Category Archives: Poems

Short Poems, Funny Poems, Epic Poems

POEM: Woo Who

This poem reflects a bit on my skepticism of skepticism and my deep yearning to witness and participate in the long arc of love. Woo Who Their is Know subject Greater than You who Suspect Life as a Job Only … Continue reading

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POEM: A Bout Zen

This poem borrows from a Zen story where a monk is in a boat quietly meditating with their eyes closed in the middle of a faraway lake. When the monk hears a loud sound and the boat rocks, the monk … Continue reading

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POEM: On Sand They Billed

“Building on a foundation of sand” is an ancient cautionary metaphor that our modern, so-called civilization often seems to run over roughshod. Literally jumping from one unsustainable practice to the next unsustainable practice often seems like a fair characterization of … Continue reading

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POEM: The Universe Winks

Have you ever had the universe wink at you? The Universe Winks A thousand millennia ago Before you were A twinkle in your parents’ eyes A son of another galaxy Shone brightly In that precise direction Of whom you would … Continue reading

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POEM: Snugly Lodged

In case you were wondering why anxiety and fear sometimes seem to creep up on us humans… Snugly Lodged I was wresting Quiet comfortably In my nice warm bed Pondering the seeming conundrum Of why wee humans are So offed … Continue reading

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POEM: The World’s Youth on Fire

This poem goes out the young climate activists demanding a livable world who made a federal case out of their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happy nest dismissed by a federal appellate court. The World’s Youth … Continue reading

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POEM: Our Fear Less Leader

If aiding and abetting genocide does not make you unfit for the highest public office, then I don’t know what would. I am sick and tired of being told we have to vote for the least totally unfit candidate for … Continue reading

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POEM: Proper Preying

This poem is based on a traditional Zen story of two very different perspectives on what was seemingly a straightforward thing, revealing the importance of our inner lives. The story pits two Zen monks, one who is a monk smoking, … Continue reading

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POEM: The Beat of Exclusive Clubs

Other than for hardcore atheism, my spiritual beliefs ran the gamut, something for everyone. I am a spiritual mutt. Probably the most apt description would be “unorthodox.” I detest fundamentalism. I was raised Christian and spent most of my life … Continue reading

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POEM: A Head of Belief

I’ve heard that the longest distance is from the head to the heart. This poem is one take on this. I’ve been known to get stuck in my head, even well-intentioned, disconnected from my heart. A Head of Belief He … Continue reading

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POEM: A Mirror Student

Looking at myself seems to be a common denominator in successfully working through interpersonal issues. Reflections from others and the world around me can be very instructive on the nature of my inner life and its knotty workings. Taking care … Continue reading

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POEM: Job One

For a job I be looking… Job One My job Is to see you As God sees you Nothing more Nothing less

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POEM: Dawning of So-called Civilization

Uncertain daze I am not such a fan of civilization. I am learning to value disillusionment. Who needs illusions? Seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly seems like a better way to realize our dreams. Dawning of So-called Civilization … Continue reading

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POEM: The Dance of Life

Enjoy the dance! The Dance of Life Two steps forward, one step back Two steps backward, one step forward One step forward, three steps back Three steps forward, one step back Right Left Right Left Right, right, way too right … Continue reading

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POEM: Barren His Soul

I wrote this poem in 2018 when the Donald Trump hush money case with porn star Stormy Daniels was being investigated as a violation of election laws. Unfortunately, years and years later this case is just coming to trial. When … Continue reading

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POEM: Hope Ungraduated

This is a poem that plays with the fact that I graduated from Hope College. I have literally graduated from hope! Of course, hope is not simply something that can be metered out in a “graduated” fashion, and neither hoard … Continue reading

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POEM: The Lessen of Mirror Nihilism

On occasion, when someone thanks me for doing something, I have been known to say, with a bit of satire, “If I didn’t do it someone else would.” Of course, in a great many instances, this is not true. My … Continue reading

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POEM: An Artist And

This poem is a reflection on the tension between an artistic vocation and the pull to become a commercial success. Creating art and monetizing art are often extremely different things. An Artist And She was a consummate artist Sow she … Continue reading

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POEM: What is De-served?

In a grievance-filled whirled, there is often attention brought to rights violations, particularly when it is one’s own rights that are violated. Of course, rights are meaningless without responsibilities to secure those rights. This is where the chasm in securing … Continue reading

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POEM: Baby-ize

We awe start as twinkles in someone’s eye’s. Reflecting on this may help us recognize our common origins and shared destinies. Baby-ize She looked at me Without pretension In two me That soul window As easily won As lost From … Continue reading

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