Tag Archives: Creation

POEM: Father Violence

In the wake of the Trump assassination tempt, a time to examine whatever flavor of violence we might, find attractive. Father Violence Search your heart America I am your father Slamming shots Wile preying for won’s enemies Something something is … Continue reading

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POEM: As The Whirled Goes Bye

When I look out into the world, I often get the image of chickens running around with their heads cut off. I see an addiction to “winning” that disconnects us from creation, others and ourselves, and in supreme irony, races … Continue reading

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POEM: This Poet’s Prayer

This poem reflects my basic spirituality of ever moving toward One’s vision of the good, even as my view is a dim reflection. The One thing that I can judge my progress on is my commitment to this path yearning … Continue reading

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POEM: That Fine Line

Life is complicated. Many of us use this as a rationalization to avoid decisive action. This can leave us in a morass of moral confusion. If we a fine line a ledge, the slightest movement may result in profoundly different … Continue reading

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POEM: The Broke In Heart

This poem is another meditation on a chronically broken heart, busted wide open, caught a mist the beauty of awe creation and the cruelty of the whirled. My heart poors into the world with awe that cannot be contained. The … Continue reading

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POEM: A Musing Clime

This poem is yet another playful tribute to the muse tossing down poems for the taking.  This poem adopts some imagery from Jack and the Beanstalk, albeit a less scary take. A Musing Clime Do you believe In magical beings … Continue reading

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POEM: The Hole In My Well — Being

This poem is a playful testament to the wellspring of nature, both of the natural world which makes our life possible and the human spirit which has the potential to uplift life and awe creation. Of course, there is an … Continue reading

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POEM: Mine Blowin’

My mind is blown every time I meditate on the fact that the stuff our bodies are composed of, molecules, are so infinitesimally small that if the molecules contained in a single breath were spread evenly across the planet, then … Continue reading

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POEM: Calling Awe Siblings

Awe those who stand in awesome awe are my siblings. This poem is a call for awe of us to join together as one family. Calling Awe Siblings There is family Close as kin And stronger than blood Knits beyond … Continue reading

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POEM: Consigned

This short poem plays with the theme of living fully in a divided world of bought and souled. Consigned Creation calls To you collect Consigning you To oblivion Leaving Only one question Do you buy it? One life fully lived … Continue reading

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POEM: Juggernaut of Whimsy

This poem is a tribute to the unstoppable spirit of the muse immersing me in whimsy. Juggernaut of Whimsy It came out Of know wear As if The whirled was over Flowing With hi spirits An immense see Giving me … Continue reading

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POEM: Sidewalk Poetry

A poem for summer daze. Sidewalk Poetry In creation Where spirit and earth meet Life sprouts In the city Neighbors, homes, And every kind Of busyness Are connected Where the concrete meets souls Where will your feat take you? Today … Continue reading

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POEM: Mother Earth Riffed

I have literally cried for daze with wildfire smoke in my eyes. I pine for the daze where the earth on fire was largely a metaphor. This poem was delivered from purgatory. Mother Earth Riffed We live (sic) In a … Continue reading

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Testimony for National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service — END DRAFT REGISTRATION

I prepared the below testimony to present at a public meeting in Chicago before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, a commission created by Congress to deal with questions of draft registration, most specifically, whether to end … Continue reading

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FREE ANTI-TRUMP POSTER: Trump Touts Pillar of Jobs Program – Lowest black unemployment since slavery, and I promise a return to 100 percent black employment

This free poster melds the themes of Prez Donald Trump’s love of capital over workers and his palpable racism. The Trump tax plan is proof enough that The Don doesn’t care about increasing income inequality and that redressing Black economic … Continue reading

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POEM: Sum How Present In A Stupefying Flash

Creation groans In pregnant expectancy More than Any one Ever anew In a singular couplet The quest in And the call out For who All Abel to hear Blood from ground Crying in relation To the curse of can and … Continue reading

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POEM: Hell In A Handbasket

I would rather live… In a trailer That proverbial mobile homme Seeing stars when roofs are razed And nothing but realty at my back As awe of creation is present As I am Looked down upon Wading patiently fore that … Continue reading

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POEM: Just Dew It

Round Mid night Countless drops Fall free In to the loving alms Of Mother Earth Making a mud pact With trees, meadow, and flower To dew wet sow ever They thirst for Life has an incredible capacity for renewal.  As … Continue reading

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IF you want a progressive presidential candidate that you can get excited about voting FOR, then Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate is worth serious consideration.  Jill Stein has selected her Green Party running mate, Vice President choice, Ajamu Baraka. … Continue reading

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POEM: Namaste

Who dares ax Why I am Sow meta for As the spear it in me Razes up Too meat the spirit in you This poem is an ode to my favorite version of the greeting “namaste:” may the spirit in … Continue reading

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