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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Journey
POEM: Giant Chain of Keys
This poem is a tribute to won of the keys of life, that is that the journey is more important than the destination. On a more earnest note, may integrity and honesty make a comfortable home in your character. On … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Character, Honesty, Integrity, Journey, Joy, Kindness, Life
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POEM: A Musing Clime
This poem is yet another playful tribute to the muse tossing down poems for the taking. This poem adopts some imagery from Jack and the Beanstalk, albeit a less scary take. A Musing Clime Do you believe In magical beings … Continue reading
POEM: Draft Registration Civil Disobedience, aka, Holy Obedience
This poem is a poetic excerpt of my David and Goliath battle with the world’s most powerful superpower. Actually, Daniel in the lions’ den is more on mark. My refusal to register for the military draft back in the 1980’s … Continue reading
POEM: Just Us for Sum
This poem is a bout the long journey to recognizing that we are all in the same boat, weather that be an ark or the Titanic. Just Us for Sum Won group over an other Taking Into account Their own … Continue reading
POEM: Mine Your Own Busyness
Here is a poem about the sacred and profane journey toward presence of mind: Atop a mountain of undertakings He overlooked his guru Desperately wanting to be A little slower With deaf-defying pleas As the guru came fourth With quiet … Continue reading
POEM: Grizzled Prospector
This poem is about the difficult prospecting in life for goaled. There are many treasures to be discovered and re-discovered, even as life occasionally collapses upon us. Of course, each time we get through to the other side, however grizzled, … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Heaven, Journey, Life, Soul, Time
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POEM: God’s Tell
God’s Tell Is it just Another day Like any other Inner changeable Who could tell? And there I was Mining my own busyness When it came to pass God winked at me I timidly wavered back Yet setting off A … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Albert Schweitzer, Awe, Busyness, God, Journey, Justice, Nature, Play, Playfulness, Poems, Poetry, Solidarity, Work
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A Spiritual Autobiography
I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group. While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Gay, Health, News, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Anxiety, Art, Authority, Beautiful, Bible, Blessed, Buddhism, Business, Catholic, Children, Christian, Church, Civil Disobedience, Conscience, Conscientious Objection, Conscription, Crude, Death, Diversity, Draft Registration, Environment, Events, Experience, Faith, Family, Food, God, government, Grace, Haiti, Healing, Heart, History, Holy, Hope, Humor, Irreverence, Jester, Job, Journey, Justice, Kids, Law, leadership, Liberal, Life, Love, Media, Mennonite, Military, Mind, Mom, Money, Mystic, Nutrition, Obedience, Pacifism, Pastor, Philosophy, Play, Poems, Political, Poor, Poverty, Powers that be, Prayer, President, Public Health, Religious, Reverence, Science, Security, Serenity, Social Justice, Spiritual, Stewardship, Success, Theology, Time, Top Pun, Truth, Vegetarianism, War, Work, World Hunger, Worship, Zen
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POLITICAL POEM: You Don’t Say, And Ever Prey
To every American YES The president no’s stuff That wee don’t Real lies Pinocchio without puppeteers Cyrano’s muzzle sow credible Undisclosed pickings of boogie men Obscuring a lode of crop Not too be shared Impolite company Helled as rue’d or … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Capitalism, Celebrity, Civil Rights, Democracy, Donald Trump, Freedom, God, government, Journey, Love, Money, Poems, Poetry, Political, Power, President, Propaganda, Public Goods, Rhetoric, Soul, Trust, Truth, Violence, Voting
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Edward Snowden, the infamous NSA whistleblower, is my candidate for the most heroic American this decade. Is it time for President Obama to grant a presidential pardon to Edward Snowden? YES! The campaign is on, with the release of Oliver … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political Action
Tagged Authoritarian, Change, China, Citizens, Congress, Conspiracy, Culture, Donald Trump, Edward Snowden, Experience, Family, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Gift, government, Hillary Clinton, History, Hope, Human Rights, Journalists, Journey, Law, Lawyer, Life, Logic, National, National Security, Obama, Patriot, Perspective, Police, Political, Possibility, Power, President, Progress, Right-Wing, Risk, Russia, Security, State, Time, War, Whistleblower, Work
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POEM: In A Family Weigh
The future looms Sew large As we seam Sow singularly stranded In the present Weave heir A parent With know designs Beyond Sum won ails And grater still The mine wandering Too what end As life goes On and on … Continue reading
POEM: To Not Mirrorly Be
The powers that be Screw you Then you screw me I don’t blame you Do you blame me? Either weigh We don’t have To be that way An open secret For awe to see And not mirrorly be Everywhere I … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Counter-Cultural, Evolution, History, Hope, Human Rights, Humanity, Image, Journey, Justice, Life, Modern, Nature, Play, Poems, Poetry, Power, Powers that be, Present, Reactionary, Reality, Rules, Shakespeare, Society, Time, Women
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POEM: Rare Prayer
I found myself In rare prayer A genus reserved for Mother’s ilk Only doing what Kin be done In udder neglect Of that long a go Cached in Fore more sensible weighs Now wholly saved For foxholes The mass Of … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Apathy, Awe, Compromise, Creation, Dream, Dreams, Environment, Environmental, Experience, Future, God, Grace, Greed, Harmony, Heart, Hope, Hubris, Insecurities, Journey, Lazy, Life, Loss, Meaning, Mind, Mourning, Mystic, Poems, Poetry, Power, Powers that be, Prayer, Present, Reality, Religion, Soul, Spiritual, Tar Sands, Truth, Universe, Women
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POEM: Dead Precedents
The whirled is full of dollereds Strewing up our future With dead precedents And we no where Greed takes us This short poem addresses the persistence of greed, even though its poor outcomes are well documented and embedded in human … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Choices, Compassion, Curiosity, Denial, Existential, Experience, Facts, Future, Greed, Harmony, Hope, Humanity, Journey, Joy, Life, Moral, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Reality, Selfish, Short Poems, Temptation
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POEM: We Won’t Be Food Again
I would rather Be Job Less than Renounce A living wager And know place to lie My head My heart Made homeless In loo of A fast fooled nation For going The beast Wee Can due Hitched to number one … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, America, Ancient, Authority, Awe, Balance, Business, Capitalism, Change, Children, Community, Compassion, Consumerism, Conundrum, Counter-Cultural, Creation, Culture, Debt, Dehumanizing, Discrimination, Disease, Disenfranchised, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Elite, Employment, Enemies, Equality, Experience, Failure, Faith, Family, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Gandhi, Genius, God, government, Harmony, Hate, Heart, Heaven, Hell, Hope, Income, Inequality, Intimacy, Jesus, Job, Jobs, Journey, Justice, Labor, Law, Life, Living Wage, Love, Meaning, Money, Oppression, Perspective, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Political, Poor, Poverty, Power, Powers that be, Preferential Option for the Poor, President, Privilege, Productivity, Prophet, Proverb, Reality, Religious, Respect, Rhetoric, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Scarcity, Science, Simplicity, Slavery, Society, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Time, Truth, Values, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Western Civilization, Willingness, Wisdom, Women, Work, Worldview, Worship
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POEM: Compassion Hoard
I may not have bread And I can afford justice My feet may be bare And still I have wings unseen A fly on the wall Reflecting on wear thou art I cons A mass Pining for eternity I see … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Awe, Christian, Compassion, Control, Dream, Dreams, Experience, Faith, Fear, Food, Future, Generosity, God, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Injustice, Ironic, Irony, Journey, Joy, Justice, Love, Meaning, Mercy, Mind, Mystery, Passion, Patience, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Poor, Power, Present, Prison, Religion, Religious, Rich, Sacred, Silence, Songs, Status, Success, Time, Wealth
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3D POEM: My Twisted Uni-verse (on a Mobius Strip)
This 3D POEM, My Twisted Uni-verse, may very well be the first poem ever written to be read on a Mobius Strip, made from a plain strip of paper with a half twist and joined at the ends, forming a … Continue reading
POEM: I Will Join The One, There is No Other
Alone Where is God in that? Does salvation lie in community? Wherever two or more gather In character At present will be God Therefore, I will join the one One who was left behind The one who’s going places no … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Buddhist, Character, Community, Compassion, Counter-Cultural, Culture, Enemies, Enlightenment, Faith, Genius, God, Jesus, Journey, Life, Love, Mystic, Mystical, Nature, Opposites, Passion, Piety, Poems, Poetry, Power, Powers that be, Present, Reactionary, Relationships, Solidarity, Spiritual, Spirituality, Status, Status Quo, Time
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