Tag Archives: Guns

POEM: Fort Knox Elementary

JD Vance at the Vice Presidential debate became the latest exemplar of the hollow response to school shootings, offering thoughts and preyers, and fortresses, and nothing else in between — except offering up our children to gun terror. This poem … Continue reading

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POEM: Get Over It

We are a far cry from Patrick Henry’s infamous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” which highlights one’s ultimate willingness to put all of your skin in the game. Today’s cry is more of a whine, “Give me … Continue reading

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POEM: Halve Truth

This poem is a parody of the infamous “You can’t handle the truth” military courtroom speech from the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men. You can view the original speech here. Many have killed and died in wars over half-truths … Continue reading

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POEM: Detente

When guns ceasefire and bombings are paused, we are still a longing weigh from peace. War is hell — not something to be won. This poem is a meditation on the accost of war, weather hot or cold. Peace — … Continue reading

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POEM: Law Abiding Citizens — Until Not

This poem goes out to all of those affected by mass shootings this “Independence” Day weekend: Law Abiding Citizens — Until Not The truth is Out Law Abiding citizens Until not Bearing arms And souls Entrails of blood And tears … Continue reading

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POEM: What Gives? Owed to Mutually Assured Destruction

This poem was inspired by a recent conversation with an apologist for the Cold War doctrine of mutually assured destruction, infamously known as MAD. I am not a fan of so-called “necessary evil”; if evil is necessary, then it is … Continue reading

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Free ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER: School Secretary Betsy DeVos Ponders Buying Gun Magazines to Support Her School

The latest shenanigans of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is to suggest spending precious federal education funds on buying guns for schools. Parently, she doesn’t understand that using violence to solve problems is anathema to basic principles of teaching children. … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Republican Leaders Gather To Deal With Gun Violence by Banning Ritalin, Banning Abortion, And Declaring Another Generation of Silence

In the face of a continuing gun violence epidemic and yet another school shooting, Republican so-called leaders are talking about everything but guns. Perhaps guns don’t kill people, Republicans do. The new president of the NRA, Ollie North, blamed gun … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Oliver North – Law-Abiding Felon New President of NRA

Felon Oliver North is the new president of the NRA. Wow, if he were a good guy with a gun, he would be feloniously good! I guess it was inevitable that a gunrunner would become the president of the NRA. … Continue reading

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FREE Gun Control POSTER: Prez Donald Trump and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions – We will enforce existing gun laws with the same gusto we have to repeal those same gun laws

In keeping with the great American political tradition of hypocrisy, Prez Donald Trump and Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions took a play right out of the NRA playbook in calling for enforcement of existing gun laws, all the wile trying to … Continue reading

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Free Political Poster: PREZ DONALD TRUMP – To address school shootings we will now be teaching “fortress mentality” in all schools

Further militarization of an already over-militarized society is analogous to the infamous sociologist Homer Simpson declaring that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of our problems. We are a country drunk on hyper-masculinity that is toxic to peace … Continue reading

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RAMBO JESUS: Taking U.S. To School – Salvation is in Hand – This Time You’ll Pay For Your Own Sins

In surreal fashion, I await for the U.S. followers of The Prince of Peace to provide moral leadership in fighting the unrelenting epidemic of mass shootings carried out with military-style guns. Perhaps U.S. Christians are too busy making plans to … Continue reading

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Anti-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER : Prez Donald Trump – Offering the lives of our children on the altar of an unregulated militia is proof of how great America is

200 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Now, Broward County, Florida, gets hit again, after another school shooting there last year. This time they set the record for biggest school shooting massacre in Florida’s history. Gee, who … Continue reading

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POEM: Elephants Prey: Never Forget

What too due Reguarding Assault weepin’s With prey Open season to ignore Smack in the middle Of the roam Elephants And cons of all sorts In outraged equality And dubious cause As attacks increase Their roil highness And unquestionable ump … Continue reading

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POEM: More Than Just, A Tinkle In The Pants

Sum people say Show me the money Only taking That folding Money Maid of paper Illegal to ink for won self You’re money or you’re life Weather helled up Or razing heaven Our soles speak As bodies of evidence And … Continue reading

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POEM: God Gets a Bad Wrap

God gets a bad wrap As do men Gloom Over Rite and wrong Babies borne of bathwater Throne buy themselves Like clay Giving rise To the pitter potter of little feats And inconceivable images Speaking out laud In a class … Continue reading

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POEM: A Ghastly Alchemy

For just Some Dam Weepin’s permit I protect and serve Up my enemies Like Cold Turkey Shoot Only to rifle But growing ode In a ghastly alchemy Silver bullets turning to lead Down the wrong path Instantly poisoned Hearts and … Continue reading

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POEM: Eulogizing Fort Hood

Eulogizing Fort Hood It is not ours to ask Why those so schooled In violence Should act violently On a vocation so seriously Taking Won too many weepings Lead so quickly Penetrating human hearts Our own flesh Not at home … Continue reading

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POEM: The Right and Wrong End of a Gun

I shot Bill In the gut He stood there For a moment Seeming like a lifetime His blood flowing Like Well Freely Or Might as Well Be ‘N aRiA Souled A Bill of goods Now Kosher A salt of the … Continue reading

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POEM: Smoking Guns

Smoking Guns Gun control is their aim Bringing a bout Sad states And a stag nation Wear points are sported Big bucks are the game Triggering depression Beyond one’s cope Looking down The business end Of a gun shaking As … Continue reading

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