About Top Pun’s Blog
Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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- POEM: Make Moses Grate Agin
- POEM: Lucky 13 – Owed to Being Played
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- POEM: The Gulf of Wisdom
- POEM: What Can Save US?
- POEM: Sow Over it
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- POEM: In the Twinkle of an I
- POEM: Barn Dominion – Owed to Luke 12:16-21
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Tag Archives: Questions
POEM: Hypothetical Questions
Your hypothetical questions Have prevailed I will no longer oppose violence Except in the real world
Posted in Poems
Tagged Nonviolence, Pacifism, Poems, Poetry, Questions, Short Poems, Violence
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POEM: Universe So Vast
I once asked God Why did you make the universe so vast? What were you possibly thinking? And God said I was kind of hoping To have enough room For all of the poetry yet to be written This is … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged Consciousness, God, Heart, Job, Life, Mind, Poet, Poetry, Questions, Short Poems, Universe
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POEM: Spiritual Economy
The other day I went to my spiritual economist She had already been in receipt of my stack of papers I spoke at some length and detail She noted that I have much that I can not afford She advised … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged Conventional Wisdom, Economy, Experience, Life, Materialism, Money, Poems, Poet, Poetry, Questions, Short Poems, Spiritual, Wealth, Wisdom
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Occupy Wall Street Buttons
I am finally uploaded a new batch of Occupy Wall Street designs. This batch of 125 political designs is mostly Occupy Wall Street designs, but there are also a large series of “stop socialism” designs, a large series of Fox … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News
Tagged Advertising, African American, America, Anarchism, Big Brother, Business, Buttons-Pins, Capitalism, Change, Chaos, Class Warfare, Community, Compassion, Congress, Constitution, Consumption, cool design, Corporate Personhood, Corruption, Crime, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Democracy, Democrat, Dream, Dreams, Economy, Education, Elections, Environmental, Evolution, Facts, First Amendment, Food, Fox News, Free Speech, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Funny, Future, Gandhi, God, GOP, government, Greed, Heart, Hell, Human Race, Illegal, Jesus, Jobs, Liberal, Life, Love, Medicare, Military, Mind, Money, National, Normal, Nuclear Power, Occupy Wall Street, Parodies, Police, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Postal Service, Poverty, Power, Protesters, Questions, Reality, Religion, Republican, Responsibility, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Security, Silence, Slavery, Social Security, Socialism, State, Success, taxes, Tea Party, Time, Titanic, Top Pun, Trust, Truth, Vegetarianism, Violence, Wall Street, Wall Street Bull, War, Welfare, Work, Xenophobia
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CEO Jesus Arises to the Occasion! CEO Jesus really rises to the occasion this week of Easter! What could be tougher than answering the difficult and often inane questions put forth at a press conference? In his first go around, … Continue reading
Posted in Political Cartoons
Tagged Cartoon, Change, Christianity, Comics, Competition, Control, Death, Doctrine, Dogma, Evil, Facts, Funny, Inane, Jesus, Life, Love, Modern, Oppression, Political, Power, Questioning, Questions, Reality, Religion, Resurrection, Science, Spiritual, Truth, Western Civilization, Women
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Blood Donor Deferrals Border on Insanity
I just returned from donating blood at the American Red Cross. I have been a regular blood donor for a long time. I usually donate blood two or three times a year. Unfortunately, I have been deferred as a blood … Continue reading
Posted in Gay, Health, News
Tagged Absolute Security, Advertising, American Red Cross, Balance, Blood Donors, Change, Choices, Colombia, Control, Crazy, Culture, Disease, Environment, Epidemiology, Events, Experience, Fear, Haiti, Hate, Health Care, Heterosexual, Hope, Insanity, Life, Loss, Military, Perspective, Political, Prevention, Public Health, Questions, Relationships, Risk, Security, Sex, Technology, Time, Vanity, Willingness, Women, Zero Risk
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Religious Liberty, Conscience Exemptions for Everything
With the Obama administration’s recent rules requiring organizations owned by religious groups to provide contraceptive coverage as part of their employees’ health insurance, conservative groups and the Roman Catholic Church have gotten all their panties in a bunch, which is … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Balance, Bible, Birth Control, Catholic, Church, Community, Congress, Conscience, Conscientious Objection, Conscription, Conservative, Control, Draft Registration, Economic, Existential, Freedom, God, government, Grace, Health Insurance, Illegal, Immigration, Law, Law Enforcement, leadership, Logic, Love, Mennonites, Military, Obama, Pacifism, Parodies, Philosophical, Political, Politics, Power, Quakers, Questions, Reality, Religion, Religious, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Respect, Rules, State, Status, Supreme Court, taxes, Toledo, Truth, Violence, War, Work
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How Much is Enough? Enough is Enough
David Sirota writes in In These Times about Embracing Enough. How much is enough? I consider this one of the most important questions for humans to answer both for themselves and to work out a reasonable relationship with the other … Continue reading
Posted in News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Ancient, Balance, Business, Change, Conservative, Doctrine, Economic, Ethics, Free market, Freedom, Hypocritical, Immorality, Individualism, Market, Moral, Morality, Nature, Political, Politics, Power, Privilege, Questions, Responsibility, Time, Work, Worship
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POEM: Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Who wants to be a millionaire? Is that your final question? I like this poem because it deals with the theme of money and the theme of questions. Perhaps needless to say, I have issues with money. And as far … Continue reading
If You Think The Poor are Hard to Get Rid of Try the Rich
If You Think that the Poor are Hard to Get Rid of Try the Rich-POLITICAL BUTTON If You Think that the Poor are Hard to Get Rid of Try the Rich-POLITICAL BUTTON This cool design is linked to a button, … Continue reading →