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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Worship
POEM: Winning The Stockholm Sin-drome
This is another in my series of poems on artificial intelligence. I suspect that the “wow factor” of some early AI uses will serve as a sucker punch for a largely bloodless beating. While I am skeptical of many AI … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged artificial intelligence, Competition, Crazy, Death, Environment, Fear, Humanity, Learning, Love, Money, Moral, Poems, Poor, Society, Sustainable, Technology, Work, Worship
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POEM: Hows of Worship
This poem is a tribute to the deinstitutionalization of religion into a more open space. Hows of Worship She asked What was my house of worship Who could say It is More Of a field And the pews are very … Continue reading
POEM: That Fine Line
Life is complicated. Many of us use this as a rationalization to avoid decisive action. This can leave us in a morass of moral confusion. If we a fine line a ledge, the slightest movement may result in profoundly different … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Attitude, Awe, Balance, Creation, Extinction, Faith, God, Life, Meaning, Meditation, Modern, Moral, Opposites, Rationalization, Science, Society, Statistics, Values, Wisdom, Worship
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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION
I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading
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A Spiritual Autobiography
I wrote the below spiritual autobiography a dozen years ago as part of a servant leadership study group. While it definitely needs updating, it serves well as a brief overview of my spiritual history and development over much of my … Continue reading
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POEM: Nonpartisan Shootings
Weather running the country In too the ground Or playing hardball So well practiced America pines For that national past time And return to nonpartisan shootings The shooting on a baseball field full of Republican congressmen and staffers has jacked … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Anti-Gun, Celebrity, Congress, Death, Life, National, Partisan, Poems, Poetry, Republican, Short Poems, Time, Violence, Worship
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POEM: A Star To Be Borne — People Knot Looking Up
In dozin’s of dozin’s They were engrossed Fueled time and time agin In con founding sow a ware Their tension helled by their idol busyness In pitches black to looming executors As orderly As dark Knot knowing her Under stand … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Busyness, History, Holy, Humanity, Imagination, Inspiration, Life, Poems, Poetry, Reality, Soul, Time, Virtual Reality, Worship
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THIRD PARTY POEM: A Door Number Three
A Door Number Three Caught a mist The cross Fire Between partisan streams Shooting for number won Too put out In A narrow mined field Wear white is anti-black And black is nonwhite So fanatical about your stripes Yet no … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Authoritarian, Business, Celebrity, Choices, Citizens, Control, Cynicism, Democracy, Democrat, Donald Trump, Dreams, Elite, Exceptionalism, Failure, Fear, Hillary Clinton, Hope, Humanity, leadership, National, Oligarchy, Partisan, Plutocracy, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Power, Powers that be, President, Privilege, Reality, Republican, Resistance, Revolution, Status, Status Quo, Surreal, Sustainable, Third Party, Time, Wealth, Worship
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POEM: Commander-in-chief
Just Say it Three times fast He/she/it Commander-in-chief Presiding over No unwounded soldiers As sum kind Of used scars salesman Master of what we auto do Protector of awe we car about As if Some amored vehicle Good grief Shock … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Peace Signs, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Awe, Creation, Evil, God, Hell, Image, Life, Military, Nationalism, Nonviolence, Normal, Pacifism, Poems, Poetry, Power, President, Propaganda, Reality, Sacred, Sacrifice, Slavery, Time, Top Pun, Trust, Violence, War, Worship
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POEM: Loving Your Enemas
The legal lists Were longing With who hurt And who not heard Attesting too How much they love They’re enemas Only wading For sue a side As eminent just us And inevitably knot Passing the smell test This is a … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-War, Peace, Peace Signs, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Amorality, Awe, Christianity, Church, Creation, Defense, Enemies, Evil, Humanity, Humility, Imperialism, Life, Logic, Love, Modern, Morality, Nationalism, Pacifism, Poems, Poetry, Power, State, Truth, War, Worship
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POEM: To Abettor Portion: Owed To Math You 5:21-48
The shepherd pays dear Attention to his sheep As the sheep due Not follow suits But accompany prophets In ways safe from a peril That compound interest in the whirled As you have herd It said You shall not murder … Continue reading
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POEM: Are You A Friend of Dorothy?
As a friend of Dorothy Day I wood ax More than won quest in A bout Her call As a tenet in passable saint hood As if a priest to nun Or mirror lay person Aborting gaiety As an infallible … Continue reading
Posted in Gay, News, Peace, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abortion, America, Atheist, Awe, Beautiful, Catholic, Church, Citizenship, Culture, Dogma, Dorothy Day, Dream, Dreams, Elite, Faith, Gender, God, Grace, Heart, Heaven, Holy, Image, Ironic, Jesus, Life, Love, Play, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Possibility, Poverty, Present, Privilege, Questions, Religious, Sacred, Solidarity, Soul, Status, Wealth, Women, Work, Worship
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POEM: God’s Perish
I under stood God’s might And might not And in awe probability New That I Will only Fooly see Phase to phase Until awe of creation Come prized my parish This poem is about dying to see the face of … Continue reading
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POEM: Liberal Mined Violent
Some liberal mined violent Call up on pacifists To condemn a brand of violence To wit They object Ultimately subjected To accost Without benefit analysis Coming efface to efface With realty And a sorted loved wons Unwilling to accede where … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Peace, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Awe, Conservative, Courage, Cowardice, Creativity, Cynical, Death, Disenfranchised, Evil, Fear, Free Will, Gandhi, God, Greed, Heart, Hope, Idealism, Imagination, Injustice, Israel, Justice, Liberal, Love, Military, Mind, Mock, Modern, Moral, Necessary Evil, Noncombatants, Nonviolence, Nonviolent, Pacifism, Palestine, Political, Present, Privilege, Quotes, Respect, Responsibility, Science, skin in the game, Spiritual, State, Truth, Veterans, Violence, War, Willingness, Work, Worship
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POEM: A Re-View of a Plunk Rock Band, Tossing Watery Graves
I want it awe Yet what do you no What measures Must we take From emanate ripples He helled the earth in his hand Of what intimated Of know consequence A dinky mount To sky ward heavin’ Hoping only to … Continue reading
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Tagged Abundance, Abyss, Attitude, Awe, Blessed, Change, Cognitive Dissonance, Courage, Disenfranchised, Dogma, Empathy, Environmental, Experience, Freedom, Grace, Heart, Hell, Hope, Idealism, Intellect, Justice, Learning, Liberal, Life, Meaning, Nature, Passion, Poems, Poetry, Poor, Power, Present, Privilege, Rationalization, Reality, Relationships, Rules, Scientific Reductionism, Social Justice, Soul, Status, Status Quo, Time, Truth, Wisdom, Worship
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POEM: Flagging Defeat
He had enough Privilege To ignore The increasingly grave mound Of white lies Worshiping some cruel over lode Surveying all that was once Theirs A teetering tower of babble Atop spinning Helled up only buy its careening whirled Mything the … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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POEM: Albatross Necklace Futures
I stared at the world I could have built Had I Grasped more Farce fully A stock pile Awe but reaching Heaven Falling short Of mature stature Leaving behind Child’s play The ripe now And not trading in Futures Of … Continue reading
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POEM: A Befitting Size, That Matters
Starring on the big screen Used to dominate young dreams Super-sizing them for mass consumption Today, celluloid immortality miniaturizes So five minutes ago Small screens test us As we flail miserably In a feudal limbo ‘Tween Puffed up images Flickering … Continue reading
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Tagged Awe, Balance, Celebrity, Consumption, Dehumanizing, Dream, Dreams, Efficiency, Elite, Heart, Hope, Humanity, Humility, Image, Impersonal, Institutions, Media, Mind, Mourning, Nature, Poems, Poetry, Power, Present, Reality, Relationships, Status, Technology, Temptation, Time, Wealth, Western Civilization, Worship
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