Category Archives: Anti-War

Starving Palestinians — How Compassion Ate Gazans

President Biden’s posed compassion and the U.S.-Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is starving the civilian population. The generations-long military occupation, the 16-year blockade on Gaza, and the current months-long bombing campaign has created a crucible of death in Gaza. … Continue reading

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POEM: Halve Truth

This poem is a parody of the infamous “You can’t handle the truth” military courtroom speech from the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men. You can view the original speech here. Many have killed and died in wars over half-truths … Continue reading

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POEM: Due Doo?

The “tolerance” of snuffing other human lives continues to baffle and disturb me. This is particularly true given the shit that such lethal choices unleash. Can we love humans, awe humans, more than our attachment to such shit? This poem … Continue reading

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POEM: Detente

When guns ceasefire and bombings are paused, we are still a longing weigh from peace. War is hell — not something to be won. This poem is a meditation on the accost of war, weather hot or cold. Peace — … Continue reading

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POEM: Attrition Verses

Much of the brutality in our world takes the form of a war of attrition, where “the more titanic of the two” calculates that they can outlast the damage to won an other. This raze to the bottom abodes well … Continue reading

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POEM: Beating The Conundrum

Blessed be the peacemakers. It will take awe we have to secure peace. May the fog of war give weigh to the tsunami of love rising in the see of humanity. Beating The Conundrum The peacemakers cried Everybody for everybody … Continue reading

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POEM: Oh Israel, Unequivocally State Fallowed Script Her

I have always admired the Torah and Old Testament perpetual reminders of “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,” and the precept, “You shall not oppress … Continue reading

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Compassion Dusted

U.S. President Joe Biden has billed an image of a compassionate man. With the demonization of Palestinians and the full-throated backing of genocide in Gaza, any image as a compassionate is bankrupt. Compassion Dusted Thinking it’s just Biden time For … Continue reading

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POEM: In Dig Nation — Ode to That Lyin’ of Zionism

The UN Secretary General has called on Israel to have a humanitarian ceasefire. Israel calls for his resignation. Mean wile, The United States is resigned to complicity with war crimes in the bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure on top … Continue reading

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POEM: Superseeding An Other

Deathly war is an unending incantation of tragedies. While one tragedy may be viewed as pivotal, as likely as knot another tragedy will supersede the earlier tragedy in quick succession. Perhaps the only surety is that two posing sides will … Continue reading

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POEM: In Hospitable Missive

This poem was inspired by Israel’s official denial of any responsibility in the missile attack on a Palestinian hospital which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of patients, health care workers, and refugees desperately seeking what was hoped to be … Continue reading

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POEM: Blessed Be Our Creator (Not There’s)

In times of war or national revenge, demonization of one’s foes is standard operating procedure, necessary for justifying mass killing and destruction of civilian infrastructure, let alone civilians. This hole affair is all the more disgusting when it is dressed … Continue reading

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POEM: Tension All Humans

If we want to be competent human beings on this planet, a founding document in our education and a basis for our collective life is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a … Continue reading

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POEM: End the Israeli Occupation — Owed to the Palestinian People

The Israeli occupation must end. The latest in generations-long human rights violations and obstinate abrogation of international law must end. Cutting of water, food, electricity and fuel to an entire population, mostly civilians, of course, is a moral horror. No … Continue reading

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POEM: The Lamb and The Lyin’

Violence often seems to be second nature, obvious or inescapable. Perhaps violence is inescapable because it begets itself, setting up new rounds of consequences where further violence begs further violence. Violence begetting itself may just be the manifestation of the … Continue reading

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POEM: Family Photo Finish

When NATO gathered today to pronounce the initiation rituals and well-titrated accosts for Ukraine to join “the family,” I couldn’t help but feel that there was a little too much cheer leading the ordinariness of military buildups. To that a … Continue reading

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POEM: Toying With An Explosive Future — Owed to Cluster Bombs

The U.S. is pondering it’s grave commitment to banning the use of cluster bombs — between wars that is. Weather or knot to endow Ukraine with such weapons of war, that is, the madder of contention.  In case you didn’t … Continue reading

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POEM: Israel Boldly Squashes Refugee Camp — Owed to as Easy as Pi

This poem goes out to all of the Palestinians bulldozed over and shot in Jenin, particularly the “permanent” refugee camp, by Israeli farces. May this poem become outmoded. Unfortunately, this poem has been written over and over through generations. Israel … Continue reading

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POEM: Iraq and a Hard Place

This poem tells a story — a story of patriotic fervor in slaughtering America’s foes. This story was told to me by a retired Grumman engineer, a literal rocket scientist and career military-industrialist. His story was prefaced by a glorious … Continue reading

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POEM: Putin on the Ritz

Putin on the Ritz Putin showed up The end At the gate of heaven Only to discover that God is the kindest woman You could ever imagine Who also turns out To be a huge fan Of Pussy Riot And … Continue reading

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