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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Questions
POEM: The Death of Poetry
A critic posed A question Is poetry dead? But for the piles of dead poets Worth only one read assent A qualm comes Over me As death summons Unwanted clarity Between write and throng Stern and bow A demanding curt … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Cynical, Death, Foolish, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Prose, Questions, Reality, Resurrection
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POEM: Big Bang Burrito®
Under a first rate inquisition I mussed a test I don’t know If God Can make A bean burrito so big That God can’t Eat it Such a peerless quest in May be Scorn points with sum To be little … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Authority, Curiosity, Employment, Experience, God, Image, Jewish, Joke, Mind, Mock, Mystery, Poems, Poetry, Questioning, Questions, Religion, Spiritual, Spirituality, Stupid, Time, Universe
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POEM: Needling a Haystack
The stockpiles of human knowledge grow exponentially And wisdom, like needling a haystack Says, “What the hay?!” Finding better questions is where it’s at Not how fast you can shovel it Nor how big your pitchfork is Rather what thread … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
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POEM: God Gets a Bad Wrap
God gets a bad wrap As do men Gloom Over Rite and wrong Babies borne of bathwater Throne buy themselves Like clay Giving rise To the pitter potter of little feats And inconceivable images Speaking out laud In a class … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Argument, Authority, Awe, Blessed, Character, Curiosity, Denial, Einstein, Enemies, Experience, Failure, Faith, God, Grace, Guns, Hubris, Humanity, Impersonal, Intellect, Ironic, Justice, Life, Logic, Love, Meaning, Mystical, Nature, Ode, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Power, Pride, Questioning, Questions, Reality, Relationships, Rich, Silence, Simplicity, Skepticism, Spiritual, State, Transcendence, Transcendent, Truth, Universe, Women
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POEM: More Than, a Nester — Owed to Seán Nestor, in honor of his 29th birthday
More Than, a Nester Owed to Seán Nestor in honor of his 29th birthday In the beginning There was a good egg In compassed By a paltry brood A restless nativity And ageless questions Of what thirst And what last … Continue reading
POEM: Inexplicably Wonderful
The gift of life Is quite inexplicably wonderful But fear not Teams of scientists Are working Around the clock To redress this problem Skepticism has its limits. In practice, I am a skeptic of much skepticism. Life is wonderful. The … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Cynical, Cynicism, Disease, Fear, Gift, Gratitude, Heaven, Irony, Life, Meaning, Militant, Mock, Poems, Poetry, Questions, Religion, Scientific Reductionism, Short Poems, Skepticism, Time, Work
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POEM: Evolution of a Writer
Evolution of a Writer You have evolved into quite a writer Could you write something for my company? He solicited Presumably thinking I was still into monkey business Not even grasping I was clearly out of my tree This poem … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Business, Commercial, Compromise, Creativity, Darwin, Depression, Evolution, Experience, Facts, Freedom, Future, Humanity, Inspiration, Ironic, Job, Joy, Life, Logic, Market, Materialist, Meaning, Money, Nature, Passion, Philosophy, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Power, Present, Questions, Reality, Science, Scientific Reductionism, Sex, Simplicity, Society, Spiritual, Spirituality, Subjectivity, Success, Transcendent, Truth, Vocation, Work, Worldview
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POEM: Less Than Eternal Question
The Rev. Medley Had risen To the highest position He would ever It was only down from there An awe too common Occupational hazard Of moderate irony And accumulating lessens Just falling short Of making one cross Facing that less … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Buddhist, Christian, Christianity, Church, Conventional Wisdom, Death, Elite, Faith, Fear, God, Irony, Jesus, Joke, leadership, Life, Living Simply, Living Wage, Materialism, Meaning, Meditation, Modern, Murder, Nature, Power, Questions, Reality, Religious, Revolution, Revolutionary, Risk, Silence, Spiritual, State, Time, Truth, Wealth, Western Civilization, Wisdom
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POEM: As The Tao Plunges
As The Tao Plunges I seek boundless horizons Beyond what can be billed What you can have Fore walls No bull work A retainer for passable living A cistern to dammed dreams Reining upon you Only knot to be brothered … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, Abyss, Advertising, America, Awe, Balance, Beautiful, Celebrity, Confucianism, Creation, Culture, Dehumanizing, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Experience, Freedom, Greed, Harmony, Heart, History, Humanity, Identity, Image, Life, Logic, Mind, Modern, Nature, Nihilism, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Pop Culture, Propriety, Questions, Reality, Risk, Rules, Sociopathy, Superficial, Tao, Time, timeless question, Vegetarianism, Western Civilization, Work, Workplace
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POEM: Come Alive
At a party A stranger Approaches several guests With great anticipation Won by won Not asking them The routine inquiry “What do you do for a living?” Instead asking them “What do you do that makes you come alive?” Though … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Albert Schweitzer, Change, Gandhi, Job, Jobs, Life, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Puns, Questions, Quotes, Short Poems, Vocation, Work
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POEM: Forgiving Justice
Forgiveness can no more refute The demands of justice And its claim reguarding the lost Than justice can outflank The necessity of forgiveness To open the door for peace A heart rendering choice The difference being Securing one’s house Or … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Anger, Awareness, Experience, Fear, Forgiveness, Gandhi, Gift, Grace, Gratitude, Heart, Hope, Injustice, John Lennon, Justice, Life, Loss, Love, Perspective, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Possibility, Present, Questions, Reality, Respect, Risk, Sacred, Short Poems
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POEM: Government Listening
I’d like a government that listens More than listens in And NO, I don’t want fries with that! We need to truly listen to one another, in order to create together a democracy that represents us. Democracy is an open … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged Accountability, Citizens, Democracy, Economy, government, Inane, Life, Poems, Poetry, Politics, Power, Questions, Reactionary, Reality, Rhetoric, Short Poems, State, Terrorism, Truth, Work
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, Ancient, Art, Authorities, Authority, Awareness, Bible, Blessed, Blessing, budgets, Capitalism, Change, Character, Children, Christian, Church, Civil Rights, Classism, Common Good, Community, Compassion, Competition, Conscience, Consumerism, Control, Conundrum, Conventional Wisdom, Creation, Creativity, Death, Defense, Denial, Domestic Violence, Domination, Dream, Economic, Egalitarian, Enemies, Equality, Evil, Facts, Failure, Faith, Family, Fear, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Future, Gender, Gift, God, government, Grace, Greed, Harmony, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Hell, History, Holy, Hope, Hospitality, Human Rights, Humanity, Humility, Idolatry, Image, Immorality, Impersonal, Incarnation, Inequality, Injustice, Intimacy, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Journey, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Labor, Law, leadership, Life, Logic, Loss, Love, Market, Materialism, Meaning, Mercy, Militarism, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, Moral, Morality, Nationalism, Nature, Nonviolence, Patience, Patriarchy, Patriotism, Perspective, Philosophy, Piety, Political, Politics, Poor, Possessions, Power, Powers that be, Prayer, Present, Prison, Privilege, Prophet, Questioning, Questions, Racism, Radical, Rage, Reality, Reconciliation, Relationships, Religious, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Science, Security, Sexism, Society, Solidarity, Songs, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Stewardship, Success, Suffering, Temptation, Theology, Time, Toledo, Truth, Unity, Unjust Laws, Values, Violence, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Wisdom, Work, Worship
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