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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Tag Archives: GOP
FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Republican Leaders Gather To Deal With Gun Violence by Banning Ritalin, Banning Abortion, And Declaring Another Generation of Silence
In the face of a continuing gun violence epidemic and yet another school shooting, Republican so-called leaders are talking about everything but guns. Perhaps guns don’t kill people, Republicans do. The new president of the NRA, Ollie North, blamed gun … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Abortion, Anti-Gun, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, GOP, Guns, Kids, Money, NRA, Political, President, Prevention, Republican, Security, Silence, Violence, Willingness, Women, Worldview
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FREE POSTER: Jesus breaks silence on Senate candidate Roy Moore Just Saying NO Moore
What sexual predator would Jesus support to hold the keys of public trust? It’s time to say “NO more!” In the current case of Senate candidate Roy Moore, it’s time to say “NO Moore!” American so-called Christians have been practicing … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Character, Community, Control, Donald Trump, Enemies, Evil, Faith, free poster, Free Posters, Funny, GOP, Heart, Hell, Institutions, Jesus, Law, Law Enforcement, Love, Martyr, Media, Moral, National, Political, Politics, Power, President, Religious, Republican, Roy Moore, sexual assault, Silence, State, Supreme Court, Tea Party, Time, Trust, Voters, Women
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Republican Leaders Gather To Celebrate Their Tax Scam
The coalition of deplorables known as the Republican leadership are celebrating the careening success of their ill-considered, hypocritical, and mean-spirited tax scam. Now, perhaps the only hope for sane Americans is that GOP leaders will stumble over themselves in their … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Business, Conservative, Donald Trump, Economic, Evil, Failure, Family, free poster, Free Posters, GOP, Hope, Hypocritical, Income, Inequality, Law, leadership, Money, Patience, Political, Republican, Success, taxes, Time, Wall Street, Wealth
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FREE POSTER: GOP Greedy Old Perverts Sexual Predator-in-Chief Donald Trump and Roy Moore
Dirty old men, predominantly dirty old white men, are running rampant throughout our culture and politics. A long overdue push back is underway as many powerful sexual predators are finally being held to some account. The cutting edge of this … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, Gay, News, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Authoritarian, Beautiful, Children, Christian, Community, Conservative, Conspiracy, Crime, Culture, Democrat, Donald Trump, Enemies, Fascism, free poster, Free Posters, Future, God, GOP, Hypermasculinity, Hypocrisy, Illegal, Justice, Kids, Lawyer, Lifestyle, Martyrdom, Military, Minorities, Moral, Muslim, National, Nationalism, Nature, Nazi, Normal, Patriarchy, Political, Politics, Power, Present, President, Reactionary, Redemption, Religious, Republican, Revolution, Rhetoric, Right-Wing, Roy Moore, Sex, sexual assault, Socialism, State, Success, Supreme Court, Time
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FREE ANTI DONALD TRUMP POSTER: I Cannot Tell A Lie, I Built A Wall Around My Heart, And Mexicans Are Going To Pay For it
OK, I couldn’t resist commenting on Donald Trump. Here is my take on his heartless presidential nominee campaign. May his bigotry and proto-fascism fail big. Check out these electoral politics, third party politics, and anti-Republican designs.
Posted in Free Stuff, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Bigotry, Donald Trump, Fascism, free poster, Free Posters, GOP, Heart, Political, Politics, President, Republican, Third Party
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POEM: Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing
Wolves in Elephants’ Clothing Somewhat sheepishly She whispered Beware of wolves in elephants’ clothing Lurking about Only looking Like they want To kick some ass Though you can skulk in style If you have A grand Old party Securing your … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Poems, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Business, Change, Christian, Christianity, Climate Change, Courage, Crime, Death, Elections, Evolution, Experience, Free market, Gandhi, God, GOP, Greed, Health Care, History, Humanity, Hypocrisy, Ironic, Jesus, Life, Market, Nonviolent, Palestinian, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Poor, Prayer, Present, Rage, Religion, Religious, Republican, Revolution, Sacrifice, Science, Skepticism, taxes, Truth, Voters, War, Work
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POEM: As We Press Release
As We Press Release The defense department denies killing civilians The state department denies human rights abuses by trade partners The department of energy denies that nuclear power is anything but safe The criminal justice system denies institutional racism The … Continue reading
Posted in News, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Anti-Corporate, Big Brother, Capitalism, Commercial, Conspiracy, Consumerism, Crassness, Criminal Justice System, Defense, Evolution, Expediency, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, GOP, Greed, Hell, Human Rights, Imperialism, Inane, Journalists, Justice, Labor, Life, Militarism, Military, Mind, Nuclear Power, Oppression, Poems, Poetry, Political, Politics, Power, Propaganda, Racism, Social Movements, Sociopathy, State, War
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Occupy Wall Street Buttons
I am finally uploaded a new batch of Occupy Wall Street designs. This batch of 125 political designs is mostly Occupy Wall Street designs, but there are also a large series of “stop socialism” designs, a large series of Fox … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News
Tagged Advertising, African American, America, Anarchism, Big Brother, Business, Buttons-Pins, Capitalism, Change, Chaos, Class Warfare, Community, Compassion, Congress, Constitution, Consumption, cool design, Corporate Personhood, Corruption, Crime, Death, Death Penalty, Debt, Democracy, Democrat, Dream, Dreams, Economy, Education, Elections, Environmental, Evolution, Facts, First Amendment, Food, Fox News, Free Speech, Freedom, Freedom of the Press, Funny, Future, Gandhi, God, GOP, government, Greed, Heart, Hell, Human Race, Illegal, Jesus, Jobs, Liberal, Life, Love, Medicare, Military, Mind, Money, National, Normal, Nuclear Power, Occupy Wall Street, Parodies, Police, Political, Politics, Pollution, Poor, Postal Service, Poverty, Power, Protesters, Questions, Reality, Religion, Republican, Responsibility, Revolution, Rich, Risk, Security, Silence, Slavery, Social Security, Socialism, State, Success, taxes, Tea Party, Time, Titanic, Top Pun, Trust, Truth, Vegetarianism, Violence, Wall Street, Wall Street Bull, War, Welfare, Work, Xenophobia
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Anti-GOP Pledge of Allegiance — Plague of Leeches on The Flag
With a wave of patriotic protests occurring during the national anthem, I thought that I would add the pledge of allegiance into the mix. Of course, this free poster is an anti-Republican, anti-GOP parody of the pledge of allegiance: Why … Continue reading →