Tag Archives: Experience

POEM: Clerical Counter

Religion stands in, the bind of wrapping vivifying experience. The spirit is reported to be as the wind, not knowing where it comes from and to where it goes. Still, when the spirit shows up, you will be rapt. Clerical … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: Dogged Reasoning

This a poem highlighting the barren view of life that rugged reasoning can impose on the awesome experience of consciousness. Life is much more than sterile propagation of the specious. Dogged Reasoning He wood Knot know Consciousness If he Saw … Continue reading

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POEM: From God Slips To My Years

Here is yet another poem about the experience of writing poems, or transcribing them from a muse. From God Slips To My Years In what manor May we discuss the whether A poet or a stenographer In plaque-able quest in … Continue reading

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POEM: Dammed Hope

This poem employs a metaphor of a remote mountain lake brimming with hope, exasperatingly difficult to access, only to be topped with an even more secluded mountain valley hiding away awe of the lost senses of humor of uncounted folks. … Continue reading

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POEM: Trump Blows (into town)

I’m posting this poem in honor of the upcoming Republican primaries. I actually wrote this poem years ago when Trump came to Toledo for a campaign stop. My experience there adds a layer to this poem. The attendees of the … Continue reading

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POEM: Drowning in Technological Solutions — Owed to Novelty and Debt

I strongly suspect that our impulse to seek technological solutions to virtually every human problem in lieu of applying ancient wisdom acquired through millennia of human experience will be our undoing. This is worsened by our apparent addiction to manufactured … Continue reading

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Life is full of possibilities. Exploring them is an unending quest. Saying, “YES,” is a good start. Yes He new That it was A once In a life Time Experience Plus One May say What he didn’t no Could fill … Continue reading

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POEM: Secret Quest

This poem plays with the intrinsically obscure interior nature of subjective experience. While one may want to speak of potentially mystical or God experiences, there is an irreducible aspect that cannot be reliably verified, at least in the typical scientific … Continue reading

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POEM: Blue Light Unspecial

This poem is a bout blue light from electronic devices that stimulate our brains, and not necessarily our souls. Blue light interferes with falling asleep.  Blue light is an evolutionary newcomer dominating our nervous system, in contrast to night skies … Continue reading

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POEM: Seniority

A short poem on aging well… Seniority I used to be Young and unafraid Now I am Just Old and unafraid I suspect that one of the most pivotal dynamics of aging is about fear and conformity. It seems that … Continue reading

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POEM: Death Unexplained [Ode to Harry Gavin]

Our youngest grandchild (Maryjo’s son’s son), Harry Gavin, 7-months-old, feel asleep and never woke up. Below is his obituary; followed by a poem I wrote for our family and loved ones. Harold Patrick Gavin, passed away unexpectedly in his sleep … Continue reading

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LOVE POEM: Stolen Goods

Stolen Goods In this world Of confusion and doubt I know one thing for sure You are a thief Having stolen my heart My chest emptied And never the less A living pray Bleeding hope From the whole in my … Continue reading

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POEM: Dyslexic Write Wringer

Dyslexic Write Wringer In a whack and blight world Any dyslexic can tell you A right winger Is a white ringer Only as an adult did I realize that I am mildly dyslexic. I have to intentionally work every time … Continue reading

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POEM: God’s Lazy As

God’s Lazy As Thanks for nudging me From oblivion In too existence A billion years Of Sundays Ought too due Accept fore sustaining me Every nanosecond What have you Done form me Lately I find a deep source of gratitude … Continue reading

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Feminist POEM: Me Too — Now A Brand Knew Whirled Of Daughters

They rise from along history Yet much more so from her story As tectonic plates ready to serve up Unseen Earthquakes From a thousand generations reserved in silence Now a brand knew Whirled of daughters A raze of sisters A … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Donald Trump Swamped With Taxing Situations, Declares MOST UNDRAINING EVER!

Donald Trump’s promise to “Drain the swamp” from Washington, DC, is perhaps his most surreal promise of all. Today, President Donald Trump is campaigning for Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been facing mounting credible evidence of his predatory sexual … Continue reading

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POEM: Awe The Less

I woke up Knot a moment too soon My values dying on the vine Just realizing In efface of Every dollar Unspent Awe the less I had to urn And in that mean time Aaah, lined my values Every little … Continue reading

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ANTI-FASCISM POEM: In Efface of Creeping Fascism

He was a custom Too accept That creep Creep Creep Of fascism Without a furor Incite Picking wons Fights Posedly agin And agin Sow frayed Peering opposed Laws and orders As just Be for It’s too late Over Due In … Continue reading

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