POEM: Like Night and Day

I am both a known provocateur, which can be a little challenging to others around me, and an insatiably curious observer and commenter on life, meaning no harm what sow ever. This poem plays with the inevitable misunderstandings that arise from such an amalgam. May we all have the mettle to bring to life both critical thinking and a playful heart, so we may be great alloys to won and awe.

Like Night and Day

I asked the young lad
From which do you dream more
Night or day?
Illiciting in him
Is that some kind
Of trick question
To make me
Cross eyed
To which I
Simply stated
Tricks are for kids
Wile I’ve been known
As a serial provocateur
I am just
Prospecting for a muse
Wondering about
Looking fore
More than won answer

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