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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Radical
Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION
I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading
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POLITICAL POEM: The Bus of Times, The Worst of Times
His political career Hung in the balance Throw a certain number under the bus Or see bus production drop precipitously This short poem recognizes a brutal utilitarianism in politics, which is present at most any level. Using people as means … Continue reading
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Tagged America, Balance, Business, Capitalism, Economic, Economy, Efficiency, Human Rights, Humanity, Impersonal, Meaning, Modern, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Present, Radical, Relationships, Religion, Respect, Sacred, Short Poems, Time
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POLITICAL POEM: Buy Partisan Ship
If you knot for me You agin Me Oh my They would halve US Believe In a New York minute Weather 60 second ads Or master debating in public For ours To won party Or buy partisan ship That teeming … Continue reading
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POEM: Pirate Queen
Wile the sands of time Make some wail and blubber In the aye of the storm You could sea it In the wides of her eyes Shown as bright as a thousand stars Her pupils As deep and rapturous As … Continue reading
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POLITICAL POEM: Pick You’re Genocide
Pick You’re genocide Won side or the other Gun to head Ahead to gun Aliens pervade our atmosphere As whirled wore thee Restless natives no so slight Wear homieland security rules Redcoats and bluecoats Everyday cover ups Of fuzz overruling … Continue reading
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Anti-Trump AND Anti-Hillary: What’s a Voter To Do?
Anti-Trump AND anti-Hillary: What’s a voter to do? This seems to be an endemic quandary in the current presidential campaign. I have my own views, which I have blogged, ranted and wrote poems about. My views are considered too radical … Continue reading
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Tagged America, anti-Trump, Apathy, Argument, Ballot, Change, Choices, Crazy, Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Ethical, Evil, Hillary Clinton, Intellect, Logic, Moral, Philosophy, Poems, Political, Politics, Power, President, Radical, Respect, Revolution, Third Party, Top Pun, Voters, Voting
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COMEDIAN JESUS: Pax Romana — You’re Killing Me!
This Comedian Jesus political cartoon highlights the shallow liberalism and false choices of Pax Romana, the metaphorical stand-in for Pax Americana, peace through so-called enlightened domination. This Comedian Jesus cartoon also ties the all-too-convenient collaboration of political and religious elites … Continue reading
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POEM: A Brother Lying
Prey fore the dead In the name of Jesus In resurrection of those soully asleep Getting a phallus rise Out of Christianity That is, US More sow then radical Islam In violate fundamental lists Dissembling faith, hope, and love As … Continue reading
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POEM: Slow Mo’ Bettor Blues
Is it awe A gambol Sometimes you git Their faster In slow motion More rarefied Then a tortoise and its hair Relegated to children Of God Knowing nothing In the phase of fabled Head weigh Breeding like Rabbits Countering undeniable … Continue reading
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POLITICAL CARTOON: CEO Jesus Retirement Plan
CEO Jesus: You Had Me At The Retirement Plan After a long hiatus, CEO Jesus is back. This comic was inspired by a poem I wrote recently: At Jesus, Inc. I came for the love and mutuality I stayed for … Continue reading
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FREE CHRISTMAS POSTER: Homeless Refugee Nativity
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…with all of those homeless Middle Eastern families. This free poster offers my take on the hypocrisy of Christians in a co-called “Christian” nation worshiping xenophobia and fear rather than the radical hospitality … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Free Stuff, Peace
Tagged Christian, Christmas, Compassion, Fear, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Hospitality, Humanity, Hypocrisy, Immigration, Jesus, Love, Muslims, National, National Security, Nativity, Radical, Security, Xenophobia
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POEM: Won Race
He ran his won race Not around other men’s tracks But in open fields Into sunsets and sunrises Never looking back As no one affront And know time Where mostly losers must collect Outside The whiner’s circle And still Fodder … Continue reading
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Tagged Attitude, Awareness, Awe, Environment, Experience, Freedom, Gift, Life, Loss, Passion, Play, Poems, Poetry, Power, Present, Radical, Respect, Responsibility, Risk, Self-Awareness, Solidarity, Time, Trust
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POEM: Corn Fed Politicians
We are surrounded By corn fed politicians Who don’t eat corn But slaughter the herd Fed only corn In a round a bout weigh In realty And capitol punishment Their hire power Contracts executioners To deal with every unwieldy beef … Continue reading
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Tagged Ancient, Authority, Community, Cynical, Dehumanizing, Elite, Food, Job, Jobs, Lazy, Life, Meaning, Money, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Power, Punishment, Radical, Relationships, Respect, Sustainable, Work
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POEM: A Thoreau Reading — Owed To Awe That Sucks
Some say That he sucked The marrow from life And resin ate Down to my bones Blood brothers In what is Not a race To judge knot In won slice of life Or as-certain fine truth From lowly metaphor And … Continue reading
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Tagged Awe, Experience, Facts, Life, Meaning, Moral, Passion, Poems, Poetry, Radical, Thoreau, Truth
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POEM: The Autobiography of Tao Rex
The opening lines Of the autobiography Of Tao Rex Alias Not Neil: Neil was a man of substance Who was not waiting For it to come into style If in the course of life He should cross Kingmakers And Job … Continue reading
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Terminal Terminology: Redefining CANCER
A recent news story about redefining cancer raises the issue of how powerful something becomes depending on what we call it. In this case, I call it “terminal terminology.” Cancer diagnosis and treatment is literally a growth industry. About half … Continue reading
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Tagged Death, Experience, Fear, Health Care, Hope, Life, Pyschology, Radical, Risk, Technology
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
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POLITICAL CARTOON: General Jesus – Blessed Are Those Who Kill People Who Kill People
General Jesus Speaks! Welcome to Gen. Jesus! This is the third installment a new Top Pun series of comics that will run on Sundays, featuring CEO Jesus, Free Market Jesus, Country Club Jesus, General Jesus, Comedian Jesus, and who knows … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Political Cartoons
Tagged Awe, Bible, Blessed, Cartoon, Comics, Control, Domination, drone, Existential, Fear, Free market, God, Humor, Imperialism, Impersonal, Jesus, Job, Jobs, leadership, Life, Love, Market, Militarism, Mock, Modern, Moral, Nature, Pacifism, Parodies, Political, Power, Powers that be, Radical, Religion, Rich, Solidarity, State, Technology, Top Pun, Trust, Voting, War
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Anarchism: Cooperation, Decentralization, Social Cohesion
David Morris writes in On the Commons, regarding the anniversary of the death of the Russian Peter Kropotkin, an article: Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is — And There’s a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It: The … Continue reading
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Tagged Anarchism, Authoritarian, Chaos, Character, Competition, Cooperation, Darwin, Death, Decentralization, Evolution, Humanity, Inequality, Injustice, Intellect, Kropotkin, leadership, Lenin, Life, Mind, Moral, Nature, Nihilism, Politics, Poverty, Privilege, Radical, Revolution, Revolutionary, Russia, Science, Society, Time, Tyranny, Wealth, Work
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