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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” is silent
Confused about the daily antics of Donald Trump and his regime of toadies? Perhaps this will clear it up. I give you this FREE Anti-Trump POSTER: DUMP Trump, TRUMP Dump — “It all makes sense when you realize that the “T” … Continue reading
Posted in Free Stuff, News, Political and Philosophical Musings, Web Specials
Tagged America, anti-Trump, Army, Business, Children, Citizens, Community, Conflict, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, Ethical, Ethics, Family, Female, Free Downloadable Posters, free poster, Free Posters, Free Speech, government, History, Housing, Job, Justice, Law, leadership, Media, Military, Mock, National, National Security, Police, Political, Poor, Power, President, Protesters, Responsibility, Russia, Security, State, Supreme Court, Time, Transgender, Violence, War, War Crimes, Work
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COMMUNITY FORUM REMARKS: Need to address the main driver of criminal and criminalized behavior, substance abuse, and that the failed law enforcement model needs to be supplanted by a public health model driven by evidence and community benefit
The Community Solidarity Response Network of Toledo (CSRN), our local Black Lives Matter group, and the ACLU hosted a forum on “What Does a Safer Toledo Look Like?” This forum was in response to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ National Public Safety … Continue reading
Posted in Health, News, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Addiction, Community, Crime, Criminal Justice System, Education, Failure, Health Care, Housing, Illegal, Jeff Sessions, Job, Justice, Law, Law Enforcement, Mental Health, National, Play, Poor, Poverty, Prevention, Probability, Public Health, Society, Solidarity, Substance Abuse, Toledo, War, Willingness, Work
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Toledo Democracy Day Testimony: Focus on Racism, White Supremacy
Below is the testimony I delivered today before Toledo City Council, or rather the three council members who showed up. The mayor also showed up for part of the testimony. Democracy Day Testimony March 5, 2018 Hi, my name is … Continue reading
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Tagged Community, Criminal Justice System, Danny Brown, Democracy, Drug War, Education, Failure, Housing, Income, Injustice, Institutions, Justice, Law, Life, Media, Money, Murder, Nature, Nonviolent, Police, Powers that be, Present, Pride, Prison, Public Health, Questions, Racism, Society, Solidarity, Status, Status Quo, Time, Toledo, War
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FREE POLITICAL POSTER: Donald Trump Swamped With Taxing Situations, Declares MOST UNDRAINING EVER!
Donald Trump’s promise to “Drain the swamp” from Washington, DC, is perhaps his most surreal promise of all. Today, President Donald Trump is campaigning for Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been facing mounting credible evidence of his predatory sexual … Continue reading
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POEM: Owed To Chet Chambers
His exacting integrity Was seeded only by generosity of heart He loved Awe of God’s children As well As he kin He planted seeds That others would harvest He worked side by side Under God’s reign And the radiance of … Continue reading
Posted in About Top Pun, News, Peace, Poems, Political Action, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged Acceptance, Awe, Change, Children, Church, Civil Disobedience, Civil Rights, Community, Cuba, Death, Experience, Faith, Family, Generosity, God, Grace, Heart, Housing, Humanity, Humility, Integrity, Jesus, Justice, LGBT, Life, Pastor, Poverty, Sex, Social Justice, Theology, Time, Toledo, Welfare
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IF you want a progressive presidential candidate that you can get excited about voting FOR, then Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate is worth serious consideration. Jill Stein has selected her Green Party running mate, Vice President choice, Ajamu Baraka. … Continue reading
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Obama Shifts Military Defense Cuts to Domestic Programs
George Zornick blogs in The Nation about Obama’s Plan to Save the Military From Cuts—at the Expense of Domestic Programs. Here is an excerpt: “As budget wonks comb over President Obama’s outline for fiscal year 2013, a startling White House … Continue reading
Hate Taxes? Avoid These 102 Tax-funded Enterprises
Tax time is around the corner, and it seems increasingly popular these days to hate taxes. Of course, hating taxes is a simply a more palpable manifestation of hating government. Further, I would submit that the bulk of government hating … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Political and Philosophical Musings
Tagged America, Army, Authority, Business, Children, Cooperation, Crassness, Culture, Firearms, Food, Free market, Freedom, government, Hate, Health Care, Hell, Housing, Humanity, Illegal, Job, Kids, Life, Lifestyle, Market, Medicaid, Medicare, Military, Mind, Modern, Money, National, Philosophy, Police, Political, Politics, Postal Service, Public Goods, Republican, Right-Wing, Security, Simple Solutions, Social Security, Society, State, taxes, Time, Top Pun, Tragedy of the Commons, Veterans, Voting, Work, Workplace, Worship
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Protest Against NATO, G8 in Chicago, May 19, 2012
Protest the NATO/G8 Summit taking place in Chicago. The Legal, permitted, family-friendly march and rally will happen at Noon, Saturday, May 19th, 2012, at Daley Plaza, followed by a march to McCormick Place. The protest is sponsored and organized by … Continue reading