Tag Archives: Satire

POEM: The Lessen of Mirror Nihilism

On occasion, when someone thanks me for doing something, I have been known to say, with a bit of satire, “If I didn’t do it someone else would.” Of course, in a great many instances, this is not true. My … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Scientists have narrowed down the origin of the COVFEFE-19 virus to either a raccoon virus or Oompa-Loompa virus

Please enjoy this FREE anti-Trump POSTER: Scientists have narrowed down the origin of the COVFEFE-19 virus to either a raccoon virus or Oompa-Loompa virus.

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FREE POSTER: T-rump, BIG MOUTH, tiny hands, Breaks Shit

I just had an urge to make Donald Trump a dinosaur, long overdo. Please enjoy this free poster: T-rump, BIG MOUTH, tiny hands, Breaks Shit.

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UNIMPEACHABLE POEM: When Conspiracy Makes a Perfect Call

When Conspiracy Makes a Perfect Call The Democrats made me Due it In the end only Tempted bribery In awe I did In competence My soul motive Buy partisan ship A condemn nation urned As just US done With all … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: BULLY TRUMP – Trump Toadies Celebrate Latest Victory – MOST Lunch Money Collected By Any President EVER – Trump and Toadies Spotted Increasingly Out To Lunch

Trump is a bully. Trump’s bullying may be his most signature style — MOST signature style EVER! Trump’s chronic bullying is particularly surreal in the context of alleged peacemaking. Even the notion of Trump being mentioned for a possible Nobel … Continue reading

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RAMBO JESUS CARTOON: Will of Rambo Jesus Revealed – Protect The Fodder-land

I’ve always been dumbstruck how Christians so easily justify violence, especially since there is so little in the Gospels that can be fodder for envisioning a violence-advocating Jesus.  Violence always strikes me as a deathly perilous game of “means” and … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: TRUMP SATIRE – Political Satyr is Often Half Right – The Horse’s Ass Half

Top Pun strikes again!  Prez Donald Trump is full of half truths and behaves like an uncouth animal. As a political satirist and indefatigable punster, I am reveling in the pun of political satyr/satire. This free poster goes out to … Continue reading

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FREE Anti-TRUMP POSTER: Prez Donald Trump Deals With KAOS – The Russians have created KAOS, and it is time to GET SMART So, I’d like to introduce my new National Security Advisor and CIA Director

The Chaos-Monger-in-Chief Donald Trump knows chaos. As he declares that the Russians have successfully sown chaos in America, he advises that America GET SMART, like really smart. This free political satire poster relies on the pop culture reference of the … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Prez Donald Trump – A Very Stable Genius…And Ass

Most days I resist. Today, I cannot resist. Please enjoy this free political poster, adding to the surreal self-parody of Donald Trump: Prez Donald Trump – A Very Stable Genius…And Ass. My apologies to any donkey who might take offense.

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Senator ROB Portman “The GRINCH” Putting The ROB in Christmas

This free political poster is inspired by the pathetic and horrific tax cuts for the rich that congressional Republicans are pushing like crack for the wealthy this Christmas season.  The Senate Republican bill even includes a repeal of the individual … Continue reading

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TRUMP Twit Twitter Twittiest

Donald Trump is a twit.  Donald Trump is a twitter.  Donald Trump is the twittiest.  Donald Trump is the scariest trick and tweeter of all time. Please enjoy this free poster:

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FREE POSTER: Trump Crackpot Calling Kettle Black – “Special Counsel Mueller has conflicts of interest!!”

President Trump is a crackpot.  Donald Trump spouts his hot steam incoherently, burning everyone around him.  Of coarse, this crackpot is made of pure irony.  This week he spouted off about special counsel Robert Mueller allegedly having conflicts of interest … Continue reading

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FREE POSTER: Sen. Rob Portman meets with his Russian lawyer and campaign consultant on how to safely blow up Medicaid

When Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) is busy not meeting with his constituents, he is seeking expert advice from cartoonish consultants.  Please feel free to share or print out this free political poster, “Sen. Rob Portman meets with his Russian lawyer … Continue reading

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POLITICAL CARTOON: General Jesus Welcomes NATO Protesters to Chicago

Jesus Welcomes NATO Protesters to Chicago! Jesus and I will be at the NATO protest this Sunday in Chicago.  The temperature is expected to be 87°.  The Chicago Centurions, i.e., the Secret Service and the FBI, will not be allowing … Continue reading

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Support the Police, Beat Yourself Up

Support the Police Beat Yourself Up – FUNNY POLITICAL BUTTON Support the Police Beat Yourself Up – FUNNY POLITICAL BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, … Continue reading

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POLITICAL CARTOON: Dr. Jesus – Blessed Insurance

Doctor Jesus Goes on Rounds Dr. Jesus, a teacher as well, works at a teaching hospital.  Dr. Jesus takes every opportunity possible to share his love of medicine with others.  Of course, working at a prestigious teaching hospital doesn’t come … Continue reading

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Mock Funeral – Occupy Toledo

Yesterday, April 1st, April Fool’s Day, was the one and only performance of Occupy Toledo‘s Mock Funeral — in life (and death) there are no rehearsals, this is it!  If you missed it, I truly hope that you were doing … Continue reading

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POLITICAL CARTOON: Comedian Jesus – Love Your Enemies

Comedian Jesus Speaks! Welcome to Comedian Club Jesus!  This is the latest installment the Top Pun series of comics that run on Sundays, featuring CEO Jesus, Free Market Jesus, Country Club Jesus, General Jesus, Comedian Jesus, and who knows what … Continue reading

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POLITICAL CARTOON: CEO Jesus – The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

CEO Jesus Speaks: The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth! Welcome to CEO Jesus!  This is the second installment a new Top Pun series of comics that will run on Sundays, featuring CEO Jesus, Free Market Jesus, Country Club Jesus, General … Continue reading

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Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology Adds Top Pun’s Epic Poem

The eleventh update of the Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology now includes Top Pun’s epic poem: Christmas on Wall Street – Occupying Humanity.  Top Pun made the cut, thanks to the rule that all poetry is accepted!  You have to love … Continue reading

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