POLITICAL CARTOON: Doctor Jesus – Pre-existing Condition

Doctor Jesus on Call!

Jesus Cartoon: Doctor Jesus - Pre-existing Condition

Welcome to Dr. Jesus!  This is the debut week for Dr. Jesus.  Of all the incarnations in this Jesus comic strip, portraying Jesus as a healer is probably the closest to reality.  Of course, this comic strip is about parody, not straight up facts — at least not in a direct way.  It may seem strange that Dr. Jesus shows up as one of the later characters in this comic strip series.  Nonetheless, it is strangely appropriate that we would have to wait for the doctor.  If this is not a common straight up fact, then I don’t know what is!  Until Dr. Obama offered his prescription for a solution to part of the many health-care dilemmas in the United States, the dreaded pre-existing condition was one of the greatest scourges in healthcare.  Of course, today, the most dangerous pre-existing condition in the United States is not having health insurance, which afflicts about 50 million Americans.  I suspect that Dr. Jesus would’ve been open to prescribing universal healthcare for those around him.  But, of course, his methods are very suspect, as the biblical record seems very weak on documenting sound billing practices on Jesus’ part.  Oddly, in the most wealthy nation in the history of humankind, or perhaps human unkind, we still seem to be deathly afraid of offering healthcare to all people who need it.  Somehow this seems to be tied to money — surprise, surprise!  Even more oddly, the United States spends 50-100% more per capita on healthcare than those other advanced industrial democracies, which all provide universal healthcare.  Further, these other nations that provide universal healthcare all have healthier populations!  For all the talk of running government like a business, shouldn’t getting the most for your health care dollar be a top agenda item?  The reality is that we don’t care to run the government like a business at all, we want to run the government for the benefit of business, not the people.  So, business runs the government.  Business runs the people.  This strikes me as totally backwards.  Perhaps government should assure that business practices are humane and for the benefit of people.  If the government is of the people, for the people, and by the people, then it should serve the people, not just business people.  Jesus was a profound forerunner in occupying healthcare.  Let us join Jesus; let us follow Jesus in occupying healthcare!

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