POEM: Seniority

A short poem on aging well…


I used to be
Young and unafraid
I am
Old and unafraid

I suspect that one of the most pivotal dynamics of aging is about fear and conformity. It seems that many people as they age grow more conformist, in bedded in the status quo. Of course, age, with accumulated experience, hopefully wisdom, and perhaps some other wealth, is also well suited to a freedom not to conform and to passionately follow life as it comes.  I feel distinctly more vulnerable now than when I was younger. At first glance, this may seem a reason to live with more fear. However, for me, this greater vulnerability is a deeper, more rooted connection regarding the precious precariousness of life and the daring opportunities to sow together a better life for awe. May wee each and all find courage to live beyond our fears and compose life worth living…before we decompose…

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