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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Sex
Feminist POEM: Me Too — Now A Brand Knew Whirled Of Daughters
They rise from along history Yet much more so from her story As tectonic plates ready to serve up Unseen Earthquakes From a thousand generations reserved in silence Now a brand knew Whirled of daughters A raze of sisters A … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Awe, Catholic, Change, Civil Rights, Congress, Control, Crime, Denial, Discrimination, Employment, evangelicals, Experience, Faith, Feminist, Forgiveness, Future, Gender, Health Care, Hell, History, Holy, Immigration, Inspiration, Job, Justice, Labor, Law, Life, Me Too movement, Money, National, Ode, Poems, Poetry, Power, Prayer, Present, Progress, Sex, sexual assault, Silence, State, Status, Supreme Court, Time, Trust, Truth, Women, Workplace, Worldview
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ANTI-TRUMP POSTER: Pornstar Stormy Daniels in Big Payoff and Nondisclosure Agreement for Short Sexual Encounter with Donald Trump
Alleged super deal-maker Donald Trump apparently has to pay for sex and pay for covering up that he paid for sex. A prurient public may be curious whether he pays by the minute or the inch, but whether his payoffs … Continue reading
FREE POSTER: GOP Greedy Old Perverts Sexual Predator-in-Chief Donald Trump and Roy Moore
Dirty old men, predominantly dirty old white men, are running rampant throughout our culture and politics. A long overdue push back is underway as many powerful sexual predators are finally being held to some account. The cutting edge of this … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Gay, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Authoritarian, Beautiful, Children, Christian, Community, Conservative, Conspiracy, Crime, Culture, Democrat, Donald Trump, Enemies, Fascism, free poster, Free Posters, Future, God, GOP, Hypermasculinity, Hypocrisy, Illegal, Justice, Kids, Lawyer, Lifestyle, Martyrdom, Military, Minorities, Moral, Muslim, National, Nationalism, Nature, Nazi, Normal, Patriarchy, Political, Politics, Power, Present, President, Reactionary, Redemption, Religious, Republican, Revolution, Rhetoric, Right-Wing, Roy Moore, Sex, sexual assault, Socialism, State, Success, Supreme Court, Time
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Friendly Rant: Voting FOR Jill Stein NOT Wielding “Privilege”
Oddly, with the presidential candidates from the two dominant and domineering political parties setting new records for low approval, voting for anyone else is met with bafflingly high contempt. My friend, local activist, and Green Party Jill Stein supporter, Shannon Frye, … Continue reading
Posted in Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Argument, Ballot, Children, Classism, Compassion, Crime, Culture, Defense, Democracy, Environmental, Equality, facebook, Family, Fear, Feminism, Feminist, Food, Freedom, Future, Gender, Green Party, Hell, Hillary Clinton, History, Identity, Incarnation, Inequality, Jill Stein, Justice, Labor, Life, Logic, Medicaid, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, Moral, Neoliberalism, Oppression, Police, Political, Power, President, Prison, Privilege, Queer, Racism, Rage, Religious, Revolution, Security, Sex, Sexism, Sexuality, Silence, Slavery, Social Justice, Social Security, State, Time, Truth, Violence, Voting, War, Women, Work
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POEM: Owed To Chet Chambers
His exacting integrity Was seeded only by generosity of heart He loved Awe of God’s children As well As he kin He planted seeds That others would harvest He worked side by side Under God’s reign And the radiance of … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Peace, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Awe, Change, Children, Church, Civil Disobedience, Civil Rights, Community, Cuba, Death, Experience, Faith, Family, Generosity, God, Grace, Heart, Housing, Humanity, Humility, Integrity, Jesus, Justice, LGBT, Life, Pastor, Poverty, Sex, Social Justice, Theology, Time, Toledo, Welfare
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POEM: The Yeast Of These
Wile there is much bred Daily preyed for Ample for awe concerned That seemingly still Fomenting swell times A mist repleting agin and agin In dubitable motifs Giving ascent to That for most ingredient A telling signature of homme The … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
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POEM: Sex Before Marriage?
He in choired So you think people should have sex before marriage? My straight forward rejoined her: Hell, I think people should have sex before breakfast! This short poem is a playful response to the straight-laced attitudes of many religious … Continue reading
Posted in Funny Poems, Gay, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Argument, Attitude, Catholic, Community, Conservative, Hell, Ironic, Mock, Nature, Play, Poems, Poetry, Questioning, Religion, Religious, Sex, Sexuality, Short Poems, Whimsical
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POEM: A Scarecrow’s Doo
My life is very Scuffed up Round the edges Hither too Better than A scarecrow Keeping Snobs a way As they brood Over heir dues Wile They are off Making hay Their own Abrade Turning straw men Into goaled Only … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Character, Consciousness, Conventional Wisdom, Culture, Efficiency, Gift, Humanity, Inane, Joke, Life, Love, Meaning, Money, Ode, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Possibility, Productivity, Sex, Status, Stereotypes, Superficial, Temptation, Time, Western Civilization, Wisdom
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POEM: Mountain of Love
He cried out “I would climb the highest mountain for you!” She said “How about doing your fair share of housework?” This short poem goes out to all the ladies in the house. I am a big fan of epic … Continue reading
Posted in Funny Poems, Poems
Tagged Funny, Heart, Love, Poems, Poetry, Relationships, Romantic, Sex, Short Poems, Universe, Work
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POEM: Evolution of a Writer
Evolution of a Writer You have evolved into quite a writer Could you write something for my company? He solicited Presumably thinking I was still into monkey business Not even grasping I was clearly out of my tree This poem … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Business, Commercial, Compromise, Creativity, Darwin, Depression, Evolution, Experience, Facts, Freedom, Future, Humanity, Inspiration, Ironic, Job, Joy, Life, Logic, Market, Materialist, Meaning, Money, Nature, Passion, Philosophy, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Power, Present, Questions, Reality, Science, Scientific Reductionism, Sex, Simplicity, Society, Spiritual, Spirituality, Subjectivity, Success, Transcendent, Truth, Vocation, Work, Worldview
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POEM: Cautionary Tail
Ouch! That guy should come with a warning label She said after Having had A piece of cautionary tail You can divide life’s lessons into two basic categories: 1) that which deserves emulating, and 2) that which warrants avoidance. This … Continue reading
Posted in Funny Poems, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Cautionary Tale, Experience, Funny, Grace, Hope, Joy, Life, Poems, Poetry, Reality, Relationships, Romantic, Sex, Short Poems, Time
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POEM: Her Voice
Her voice could be heard Three generations within earshot Yet the man in front of her Was two ears short of listening At times she spoke Simply to convince herself That she could Due more Then listen Wading for something … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Children, Classism, Compassion, Culture, Dehumanizing, Disenfranchised, Equality, Experience, Family, Heterosexual, Human Race, Justice, Life, Loss, Love, Poems, Poetry, Power, Present, Privilege, Questioning, Racism, Reality, Sex, Sexism, Society, Truth, War, Women
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POEM: A Forgetting God
Remembering God is almost as hard as God forgetting us Remembering God can be difficult. Remembering God can be particularly difficult if we are not trying to remember God. I believe that we all experience God, though some of us … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Christian, Christianity, Church, Conservative, Death, Equality, Experience, God, Human Race, Jesus, Life, Love, One-line Poems, Poetry, Puns, Relationships, Religion, Religious, Resistance, Sex, Sexuality, Time
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Blood Donor Deferrals Border on Insanity
I just returned from donating blood at the American Red Cross. I have been a regular blood donor for a long time. I usually donate blood two or three times a year. Unfortunately, I have been deferred as a blood … Continue reading
Posted in Gay, Health, News
Tagged Absolute Security, Advertising, American Red Cross, Balance, Blood Donors, Change, Choices, Colombia, Control, Crazy, Culture, Disease, Environment, Epidemiology, Events, Experience, Fear, Haiti, Hate, Health Care, Heterosexual, Hope, Insanity, Life, Loss, Military, Perspective, Political, Prevention, Public Health, Questions, Relationships, Risk, Security, Sex, Technology, Time, Vanity, Willingness, Women, Zero Risk
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Valentine’s Day: Show The World Your Love of Justice
Hannah Levintova of Mother Jones magazine has a wake-up call for Valentine’s Day celebrants: Think You’re a Virtuous Valentine? Think Again. She writes: Cut flowers: That bouquet you may be planning to gift today was most likely not grown in … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Children, Colombia, Conspiracy, Consumption, Defense, Economy, Ecuador, Environmental, Facts, Gift, Ironic, Job, Justice, Labor, Living Simply, Love, Mother Jones, Poor, Sex, Sexual Harrassment, Stewardship, Valentine, Women, Workplace
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Maybe There’s a Reason It’s Straight to Hell Not Gay to Hell
Maybe There’s a Reason It’s Straight to Hell Not Gay to Hell FUNNY BUTTON Maybe There’s a Reason It’s Straight to Hell Not Gay to Hell FUNNY BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top … Continue reading →