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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Harmony
POEM: We Won’t Be Food Again
I would rather Be Job Less than Renounce A living wager And know place to lie My head My heart Made homeless In loo of A fast fooled nation For going The beast Wee Can due Hitched to number one … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, America, Ancient, Authority, Awe, Balance, Business, Capitalism, Change, Children, Community, Compassion, Consumerism, Conundrum, Counter-Cultural, Creation, Culture, Debt, Dehumanizing, Discrimination, Disease, Disenfranchised, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Elite, Employment, Enemies, Equality, Experience, Failure, Faith, Family, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Gandhi, Genius, God, government, Harmony, Hate, Heart, Heaven, Hell, Hope, Income, Inequality, Intimacy, Jesus, Job, Jobs, Journey, Justice, Labor, Law, Life, Living Wage, Love, Meaning, Money, Oppression, Perspective, Play, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Political, Poor, Poverty, Power, Powers that be, Preferential Option for the Poor, President, Privilege, Productivity, Prophet, Proverb, Reality, Religious, Respect, Rhetoric, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Scarcity, Science, Simplicity, Slavery, Society, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Time, Truth, Values, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Western Civilization, Willingness, Wisdom, Women, Work, Worldview, Worship
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POEM: Guarding God
He stoutly guarded God From an unruly world An unreveling creation And in such earnest He, and millions others, were Relieved of their doody Perhaps only a small relief For God above Yet for such bellow Refuse-ing To be passed … Continue reading
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POEM: As The Tao Plunges
As The Tao Plunges I seek boundless horizons Beyond what can be billed What you can have Fore walls No bull work A retainer for passable living A cistern to dammed dreams Reining upon you Only knot to be brothered … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abundance, Abyss, Advertising, America, Awe, Balance, Beautiful, Celebrity, Confucianism, Creation, Culture, Dehumanizing, Dream, Dreams, Economic, Experience, Freedom, Greed, Harmony, Heart, History, Humanity, Identity, Image, Life, Logic, Mind, Modern, Nature, Nihilism, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Pop Culture, Propriety, Questions, Reality, Risk, Rules, Sociopathy, Superficial, Tao, Time, timeless question, Vegetarianism, Western Civilization, Work, Workplace
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POEM: The Autobiography of Tao Rex
The opening lines Of the autobiography Of Tao Rex Alias Not Neil: Neil was a man of substance Who was not waiting For it to come into style If in the course of life He should cross Kingmakers And Job … Continue reading
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Tagged Busyness, Capitalism, Character, Christian, Conventional Wisdom, Creation, Culture, Faith, Gift, God, Greed, Harmony, Heart, Heaven, Human Rights, Humanity, Idolatry, Jewish, Job, Justice, Life, Meaning, Mind, Modern, Murder, Perspective, Poems, Poetry, Power, Productivity, Radical, Reality, Respect, Sabbath, Sacred, Spiritual, State, Tao, Transcendent, Trust, Truth, Unity, War, Wealth, Wisdom, Work, Worldview
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MLK Day Poem
I have attended Toledo’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Unity celebration for many years. Today, I decided to pass on this year’s “show” (yes, the organizers used the term “show” to describe the festivities). In recent years, I have seen … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Change, Charity, Christmas, Classism, Dream, drone, Equality, Freedom, Harmony, Hate, Image, Income, Inequality, Justice, Martin Luther King Jr, Mind, mlk celebration, mlk day, Money, Moral, Obama, Plutocracy, Poet, Poetry, Police, Poverty, Power, Powers that be, Privilege, Racism, Resistance, Rich, skin in the game, Slavery, Status, Status Quo, Time, Toledo, Unity, War, Work
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POEM: Their Undoing
They control the levers Of a vast machinery Of business, politics, education They know no equals Fusing work and ploy Blind to their match Game and set Unable even to follow their own ruse Our future Remains Incalculable Though we … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awareness, Business, Change, Choices, Control, Courage, Culture, Education, Evil, Freedom, Future, Harmony, History, Hope, Hypocrisy, Hypocritical, Lazy, Poems, Poetry, Politics, Power, Powers that be, Present, Reality, Risk, Rules, Self-Awareness, Selfish, Short Poems, State, Status, Status Quo, Stupid, Sustainable, Time, Work
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POEM: Certifiable
Certifiable Respectability is the currency of the establishment A religion of red carpets and relics Propriety is its only denomination Holding sway with all that moves Trafficking in status A multitude of sins covered in fine veneers Indulgences purchased by … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Conventional Wisdom, Culture, Cynicism, Death, Dreams, Facts, Faith, Future, Happiness, Harmony, Heart, Hope, Life, Mystic, Possibility, Power, Powers that be, Present, Probability, Propriety, Reality, Religion, State, Statistics, Status, Status Quo, Time, Transcendent, Voting, Wisdom, Work
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POEM: Civilization
Dogs pee to mark their territory Humans build walls This is called civilization There are up sides and down sides to civilization. Western civilization shares at least one thing in common with canines: they both demarcate their territory by the … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Awareness, Balance, Control, Culture, Environment, Evolution, Extinction, Harmony, Human Nature, Human Race, Humanity, Life, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Present, Reality, Recycling, Short Poems, Technology, Temptation, War, Western Civilization, Wisdom, Worship
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POEM: Breathing
Thinking about breathing makes it more difficult Amazingly, and quite fortuitously, people can breathe without thinking. Breathing is something we know how to do without having to think about it. Thankfully, thousands of bodily functions fall into this category. Fortunately, … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awareness, Balance, Consciousness, Control, Environment, Free Will, Gift, Harmony, Life, Meditation, Nature, One-line Poems, Poetry, Respect, Short Poems, Wisdom
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POEM: Tracing Humanity
Tracing Humanity They say that You can tell A lot About a person By what they do This, of course, is on track Still, there is a better weigh The difference between animals and humans That which earthly scales can’t … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Authority, Balance, Character, Choices, Control, Conundrum, Ethics, Experience, Faith, Freedom, Harmony, Heart, Humanity, Integrity, Kids, Life, Logic, Moral, Morality, Perspective, Physics, Poems, Poetry, Power, Present, Psychology, Reality, Rebellion, Sacred, Secrets, Serenity, Skepticism, Spiritual, Spirituality, Truth, Worldview
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, Ancient, Art, Authorities, Authority, Awareness, Bible, Blessed, Blessing, budgets, Capitalism, Change, Character, Children, Christian, Church, Civil Rights, Classism, Common Good, Community, Compassion, Competition, Conscience, Consumerism, Control, Conundrum, Conventional Wisdom, Creation, Creativity, Death, Defense, Denial, Domestic Violence, Domination, Dream, Economic, Egalitarian, Enemies, Equality, Evil, Facts, Failure, Faith, Family, Fear, Food, Forgiveness, Freedom, Future, Gender, Gift, God, government, Grace, Greed, Harmony, Hate, Healing, Heart, Heaven, Hell, History, Holy, Hope, Hospitality, Human Rights, Humanity, Humility, Idolatry, Image, Immorality, Impersonal, Incarnation, Inequality, Injustice, Intimacy, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Journey, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Labor, Law, leadership, Life, Logic, Loss, Love, Market, Materialism, Meaning, Mercy, Militarism, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, Moral, Morality, Nationalism, Nature, Nonviolence, Patience, Patriarchy, Patriotism, Perspective, Philosophy, Piety, Political, Politics, Poor, Possessions, Power, Powers that be, Prayer, Present, Prison, Privilege, Prophet, Questioning, Questions, Racism, Radical, Rage, Reality, Reconciliation, Relationships, Religious, Responsibility, Resurrection, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Sabbath, Sacred, Science, Security, Sexism, Society, Solidarity, Songs, Soul, Spiritual, State, Status, Status Quo, Stewardship, Success, Suffering, Temptation, Theology, Time, Toledo, Truth, Unity, Unjust Laws, Values, Violence, Vulnerability, War, Wealth, Wisdom, Work, Worship
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Violence Protects the State
Stephanie N. Van Hook, Executive Director of Metta Center for Nonviolence in Petaluma, California, has written a commentary in Znet on How Violence Protects the State. Here is an excerpt: “Violence in opposition to the State relieves the State and … Continue reading
Posted in News, Peace, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Anger, Change, Culture, government, Harmony, History, Humanity, Injustice, Life, Logic, Love, Modern, Nonviolence, Nonviolent, Power, Propaganda, Protesters, Rage, Respect, Risk, State, Unity, Violence
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Toledo Martin Luther King Jr. Day Unity Celebration
Toledo Martin Luther King Jr. Day Unity Celebration I just got back from the Toledo Martin Luther King Jr. Day unity celebration. I was delighted to see thousands of people celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in … Continue reading
Posted in Peace, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, African American, Art, Celebrations, Christian, Community, Conflict, Creation, Death, Dream, Events, Evil, Family, God, Grace, Harmony, Hope, Humanity, Injustice, Jesus, Justice, Life, Martin Luther King Jr, Modern, Musings, Nature, Necessary Evil, Optimism, Pacifism, Paradoxes, Philosophical, Play, Political, Power, Religious, Respect, Skepticism, Society, Spiritual, Status, Status Quo, Suffering, Toledo, Unity, Violence, War, Work
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Top Pun’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day Poem 2012
I have written another pun-filled epic poem; This time in honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and MLK day. I dedicate this poem to the legacy and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all of those who have … Continue reading
Posted in Funny Poems
Tagged African American, Civil Rights, Funny, Harmony, Justice, Martin Luther King Jr, mlk day, Moral, Parodies, Poems, Political, Protest Poetry, Puns, Satire, Spiritual, Time, Top Pun, Work
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