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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Healing
POEM: The Stub
This poem is a small tale of serendipity where even the small stub of a toe could lead to large discovery, and weather this discovery turns out to be a blessing or a curse may also deep end on serendipity. … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Blessing, God, Grace, Healing, Serendipity, Time, Vocation
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POEM: Neighboring Accountability
Neighboring Accountability Several homes Down There is A child molester You can’t no For sure Buddies sow nice Too those knew Kids on the block How could you Warn up to him Surly there are other neighbors Axing the question … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, Awe, Children, Community, Compassion, Crime, Healing, Kids, Perspective, Poems, Poetry, Responsibility, Risk, sexual assault, Silence, Truth
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POEM: That Clarity Amidst Blood
That Clarity Amidst Blood The tides of change are rising From a tsunami of tears The salt of the earth Uniting with water The solution that is life That clarity amidst blood And where souls hit the street Awash with … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Authenticity, Balance, Change, Community, Courage, Cowardice, Democracy, Dream, Enemies, Greed, Healing, Hypocrisy, Injustice, Justice, Life, Loss, Money, Poems, Poetry, Political, Power, Powers that be, Rage, Resistance, Revolution, Selfish, skin in the game, Solidarity, Status, Unity, Vanity
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A Spiritual Autobiography
I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group. While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading
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POEM: Awe That Is Fine Her
Sheez Know more than Know less than Then any won ails In whatever Whirled Privileged to breathe at awe Fenced buy abets Dis regarding Weather grate her Or less her As any won object Is any thing worth wile Over … Continue reading
POEM: Sew Much Silence
Sew much silence And not enough Ears To take it in Awe that seams Unspoken Just got back from a Nonviolent Communication group session with the topic of “Receiving Empathically.” Such active listening to ourselves, other people, and, on a … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Healing, Muse, Nonviolent, Poems, Poetry, Power, Short Poems, Silence
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POEM: To Be Read Or Not
Her life was written In the margins Tolled in fine print Subject to lexicons Beyond apprehension Not adorned by elegant types Or gaudy cursive In fancy addresses Wear truth is stranger then fiction More than won could possibly ink Never … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Celebrations, Feminism, Feminist, Healing, Life, Poems, Poetry, Sacred, Silence, Solidarity, Truth, Women
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POEM: Nazi Murder Trials, 1963
Courting the truth Their stories were tolled Not simply for just us But for awe of them Beyond monumental To re-member A broken body politic This poem was inspired by the 2015 German movie, Labyrinth of Lies, about a young … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Awe, Character, Citizens, Courage, Denial, Fascism, government, Healing, History, Humanity, Hypocrisy, Image, Justice, Learning, Love, Murder, National, Nationalism, Nazi, Obedience, Patriotism, Poems, Poetry, Reality, Redemption, Romantic, Short Poems, Socialism, Time, Truth, War, War Crimes, Women
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POEM: A World Without Boarders
Mother earth bids us What rend must we pay For such fear in dwelling In apprehending tenets In discriminating borne Giving no quarter To mother and child And presumed fodder Taking the place Of wear every won re-sides Drawing lyin’s … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Beauty, Children, Common Good, Consciousness, Death, Fear, Healing, Hope, Humanity, Illegal, Lazy, Life, Mother Earth, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Racism, Rhetoric, Security, State, Stewardship, War, Xenophobia
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POEM: Metings, I’d Rather Do Without
I listen To that which speaks A bigger In feeleds of dreams Wanting more Then words Aloft from fences Of unsatisfying breadth And stealy calculation Dis passionate mines As inevitable ballbusters Descending from bona fide guise Even handed lines Powerless … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Balance, Bullshit, Change, Control, Dreams, Experience, Future, Healing, Heart, Ideology, Intellect, Justice, Life, Passion, Poems, Poetry, Power, Powers that be, Time, Truth
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POEM: Duckiness
Long the weigh I miss Took some clash Charging another Once an abject of my affection Now a worthy suspect In a lineup Of numbered whoa’s Among many Seedy subjects On the lam Yet beyond a shadow Of doubt To … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Attitude, Blessing, Change, Choices, Compassion, Control, Experience, Generosity, Healing, Hope, Intimacy, Kindness, Life, Loss, Love, Passion, Perspective, Poems, Poetry, Psychology, Relationships, Responsibility, Romantic, Suffering, Time, Vulnerability, Work
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POEM: Compassion Hoard
I may not have bread And I can afford justice My feet may be bare And still I have wings unseen A fly on the wall Reflecting on wear thou art I cons A mass Pining for eternity I see … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Art, Awe, Christian, Compassion, Control, Dream, Dreams, Experience, Faith, Fear, Food, Future, Generosity, God, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Injustice, Ironic, Irony, Journey, Joy, Justice, Love, Meaning, Mercy, Mind, Mystery, Passion, Patience, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Poor, Power, Present, Prison, Religion, Religious, Rich, Sacred, Silence, Songs, Status, Success, Time, Wealth
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POEM: Getting It Together
I see tragedy in the world Not as the enemy To be retreated from Nor as an accident Captivating my perverse stares Rather a musing These puzzling pieces Of my heart Shuttered into a million pieces In chanting invitations Entranced … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Choices, Evil, God, Healing, Heart, Hope, Idealism, Inane, leadership, Life, Muse, Musings, Nihilism, Perspective, Poems, Poetry, Reconciliation, State, Tao, Time
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POEM: A Rude Invitation
Violence is an invitation To more violence And a rude invitation at that Such invitations need not be returned As you might have guest Violence begets violence. Means produce ends. How can we escape this vicious cycle? Must we accept … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, America, Creation, Creativity, Crises, Experience, Freedom, Gandhi, Healing, Human Rights, Justice, Nonviolence, Nonviolent, Pacifism, Patriotism, Poems, Poetry, Possibility, Power, Rage, Reality, Sacrifice, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Short Poems, State, Violence, War, Work, Xenophobia
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POEM: Chapter 58 – Isaiah
Chapter 58 – Isaiah Isaiah was a man A kind of a man More generous than his wealth Untouchable by another’s profits With a frugality beyond any poverty He was a gentle man With a purposefulness typically beyond words Speaking … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Absurdity, Ancient, Bible, Change, Civil Disobedience, Courage, Cruelty, Economic, Evil, Faith, Food, Freedom, God, Healing, Heart, History, Holy, Injustice, Irony, Jesus, Joy, Justice, Law, Life, Love, Meaning, Modern, Mourning, Nonviolence, Nonviolent, Ode, Oppression, Pacifism, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Poverty, Power, Powers that be, Present, Prison, Quotes, Rebellion, Rich, Sabbath, Social Justice, Time, Violence, War, Wealth, Work
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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