POEM: Unentitled Ekphrasis 247

Ekphrasis is a description of a work of visual art produced as a rhetorical or literary exercise. This ekphratic poem is about the classically unassuming (“unentitled”) still life painting of a bowl of fruit. Since this type of painting is painted so often I picked a seemingly random high number, 247, which also doubles as a pun for 24/7, adding to its ever presence. Also, I have found listing a work of art as “Untitled” as an oddly pretentious, and perhaps lazily uncreative practice, so I chose “unentitled” as a pun for “untitled.” I suspect some artists consider any title as inadequate given the ineffable nature of art, and some artists may just produce so much art that they don’t want to bother naming every work. Regardless, this poem is a testament to awe of the countless artworks, whether hanging on walls or stored in some nameless place perhaps waiting to be discovered.

Unentitled Ekphrasis 247

To some pedestrian eyes
It may seem square
To others a bit fruity
Colors embraced by light and shadow
Forms canvassing adore
Entreating those who ponder within
This study
For whosever
Be gotten
Appreciates allot
Even thou
Awe be it
Framed and hung
Many years ago
Still life

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