, Intellect, Logic, Moral, Philosophy, Poems, Political, Politics, Power, President, Radical, Respect, Revolution, Third Party, Top Pun, Voters, Voting
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IF you want a progressive presidential candidate that you can get excited about voting FOR, then Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate is worth serious consideration. Jill Stein has selected her Green Party running mate, Vice President choice, Ajamu Baraka. … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Authority, Ballot, Business, Capitalism, Change, China, Choices, Citizens, Citizenship, Climate Change, Commercial, Community, Congress, Constitutional Rights, Control, Corporate Personhood, Courage, Creation, Crime, Criminal Justice System, Culture, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Defense, Democracy, Democrat, Disarmament, Discrimination, Disease, Diversity, Doctrine, drone, Economic, Economy, Education, Elections, Employment, Environment, Environmental, Equality, Family, Fear, Food, Free Speech, Free Trade, Freedom, Future, Gender, government, Green Party, Health Care, Health Insurance, History, Housing, Human Rights, Humanity, Immigration, Income, Israel, Jill Stein, Job, Jobs, Justice, Kids, Labor, Law, Learning, LGBT, Life, Living Wage, Meaning, Media, Medicare, Medicare for All, Mental Health, Military, Money, Mother Earth, National, NATO, Nonviolent, Nuclear Power, Nutrition, Obama, Palestine, Partisan, Patriot, Police, Police Brutality, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Poverty, Power, President, Prevention, Prison, Progress, Public Health, Racism, Rage, Refugees, Religion, Responsibility, Rich, Russia, Security, Social Security, State, Status, Substance Abuse, Sustainable, Tar Sands, taxes, Terrorism, Violence, Voters, Voting, Wall Street, War, Wealth, Women, Work, Workplace
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Incremental Change, Heads Up!
This free political poster posits that the conventional wisdom of incremental change can be lethal to paradigm shifts needed for humanity to evolve to the next level. Devotees of incremental change may view death by degrees as safer, or at least … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Art, Ballot, Change, Chaos, Compromise, Conventional Wisdom, Death, Democracy, Donald Trump, Evil, Evolution, Experience, Fear, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, God, Hillary Clinton, Humanity, Injustice, Liberation Theology, Life, Love, Paradigm Shift, Political, Politics, Poor, Power, Preferential Option for the Poor, Prison, Progress, Reactionary, Reality, Resistance, Revolution, Revolutionary, skin in the game, Status, Status Quo, Sustainable, Theology, Top Pun, Truth, Values, Voting, War, Wisdom
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POLITICAL POEM: Elections Bought and Souled
What due You Know choice candidates Fenced by kleptocrats And undebatable Republicrats Their exclusive promise A system fixed Throwing political parties Incorporations wee trust In-firm ideologies The body politic Under the whether Or worse yet Riddled with ballots Everlustingly powered … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Ancient, Awe, Ballot, Choices, Consumption, Donald Trump, Elections, Funny, Future, Hell, Hillary Clinton, Humanity, National, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Puns, Republican, Revolution, Sacred, State, Third Party, Time, Trust, Wisdom
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POEM: Never Agin
They lived in an ethic Spacious enough To ford seven generations Rooted in time immemorial And in awe of the presents Their will yielding To a vision enduring beyond death True sojourners of life Not a cataclysm of transients Who … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Ancient, Attitude, Awe, Ballot, Bernie Sanders, Children, Choices, Christian, Citizens, Death, Donald Trump, Elections, Evil, Fear, Freedom, Future, Hillary Clinton, History, Hope, Humanity, Jill Stein, Life, Love, Megalomania, Modern, Mother Earth, Poems, Poetry, Present, President, Reactionary, State, Success, Time, Voting, Wisdom
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POEM: More Than, a Nester — Owed to Seán Nestor, in honor of his 29th birthday
More Than, a Nester Owed to Seán Nestor in honor of his 29th birthday In the beginning There was a good egg In compassed By a paltry brood A restless nativity And ageless questions Of what thirst And what last … Continue reading
Abolish Corporate Personhood – join MovetoAmend.org
Abolish Corporate Personhood – join MovetoAmend.org It’s “We the People”, not “We the Corporations.” Well, perhaps, for now, it’s “Wee the people!” But hang on, the people are pissed off, and the meek are getting ready. We are in fact … Continue reading
Posted in Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Anti-Corporate, Ballot, Citizens, Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Corporate Personhood, Democracy, Direct Democracy, Elections, First Amendment, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, government, Humanity, Law, Life, Money, Move to Amend, National, Occupy Wall Street, Political, State, Supreme Court, Wall Street
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