Tag Archives: Crazy

POEM: That’s Rich

Most rich people consider themselves just, comfortable. My favorite dialogue from the movie, Crazy Rich Asians: Rachel Chu: “So your family is, like, rich?” Nick Young: “We’re comfortable.” Rachel Chu: “That is exactly what a super-rich person would say.” That’s … Continue reading

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POEM: Winning The Stockholm Sin-drome

This is another in my series of poems on artificial intelligence. I suspect that the “wow factor” of some early AI uses will serve as a sucker punch for a largely bloodless beating. While I am skeptical of many AI … Continue reading

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POEM: The Hole In My Well — Being

This poem is a playful testament to the wellspring of nature, both of the natural world which makes our life possible and the human spirit which has the potential to uplift life and awe creation. Of course, there is an … Continue reading

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POEM: A Madder of Time

This poem plays with the notions of patience and urgency in a whirled that can be crazy, like berserkers crying for help. The tempting insanity of joining the frenetic pace of crazy can’t just be brushed off, as some sane … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: President Donald Trump DEFCON ORANGE Pushing Nuclear Button Launch, Out-to-Lunch

Welcome to DEFCON ORANGE!  Prez Donald Trump continues to rant about pushing his own big button in truly masturbatory fashion. Without his big button he would simply be the village idiot. But, his culpability of destroying humanity and the planet … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Sen ROB Portman and The DON Dreaming of a Green Christmas with Tax Cuts for Rich

The Republican tax scam, noted for its practically psychotic connection to reality, came closer to crashing into reality as Senate Republicans passed their tax bill, huge tax bill, in the middle of the night.  Senators had four hours to try … Continue reading

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POLITICAL POEM: Heir Conditioning

As things went south South goes north Truly Global warning is real There is an arising From the fires in bellies And home fires burning In efface of doors closed Windows open Those crazy few Committed Those sober many Just … Continue reading

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POEM: Whole Beings Uneaten

Most passed by With their own lodes barren Some considered us fruits Whose only value was what was eating us Others fancied us spoiled At any rate As undrinkable whines Expressing only of what we no Sow surly After awe … Continue reading

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POEM: Mad Happy

Well I never Happy to be mad Mad too be happy This might be crazy That maybe fitting Ante this and ante that Given fighting chance And unbelievable odds Of uncounted to won Beat up and up beat Pleased as … Continue reading

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Anti-Trump AND Anti-Hillary: What’s a Voter To Do?

Anti-Trump AND anti-Hillary: What’s a voter to do?  This seems to be an endemic quandary in the current presidential campaign.  I have my own views, which I have blogged, ranted and wrote poems about.  My views are considered too radical … Continue reading

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POEM: More Than Just, A Tinkle In The Pants

Sum people say Show me the money Only taking That folding Money Maid of paper Illegal to ink for won self You’re money or you’re life Weather helled up Or razing heaven Our soles speak As bodies of evidence And … Continue reading

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POEM: Know Vacancy — Owed To Co-Dependency

Are you so-so special More than a little off Renting that hallowed space Inn one’s head To fiend and faux like For what Mounts to ears A-pathetic brood Checking in weigh too often Getting your pique of the litter Wondering … Continue reading

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POEM: Owed to Fort Hood Shooting(s)

Owed to Fort Hood Shooting(s) Welcome to the hood A fort of freedom Billed upon violence Up in arms With billions in cache Yet what remains Unexplained Bodies of evidence About faces Ambushed from deep within Sow unlike The enemy … Continue reading

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POEM: Jumping From The Ledger

Rejoin the rat race And all that chasten Daring to make A rodent in the machine Which is all the rage The bounty on your ahead A golden hamster wheel Retard after 50 years Left dumb Lips pursed For so … Continue reading

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POEM: Balms Around Every Corner

Truth lives at peace with facts Facts war with truth As an orderly Gone astray In an awe in compassing hospitality Scurrying from one stat to the next Drunk on 100% proof And in all probability Will perpetually pass attest … Continue reading

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One day I went AWOL A Well Ordered Life I’m not sure If anyone noticed If they did Judging me By my backside I would be too Looking forward Mirrorly suggestive Of one’s self In what might A peer A … Continue reading

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POEM: Not Right in the Head

I am just Not right In the head Just left Of center Heart beats For know reason To love The mathematician, physicist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, said, “The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.”  For most of … Continue reading

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POEM: Navy Yard Killings

Navy Yard Killings In these crazy times Of senseless killings Nations seek a return To sensible killings There are many levels of crazy.  There are perhaps even more levels of crazy when it comes to killing.  I am not surprised … Continue reading

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POEM: Poetic License

One day I went to get my poetic license I drove them crazy with their test at the DMV Perhaps next time I’ll try NASA This poem reminds me of the scene in the movie, “Dead Poets Society,” where the … Continue reading

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POEM: Running Like Chickens With Their Heads Cut Off

POEM: Running Like Chickens With Their Heads Cut Off Have you ever looked a chicken in the eyes? Most of us city folk probably never have Where are you? Chickens can look quite different in the city Just the same … Continue reading

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