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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: America
POEM: Pseudoscience
After a cursory perusal Of your uncorroborated facts In your unverified application We are pleased to accept The donation of your brain To pseudoscience The great thing about donating your brain to pseudoscience is that such brains are largely unused. … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged algorithm, America, Conspiracy, Economy, Facts, government, Irony, Life, Literacy, Logic, Media, Modern, Poems, Poetry, Progress, Proprietary, Pseudoscience, Science, Short Poems, Truth, Western Civilization
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POEM: As The Tao Plunges
As The Tao Plunges I seek boundless horizons Beyond what can be billed What you can have Fore walls No bull work A retainer for passable living A cistern to dammed dreams Reining upon you Only knot to be brothered … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, Abyss, Advertising, America, Awe, Balance, Beautiful, Celebrity, Confucianism, Creation, Culture, Dehumanizing, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Experience, Freedom, Greed, Harmony, Heart, History, Humanity, Identity, Image, Life, Logic, Mind, Modern, Nature, Nihilism, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Pop Culture, Propriety, Questions, Reality, Risk, Rules, Sociopathy, Superficial, Tao, Time, timeless question, Vegetarianism, Western Civilization, Work, Workplace
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POEM: Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing
Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing Somewhat sheepishly She whispered Beware of wolves in elephants’ clothing Lurking about Only looking Like they want To kick some ass Though you can skulk in style If you have A grand Old party Securing your … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Business, Change, Christian, Christianity, Climate Change, Courage, Crime, Death, Elections, Evolution, Experience, Free market, Gandhi, God, GOP, Greed, Health Care, History, Humanity, Hypocrisy, Ironic, Jesus, Life, Market, Nonviolent, Palestinian, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Poor, Prayer, Present, Rage, Religion, Religious, Republican, Revolution, Sacrifice, Science, Skepticism, taxes, Truth, Voters, War, Work
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POEM: Super Bowl Sunday
Super Bowl Sunday Guess what I herd It’s Super Bowl™ Sabbath Quite coincidentally on Sunday And I’m not sure who’s playing who Perhaps the Cowboys and Indians Or the Lions and the Christians The eternal argument weather Its just A … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Argument, Arrogance, Balance, Christian, Commercial, Competition, Culture, Domination, Exceptionalism, Faith, Life, Love, Money, Patriotism, Poems, Poetry, Religion, Sabbath, Sports, Time, War, Western Civilization, Work
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POEM: State of the Union – Barack Obama
The State of the Union In come in equality Barack Hussein Obama Raising a question Of will he deliver His second state Of the union Different than the first Shot from Chicagoland Now addressing From 1600 sumpin’ Pennsylvania Avenue A … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Art, Community, Economic, Education, Equality, Experience, Family, Fear, Freedom, Heart, Hope, Humanity, Idealism, Identity, Income, Inequality, Intellect, Irony, Joy, Law, Lawyer, Lazy, Life, Minority, Money, Navy, Obama, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Politics, Power, Present, President, Questioning, Racism, Reality, Rhetoric, Science, skin in the game, Society, Soul, State, Status, Time, Truth, Vulnerability, War
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POEM: War on Poverty
War on Poverty In our nation’s capital We are drowning in think tanks Our chief armament In the war on poverty And for all of their business They have made up their mine Poverty is not the problem Poverty is … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Business, Congress, Heart, Plutocracy, Poems, Poetry, Poverty, President, Progress, Rhetoric, Scarcity, State, Supreme Court, Time, War, Wealth
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POEM: Not Right in the Head
I am just Not right In the head Just left Of center Heart beats For know reason To love The mathematician, physicist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, said, “The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.” For most of … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Ancient, Business, Change, Courage, Crazy, Culture, Enlightenment, Exceptionalism, Future, Heart, History, Insanity, Logic, Love, Modern, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Short Poems, State, Stupid, War, Western Civilization, Wisdom
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POEM: A Rude Invitation
Violence is an invitation To more violence And a rude invitation at that Such invitations need not be returned As you might have guest Violence begets violence. Means produce ends. How can we escape this vicious cycle? Must we accept … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, America, Creation, Creativity, Crises, Experience, Freedom, Gandhi, Healing, Human Rights, Justice, Nonviolence, Nonviolent, Pacifism, Patriotism, Poems, Poetry, Possibility, Power, Rage, Reality, Sacrifice, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Short Poems, State, Violence, War, Work, Xenophobia
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POEM: Treatment…Like…Sewage
Treatment…Like…Sewage I lived in Libertarianville They said “If you want sewage treatment, Just go to some place that has it.” So I did Many don’t live there long I find discussing politics with self-professed Libertarians a vexing experience. Typically, we … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, America, Authority, Balance, Buddhism, Buddhist, Censorship, Choices, Common Good, Compassion, Control, Disease, Doctrine, Dream, Dreams, Experience, Faith, Fear, Free market, Freedom, Fundamentalism, Future, Heart, Humanity, Ideology, Idolatry, Ironic, Irony, Journey, libertarian, Life, Logic, Love, Market, Moral, Nihilism, Philosophy, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Possibility, Present, Public Health, Questioning, Reality, Sacrifice, Skepticism, State, Stupid, Transcendent, Truth, Values, Wisdom, Worldview, Worship
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BP Tar Sands Refinery Expansion – PEOPLE’S HEARING Testimony
Below is my testimony at the PEOPLE’S HEARING to respond to the Ohio EPA’s sham public hearing on BP-Husky’ Draft Air Pollution Permit as part of their Oregon Ohio refinery re-tooling to process oil tar sands, the dirtiest oil on the … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Health, News, Political Action
Tagged Addiction, America, Ancient, Beauty, Business, Change, Children, Citizens, Community, Congress, Crime, Culture, Democracy, Economic, Environment, Environmental, government, Greed, History, Humanity, Insanity, Jobs, Justice, Life, Money, Mother Earth, mother nature, Nature, Occupy Toledo, Play, Poems, Poetry, Pollution, Power, Progress, Public Health, Scarcity, State, Stewardship, Sustainable, Tar Sands, Time, Toledo, Trust, Wealth, Women, Work
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POEM: O Children of Mother Earth, Arise!
This poem has emanated from my musings about the oil tar sands in Canada. The extraction of these oil tar sands, in some of the most pristine parts of North America, is the largest single scarring of Mother Earth ever … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action
Tagged Addiction, America, Beauty, Children, Greed, Hope, Life, Mother Earth, Musings, Nature, Occupy Toledo, Play, Progress, Resistance, Scarcity, Tar Sands, Toledo, Wealth, Work
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POEM: Slow Boat to China
Some days I feel like I’m on A slow boat To China Then it hits me More like Being water boarded In America My life is generally at a pretty relaxed pace, and with this I have no complaints. However, … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Awareness, Big Brother, China, Consciousness, Conventional Wisdom, Culture, Denial, Economy, Experience, Fascism, Life, Mind, Poems, Poetry, Self-Awareness, Short Poems, State, Terrorism, Torture, War, Wisdom
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Criminal Trespass: Killer Drones OR Protesting Killer Drones?
In order to welcome Vice President Joe Biden to the University of Toledo campus on the morning of October 23, 2012, for a campaign stop, I placed numerous sets of small label stickers saying, “STOP DRONE KILLINGS”, STOP WAR”, “DRONE … Continue reading
Another Bastard for Birth Control
Today, a couple hundred people gathered outside the Lucas County Courthouse in Toledo, Ohio, to demonstrate about religious freedom and healthcare in America. Most of the crowd was organized by the effort to repeal President Barack Obama’s so-called Obama care, … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News, Political Action
Tagged America, Birth Control, Catholic, Children, Church, Conscience, Control, Demonstrators, Family, Freedom, Health Care, Health Insurance, Income, Jobs, Jobs with Justice, Justice, Life, Obama, Occupy Toledo, President, Pro-life, Protests, Religious, Religious Freedom, State, taxes, Toledo, Torture, War, Work
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Occupy Wall Street Buttons
I am finally uploaded a new batch of Occupy Wall Street designs. This batch of 125 political designs is mostly Occupy Wall Street designs, but there are also a large series of “stop socialism” designs, a large series of Fox … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News
Tagged Advertising, African American, America, Anarchism, Big Brother, Business, Buttons-Pins, Capitalism, Change, Chaos, Class Warfare, Community, Compassion, Congress, Constitution, Consumption, cool design, Corporate Personhood, Corruption, Crime, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Democracy, Democrat, Dream, Dreams, Economy, Education, Elections, Environmental, Evolution, Facts, First Amendment, Food, Fox News, Free Speech, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Funny, Future, Gandhi, God, GOP, government, Greed, Heart, Hell, Human Race, Illegal, Jesus, Jobs, Liberal, Life, Love, Medicare, Military, Mind, Money, National, Normal, Nuclear Power, Occupy Wall Street, Parodies, Police, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Postal Service, Poverty, Power, Protesters, Questions, Reality, Religion, Republican, Responsibility, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Security, Silence, Slavery, Social Security, Socialism, State, Success, taxes, Tea Party, Time, Titanic, Top Pun, Trust, Truth, Vegetarianism, Violence, Wall Street, Wall Street Bull, War, Welfare, Work, Xenophobia
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May Day Street Theater – Corporate Zombies vs. Village People
This is the script for the street theater production that was performed tonight to kick off Occupy Toledo‘s May Day Fest week’s worth of events: May Day Eve Celebration Occupy Toledo April 30, 2012 “The Corporate Zombies vs. The Village … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News, Political Action
Tagged Accountability, America, Anti-Corporate, Business, Capitalism, Change, Choices, Compassion, Consumerism, Control, Corporate Personhood, Democracy, Depression, Economic, Economy, Environment, Environmental, Events, Family, Farce, Food, Funny, Future, Greed, Health Care, Health Insurance, History, Hope, Human Rights, Humanity, Inane, Injustice, Justice, Labor, Life, May Day, Meaning, Media, Military, Mock, Money, Mother Earth, Occupy Toledo, Occupy Wall Street, Oppression, Pi, Political, Poor, Possibility, Poverty, Power, Propaganda, Recession, Responsibility, Security, Slavery, Society, Soul, State, Stewardship, Suffering, Time, Toledo, Truth, Values, War, Wealth, zombie
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Mock Funeral – Occupy Toledo
Yesterday, April 1st, April Fool’s Day, was the one and only performance of Occupy Toledo‘s Mock Funeral — in life (and death) there are no rehearsals, this is it! If you missed it, I truly hope that you were doing … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Free Stuff, News, Political Action
Tagged America, Apathy, Celebrations, Citizens, Compulsion, Constitution, Consumption, Corporate Personhood, Death, Debt, Demonstrators, Direct Democracy, Enlightenment, Events, Food, Free Speech, Funny, Helplessness, Hope, Life, May Day, Mock, Money, Occupy Toledo, Occupy Wall Street, Parodies, Political, Propaganda, Protesters, Puns, Reality, Resistance, Rich, Satire, Security, Social Movements, Time, Toledo, Top Pun, Wall Street
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Reality Television: Poverty Grows
Reality Television: Poverty Grows – POLITICAL BUTTON Reality Television: Poverty Grows – POLITICAL BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, key chains, magnets, posters, and sticker … Continue reading →