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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: Russia
FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” is silent
Confused about the daily antics of Donald Trump and his regime of toadies? Perhaps this will clear it up. I give you this FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — “It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings, Web Specials
Tagged America, anti-Trump, Army, Business, Children, Citizens, Community, Conflict, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, Ethical, Ethics, Family, Female, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Free Speech, government, History, Housing, Job, Justice, Law, leadership, Media, Military, Mock, National, National Security, Police, Political, Poor, Power, President, Protesters, Responsibility, Russia, Security, State, Supreme Court, Time, Transgender, Violence, War, War Crimes, Work
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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION
I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Anti-War, Health, News, Peace, Peace Signs, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Senate Intelligence Committee Disbands After Finding None
Intelligence does not equal wisdom. The Senate Intelligence Committee uses the term “intelligence” in reference to the dozen or so official agencies that function as covert gatherers of information about potential enemies, which means virtually everyone on the planet, and … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Accountability, America, Bipartisan, Character, China, Conspiracy, Corruption, Democracy, Enemies, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Funny, Green Party, History, Jill Stein, Media, Normal, Political, Power, Russia, Senate Intelligence Committee, Stupid, Third Party, Time, Truth, War, Wisdom, Women, Work
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Self-Made Trump Has A Fool For A Maker
In Trumpian fashion, fool of irony, I quote myself: “A self-made man has a fool for a maker.” The man-child known as Donald Trump runs roughshod over the boundaries of lesser fools. He fashions his fashion as the boss of … Continue reading
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POLITICAL POEM: Trump Pulls Out As Partners Dumb Found
Trump Pulls Out As Partners Dumb Found Sow culpable Too due nothing President Trump pulls out What little hand He had in Mother Earth’s Safe guarding His oily and gassy mates Coal for everyone! It’s like Christmas!! And stocks sore … Continue reading
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Edward Snowden, the infamous NSA whistleblower, is my candidate for the most heroic American this decade. Is it time for President Obama to grant a presidential pardon to Edward Snowden? YES! The campaign is on, with the release of Oliver … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political Action
Tagged Authoritarian, Change, China, Citizens, Congress, Conspiracy, Culture, Donald Trump, Edward Snowden, Experience, Family, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Gift, government, Hillary Clinton, History, Hope, Human Rights, Journalists, Journey, Law, Lawyer, Life, Logic, National, National Security, Obama, Patriot, Perspective, Police, Political, Possibility, Power, President, Progress, Right-Wing, Risk, Russia, Security, State, Time, War, Whistleblower, Work
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IF you want a progressive presidential candidate that you can get excited about voting FOR, then Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate is worth serious consideration. Jill Stein has selected her Green Party running mate, Vice President choice, Ajamu Baraka. … Continue reading
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Tagged America, Authority, Ballot, Business, Capitalism, Change, China, Choices, Citizens, Citizenship, Climate Change, Commercial, Community, Congress, Constitutional Rights, Control, Corporate Personhood, Courage, Creation, Crime, Criminal Justice System, Culture, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Defense, Democracy, Democrat, Disarmament, Discrimination, Disease, Diversity, Doctrine, drone, Economic, Economy, Education, Elections, Employment, Environment, Environmental, Equality, Family, Fear, Food, Free Speech, Free Trade, Freedom, Future, Gender, government, Green Party, Health Care, Health Insurance, History, Housing, Human Rights, Humanity, Immigration, Income, Israel, Jill Stein, Job, Jobs, Justice, Kids, Labor, Law, Learning, LGBT, Life, Living Wage, Meaning, Media, Medicare, Medicare for All, Mental Health, Military, Money, Mother Earth, National, NATO, Nonviolent, Nuclear Power, Nutrition, Obama, Palestine, Partisan, Patriot, Police, Police Brutality, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Poverty, Power, President, Prevention, Prison, Progress, Public Health, Racism, Rage, Refugees, Religion, Responsibility, Rich, Russia, Security, Social Security, State, Status, Substance Abuse, Sustainable, Tar Sands, taxes, Terrorism, Violence, Voters, Voting, Wall Street, War, Wealth, Women, Work, Workplace
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POEM: Razz Putin: Owed to Ukraine
As things Go south And wiled west Stupefying as some razz Putin What due we have Hear A good ol’ boy Re-siding in backcountry Rushin’ cross Too bear An unsettling black see A lynch pin for his sue veneer pogram … Continue reading
Anarchism: Cooperation, Decentralization, Social Cohesion
David Morris writes in On the Commons, regarding the anniversary of the death of the Russian Peter Kropotkin, an article: Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is — And There’s a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It: The … Continue reading
Posted in News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Anarchism, Authoritarian, Chaos, Character, Competition, Cooperation, Darwin, Death, Decentralization, Evolution, Humanity, Inequality, Injustice, Intellect, Kropotkin, leadership, Lenin, Life, Mind, Moral, Nature, Nihilism, Politics, Poverty, Privilege, Radical, Revolution, Revolutionary, Russia, Science, Society, Time, Tyranny, Wealth, Work
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