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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Worship
POEM: We Won’t Be Food Again
I would rather Be Job Less than Renounce A living wager And know place to lie My head My heart Made homeless In loo of A fast fooled nation For going The beast Wee Can due Hitched to number one … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, America, Ancient, Authority, Awe, Balance, Business, Capitalism, Change, Children, Community, Compassion, Consumerism, Conundrum, Counter-Cultural, Creation, Culture, Debt, Dehumanizing, Discrimination, Disease, Disenfranchised, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Elite, Employment, Enemies, Equality, Experience, Failure, Faith, Family, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Gandhi, Genius, God, government, Harmony, Hate, Heart, Heaven, Hell, Hope, Income, Inequality, Intimacy, Jesus, Job, Jobs, Journey, Justice, Labor, Law, Life, Living Wage, Love, Meaning, Money, Oppression, Perspective, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Political, Poor, Poverty, Power, Powers that be, Preferential Option for the Poor, President, Privilege, Productivity, Prophet, Proverb, Reality, Religious, Respect, Rhetoric, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Scarcity, Science, Simplicity, Slavery, Society, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Time, Truth, Values, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Western Civilization, Willingness, Wisdom, Women, Work, Worldview, Worship
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POEM: Davis-Besse Nuclear Disaster – “Good Job”
It was early Monday mourning When the Davis-Besse nuclear plant Finally ruptured At the base of Lake Eerie Weeping poison From the once-great lakes Now a watery grave for both sellers And consumers Of atomic drivel For what human remains … Continue reading
POEM: If I Were King
If I were king of the world My first official act Would be to resign as king It is a common fantasy to be a powerful ruler so that you could enact your will over others. This short poem is … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Character, Christian, Creation, Democracy, Elite, Experience, God, Jesus, Law, Logic, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Political, Power, Reality, Relationships, Religious, Respect, Reverence, Rules, Science, Selfish, Short Poems, Temptation, Worship
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POEM: Civilization
Dogs pee to mark their territory Humans build walls This is called civilization There are up sides and down sides to civilization. Western civilization shares at least one thing in common with canines: they both demarcate their territory by the … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Awareness, Balance, Control, Culture, Environment, Evolution, Extinction, Harmony, Human Nature, Human Race, Humanity, Life, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Present, Reality, Recycling, Short Poems, Technology, Temptation, War, Western Civilization, Wisdom, Worship
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POEM: Treatment…Like…Sewage
Treatment…Like…Sewage I lived in Libertarianville They said “If you want sewage treatment, Just go to some place that has it.” So I did Many don’t live there long I find discussing politics with self-professed Libertarians a vexing experience. Typically, we … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, America, Authority, Balance, Buddhism, Buddhist, Censorship, Choices, Common Good, Compassion, Control, Disease, Doctrine, Dream, Dreams, Experience, Faith, Fear, Free market, Freedom, Fundamentalism, Future, Heart, Humanity, Ideology, Idolatry, Ironic, Irony, Journey, libertarian, Life, Logic, Love, Market, Moral, Nihilism, Philosophy, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Possibility, Present, Public Health, Questioning, Reality, Sacrifice, Skepticism, State, Stupid, Transcendent, Truth, Values, Wisdom, Worldview, Worship
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POEM: Divine Vagrancy
God is a vagrant Outside the skeptics’ court Only present When manacled And without Proper ID Over looked By EGOS and SUPER-EGOS This poem offers an image of God quite different from a traditional “God the Father” who oversees His … Continue reading
POEM: Skin in the Game
Skin in the Game The gods are at war A blood sport for many The spectators are plenty Seeded at the rite and Overlooking the arena As bleachers whitewash The stain power of the players Announcers pooring over each play … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action
Tagged Accountability, Art, Awe, Courage, God, Inane, Optimism, Play, Poems, Poetry, Politics, Poor, Power, Risk, Sacrifice, skin in the game, Social Justice, Social Movements, Violence, War, Worship
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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POEM: Worship Here and There
I heard that many people will travel miles To go to church I find so much worship between here and there I rarely make it anymore
POEM: In God We Trust? Money Speaks!
In God we trust? A graven image We never leave home without Good For all debts, public and private When miss taking goods for good The most note worthy tender legal By George, Abe, Alex, Andy, Ulysses, and Ben Close … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Bible, Capitalism, Christian, Christianity, Class Warfare, Corporate Personhood, Cynical, Dehumanizing, Democracy, Free Speech, God, Hate, Idolatry, Image, Impersonal, Ironic, Irony, Jesus, Love, Modern, Money, Play, Poor, Propaganda, Religion, Rich, State, Supreme Court, Surreal, Technology, Trust, Wall Street, Worship
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How Much is Enough? Enough is Enough
David Sirota writes in In These Times about Embracing Enough. How much is enough? I consider this one of the most important questions for humans to answer both for themselves and to work out a reasonable relationship with the other … Continue reading
Posted in News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Ancient, Balance, Business, Change, Conservative, Doctrine, Economic, Ethics, Free market, Freedom, Hypocritical, Immorality, Individualism, Market, Moral, Morality, Nature, Political, Politics, Power, Privilege, Questions, Responsibility, Time, Work, Worship
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All Wars are Wholly Wars
All Wars are Wholly Wars-ANTI-WAR BUTTON All Wars are Wholly Wars-ANTI-WAR BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, key chains, magnets, posters, and sticker sheets can … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged cool design, Death, Evil, Holy, Nationalism, Patriotism, Religion, Time, Top Pun, War, Worship
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Hate Taxes? Avoid These 102 Tax-funded Enterprises
Tax time is around the corner, and it seems increasingly popular these days to hate taxes. Of course, hating taxes is a simply a more palpable manifestation of hating government. Further, I would submit that the bulk of government hating … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Army, Authority, Business, Children, Cooperation, Crassness, Culture, Firearms, Food, Free market, Freedom, government, Hate, Health Care, Hell, Housing, Humanity, Illegal, Job, Kids, Life, Lifestyle, Market, Medicaid, Medicare, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, National, Philosophy, Police, Political, Politics, Postal Service, Public Goods, Republican, Right-Wing, Security, Simple Solutions, Social Security, Society, State, taxes, Time, Top Pun, Tragedy of the Commons, Veterans, Voting, Work, Workplace, Worship
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It’s the Greed, Stupid
It’s the Greed, Stupid POLITICAL BUTTON It’s the Greed, Stupid POLITICAL BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, key chains, magnets, posters, and sticker sheets can … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Political and Philosophical Musings, Top Pun Design Commentaries
Tagged Change, Conundrum, cool design, Creation, Culture, Dehumanizing, Economic, Economy, Environment, God, Greed, Health Care, Heart, Jobs, libertarian, Life, Logic, Mind, Morality, Musings, Objectivity, Occupy Wall Street, Philosophical, Philosophy, Political, Power, Puns, Reality, Republican, Scientific Reductionism, Society, State, Status, Stupid, Time, Top Pun, Universe, Values, Violence, Wall Street, War, Western Civilization, Worldview, Worship
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War Travels By Night and Bidet
War Travels By Night and Bidet-FUNNY ANTI-WAR BUTTON War Travels By Night and Bidet-FUNNY ANTI-WAR BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, but other great Top Pun products like T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, caps, key chains, magnets, posters, … Continue reading →