Free ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER: School Secretary Betsy DeVos Ponders Buying Gun Magazines to Support Her School

The latest shenanigans of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is to suggest spending precious federal education funds on buying guns for schools. Parently, she doesn’t understand that using violence to solve problems is anathema to basic principles of teaching children. In tribute to her violent disconnect with children’s education, I give you thisĀ Free ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER: School Secretary Betsy DeVos Ponders Buying Gun Magazines to Support Her School.

PLEASE NOTE: Ms. DeVos’ head on a table does not endorse violence; though, it may very well represent her having lost her head on this one!

Free ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE POSTER: School Secretary Betsy DeVos Ponders Buying Gun Magazines to Support Her School

On this theme, this is a protest sign that I have made to signal my priorities in humanity.

Arm US with Education with Health-Care with Housing

Feel free to browse my anti-gun violence and pro-peace, truly pro-life designs:

Guns Don't Kill People - People Who Teach Violence Do - PEACE BUTTONGuns Are Not Pro-Life POLITICAL BUTTONBan Automatic Weepings PEACE BUTTON

STOP [with bullet hole as O] POLITICAL BUTTONWeapon Free Zone (No Guns Allowed) - PEACE BUTTONIf Guns Are Outlawed Only Outlaws Will Accidentally Shoot Their Children - FUNNY POLITICAL BUTTON

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