About Top Pun’s Blog
Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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- POEM: Go Figure — Owed to Haunting Season
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Tag Archives: Prophet
POEM: Fermi Too
From Detroit to Toledo I drive by and by Monroe’s Fermi 2 Nuclear waste tower Falling over Penning only A plume of death In place of this poet A prophet taking Having called for its decommissioning Offers no comfort Only … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Commercial, Creation, Death, God, Insanity, Life, Loss, Mourning, Nuclear Power, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Police, Power, Prophet, Protesters, Security, Toledo
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SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: A Christian Perspective on Justice
Here is a portion of a document that I drafted a couple of years ago while I was a board member of Toledo Area Ministries (TAM). It was never adopted in any form, but I put a lot of work … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, Peace, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
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POLITICAL CARTOON: CEO Jesus – The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
CEO Jesus Speaks: The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth! Welcome to CEO Jesus! This is the second installment a new Top Pun series of comics that will run on Sundays, featuring CEO Jesus, Free Market Jesus, Country Club Jesus, General … Continue reading
Posted in Political Cartoons
Tagged Acceptance, Accountability, Anti-Corporate, Bible, Business, Cartoon, Church, Comics, Commercial, Culture, Free market, Future, Humility, Intimacy, Jesus, Judiasm, Market, Parodies, Political, Prophet, Religion, Religious, Resistance, Satire, Top Pun, Vulnerability
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