Tag Archives: Palestinian

POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: Heir Droppings

This poem goes out to the five Palestinian kids killed when an American airdrop of food crushed them after the parachute failed. This over the top “Operation Breadcrumb” does nothing to stop Israel’s illegal blocking of humanitarian aid by ground … Continue reading

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POEM: An Eve with Netanyahu

As President Biden campaigns on a pro-democracy platform against the corrupt Donald Trump, he is tag teaming genocide in Gaza with his long-time friend, the corrupt Israeli PM Netanyahu, the “Bibi” brain and heart of the military onslaught and deadly … Continue reading

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POEM: Compassion Sidelined

A poem for our collective denial of our responsibility to prevent genocide. Free Palestine! No one is free until all are free. Compassion Sidelined An aye for an aye And a no for a know A tooth for a tooth … Continue reading

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POEM: Oh Israel, Unequivocally State Fallowed Script Her

I have always admired the Torah and Old Testament perpetual reminders of “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,” and the precept, “You shall not oppress … Continue reading

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POEM: In Hospitable Missive

This poem was inspired by Israel’s official denial of any responsibility in the missile attack on a Palestinian hospital which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of patients, health care workers, and refugees desperately seeking what was hoped to be … Continue reading

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POEM: End the Israeli Occupation — Owed to the Palestinian People

The Israeli occupation must end. The latest in generations-long human rights violations and obstinate abrogation of international law must end. Cutting of water, food, electricity and fuel to an entire population, mostly civilians, of course, is a moral horror. No … Continue reading

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POEM: Israel Boldly Squashes Refugee Camp — Owed to as Easy as Pi

This poem goes out to all of the Palestinians bulldozed over and shot in Jenin, particularly the “permanent” refugee camp, by Israeli farces. May this poem become outmoded. Unfortunately, this poem has been written over and over through generations. Israel … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: White House gives its boilerplate response – We are NOT responsible. MOST. NOT RESPONSIBLE. EVER.

The White House has a surreal way of telling the truth. While blaming everything on someone else, they subtly admit that they are not responsible for anything, which is right in line with their amoral sociopathy. Of course, not taking … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: TRUMP Promises to Bring Peace From Bethlehem to Jerusalem And Good Will Toward All Men (Women Not So Much) NATIVITY Scene with TASMANIAN Devil Trump.

Trump, in his Biblical knowing, is familiar with barnyard animals, and feels free to interpose himself in virtually any manger scene, particularly if it calls for the most big-league baby of all. Jesus Christ, what the hay!! President Donald Trump … Continue reading

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POEM: Technicolored Jesus

Is it time for one of those Come to Jesus moments Wear there is skin in the game Beyond black and white Word And what surrounds Words Becoming flesh Another flood In a see of Red between the lyin’s More … Continue reading

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POLITICAL CARTOON: CEO Jesus Retirement Plan

CEO Jesus: You Had Me At The Retirement Plan After a long hiatus, CEO Jesus is back.  This comic was inspired by a poem I wrote recently: At Jesus, Inc. I came for the love and mutuality I stayed for … Continue reading

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This first in a potential series of Palestinian Jew Jesus comics was inspired by the latest insanity of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  In his continuing gross caricature of Israeli domination over Palestinians, he one day claims that Palestine doesn’t even … Continue reading

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POEM: Awe Full Going On

In oblivious camp The guard threw shoes at us My pair was too big to fill More suited to Tariq Though mine were newer Tariq’s were old And bound to be A little too snug Seeing more than a pair … Continue reading

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POEM: Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing

Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing Somewhat sheepishly She whispered Beware of wolves in elephants’ clothing Lurking about Only looking Like they want To kick some ass Though you can skulk in style If you have A grand Old party Securing your … Continue reading

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POEM: I am

The other day I got kicked out Of an atheist’s club Told in no uncertain terms There is science And no other! And I am left To wonder Wow, where did that come from?! I was raised A Christian A … Continue reading

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