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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Faith
POEM: Owed Time Religion
There very well may be a nexus between now and eternity, yet I find it helpful to consider now enough. Owed Time Religion Some in cyst That there religion Holds time in memorial Preaching the hear after Weather buy work … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Faith, Religion, Time, Work
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POEM: Halve Truth
This poem is a parody of the infamous “You can’t handle the truth” military courtroom speech from the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men. You can view the original speech here. Many have killed and died in wars over half-truths … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Faith, Freedom, Guns, Hope, Love, Military, Questions, Responsibility, Time, Truth
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POEM: That Fine Line
Life is complicated. Many of us use this as a rationalization to avoid decisive action. This can leave us in a morass of moral confusion. If we a fine line a ledge, the slightest movement may result in profoundly different … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Awe, Balance, Creation, Extinction, Faith, God, Life, Meaning, Meditation, Modern, Moral, Opposites, Rationalization, Science, Society, Statistics, Values, Wisdom, Worship
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POEM: Bread A Loan
This poem is a meditation on making money, positing that we should make enough money to live but should seek to stay clear of the powerful drift and grift of money making you. Bread A Loan He sought to raze … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Faith, God, Meditation, Money, Silence
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POEM: Bastard Won and Awe
This poem is a tribute to that parent of us awe, oddly making us sort of bastards, yet siblings to all. Feel free to join this family of virtues. Bastard Won and Awe I am A bastard Fodder to none … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Poems
Tagged Awe, Children, Faith, Family, Generosity, Hope, Love, Patience
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LOVE POEM: The Her and Now
The Her and Now Her gentle generosity Levels a see of petty lacks Her abundant kindness Overwhelms any insecurity Her abiding faith Shrinks fear two size Her steadfast patience Outlasts wistful worries Her joy Outshines any mourn Her bounding gratitude … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged Awe, Consumption, Faith, Fear, Generosity, Gratitude, Hope, Joy, Kindness, Life, Love, Love Poems, Patience, Poet, Poetry, Soul, Valentine
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FREE POSTER: God is Love (with asterisk)
God is love. Period. In case you were wondering what the fine print says: it’s the Sermon on the Mount (below). I wanted the primary meaning of this poster to address and challenge the notion that God’s love has a … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Peace, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Authority, Blessed, Children, Enemies, Evil, Faith, Food, Foolish, free poster, Gift, God, Hate, Heart, Heaven, Hell, Immorality, Jerusalem, Jesus, Labor, Law, Life, Love, Meaning, Mercy, Money, Moral, Morality, Murder, Peacemakers, Poor, Prison, Prophet, Sacred, Temptation, Time
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Feminist POEM: Me Too — Now A Brand Knew Whirled Of Daughters
They rise from along history Yet much more so from her story As tectonic plates ready to serve up Unseen Earthquakes From a thousand generations reserved in silence Now a brand knew Whirled of daughters A raze of sisters A … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION
I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Health, News, Peace, Peace Signs, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Donald Trump Swamped With Taxing Situations, Declares MOST UNDRAINING EVER!
Donald Trump’s promise to “Drain the swamp” from Washington, DC, is perhaps his most surreal promise of all. Today, President Donald Trump is campaigning for Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been facing mounting credible evidence of his predatory sexual … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Competition, Congress, Corruption, Debt, Defense, Democracy, Donald Trump, Economic, Economy, Egalitarian, Elite, Enemies, Environment, Environmental, Experience, Faith, Family, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Funny, Future, Genius, History, Housing, Hypocrisy, Image, Income, Inequality, Institutions, Intellectual Property, Irony, Jobs, Justice, Labor, Law, libertarian, Mind, Partisan, Perspective, Political, Politics, Power, President, Progress, Republican, Risk, Roy Moore, Rules, State, Surreal, Time, Trust, Truth, Values, Voters, Wealth, Work
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FREE POSTER: Jesus breaks silence on Senate candidate Roy Moore Just Saying NO Moore
What sexual predator would Jesus support to hold the keys of public trust? It’s time to say “NO more!” In the current case of Senate candidate Roy Moore, it’s time to say “NO Moore!” American so-called Christians have been practicing … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Character, Community, Control, Donald Trump, Enemies, Evil, Faith, free poster, Free Posters, Funny, GOP, Heart, Hell, Institutions, Jesus, Law, Law Enforcement, Love, Martyr, Media, Moral, National, Political, Politics, Power, President, Religious, Republican, Roy Moore, sexual assault, Silence, State, Supreme Court, Tea Party, Time, Trust, Voters, Women
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A Spiritual Autobiography
I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group. While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Gay, Health, News, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Anxiety, Art, Authority, Beautiful, Bible, Blessed, Buddhism, Business, Catholic, Children, Christian, Church, Civil Disobedience, Conscience, Conscientious Objection, Conscription, Crude, Death, Diversity, Draft Registration, Environment, Events, Experience, Faith, Family, Food, God, government, Grace, Haiti, Healing, Heart, History, Holy, Hope, Humor, Irreverence, Jester, Job, Journey, Justice, Kids, Law, leadership, Liberal, Life, Love, Media, Mennonite, Military, Mind, Mom, Money, Mystic, Nutrition, Obedience, Pacifism, Pastor, Philosophy, Play, Poems, Political, Poor, Poverty, Powers that be, Prayer, President, Public Health, Religious, Reverence, Science, Security, Serenity, Social Justice, Spiritual, Stewardship, Success, Theology, Time, Top Pun, Truth, Vegetarianism, War, Work, World Hunger, Worship, Zen
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POEM: Hell In A Handbasket
I would rather live… In a trailer That proverbial mobile homme Seeing stars when roofs are razed And nothing but realty at my back As awe of creation is present As I am Looked down upon Wading patiently fore that … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Bible, Conundrum, Conventional Wisdom, Creation, Culture, Evil, Existential, Faith, Fear, Foolish, God, Happiness, Heart, Heaven, Hell, Hope, Job, Life, Mock, Poems, Poetry, Present, Prison, Rules, Secrets, Silence, Soul, Status, Success, Time, Willingness, Wisdom
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ACTIVIST POEM: Our Ayes Will Have It
She had Enough Of half-baked politicians She kneaded democracy Here and now As the yeast she could do Sounding off To those who might Listen Wee choir not A grand stand To lift every voice and sing Wringing well The … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Blessed, Change, Death, Democracy, Disenfranchised, Faith, Fear, God, Greed, Heart, Heaven, Hope, Justice, Minorities, National, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Poor, Power, Powers that be, Present, Privilege, Reactionary, Work
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POEM: Owed To Chet Chambers
His exacting integrity Was seeded only by generosity of heart He loved Awe of God’s children As well As he kin He planted seeds That others would harvest He worked side by side Under God’s reign And the radiance of … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Peace, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Awe, Change, Children, Church, Civil Disobedience, Civil Rights, Community, Cuba, Death, Experience, Faith, Family, Generosity, God, Grace, Heart, Housing, Humanity, Humility, Integrity, Jesus, Justice, LGBT, Life, Pastor, Poverty, Sex, Social Justice, Theology, Time, Toledo, Welfare
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POLITICAL POEM: Pick You’re Genocide
Pick You’re genocide Won side or the other Gun to head Ahead to gun Aliens pervade our atmosphere As whirled wore thee Restless natives no so slight Wear homieland security rules Redcoats and bluecoats Everyday cover ups Of fuzz overruling … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Awe, Change, Choices, Congress, Courage, Democracy, Diversity, Domination, Elections, Evolution, Faith, Fear, Free Speech, Freedom, Future, Heart, Hope, Humanity, Injustice, Justice, Law, Life, Love, Mind, Money, National, Optimism, Patience, Poems, Poetry, Political, Power, Powers that be, Radical, Rage, Revolution, Revolutionary, Rich, Rules, Security, Silence, Sustainable, Time, Voters, Voting, Work
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POEM: Naught For Prophet Fun Razing
In the crucible Of the well-heeled And the, well, heeled He surrounded himself With corporate persons Naught for prophet organizations Possessed buy a cutting edge currency paper thin The filing and folding kind Their foundational hope Nay only hope To … Continue reading
PEACE POEM: Tiny Wholes Draining
They all believed In peace Except each peace was small enough Too fit in the war machine Hope draining through their tiny wholes Of a grater good Greasing sow Called enemies As awe weighs sum won ails Pain the accost … Continue reading